November 11, 2015

Week 13 Weigh-in

I want to start by saying a huge thank you to those who have served or are currently serving our country in the military! I know what a huge sacrifice it is to leave your family (whether it's for a couple of days or a couple of years), and I am so grateful to those who allow us the freedom that we take for granted. I know that "thank you" is never going to be enough, but please know that I really am appreciative!

Today's date is my favorite date: 11/11. Eleven is my favorite number, and I'm a big numbers person, so today happens to be my favorite day of the year ;) It was also Wednesday Weigh-in. I missed a weigh-in post last week, because I had just gotten home from NYC on Tuesday night and my days were all confused. But I had a great week, and it showed on the scale today!

I weighed in a 136.5, so I was down 3 pounds from last week. I didn't measure my body fat or my waist last week, so I'm not sure of the change there; but from two weeks ago (my last measurement), my body fat is down by 1.0%, and my waist was actually up a tad (less than 1/4 inch, so it may have just been where I was holding the measuring tape. I'm not worried about it.).

I definitely feel the loss in my clothes this week! I tried on all the jeans I couldn't wear two weeks ago, and they all fit now. Even my tightest jeans (they don't have any stretch to them at all) are wearable (actually, I wore them today).

My average daily calorie intake was an even 1600. My average daily steps were about 7,000, which isn't great--but not terrible, either. On the days that I don't run, I find it really hard to get in 10,000! I'm lucky to get in half that. Maybe I'll try and focus on that this week.

It's so strange to think that I'm only 3.5 pounds from my goal weight. It feels like it's been forever since the last time I saw 133 on the scale. I may even see it in the next couple of weeks, which would be awesome. I had a few challenging weeks lately--Thomas was visiting, then we went to Jeanie's house in Illinois, then I went to NYC for a couple of days. With all of those happening right in a row, I was worried about falling off track, but I managed to at least maintain my weight through it all.

I'm starting to think about a plan for maintenance, but I think I'll just keep doing what I'm doing. Counting calories works really well for me, so I can just experiment to see how many calories I need to eat to maintain my weight. Maybe I'll add another high-calorie day to my week, and see how that works. Regardless, I want to be prepared when I hit my goal weight so that I don't backslide.

I went for a three mile run this morning, and true to my word, I let myself run at a very easy pace. On Monday, I had promised myself that if I hit three sub-9:00 miles, I could run easy for the rest of the week and not feel guilty. I really enjoyed running without purpose today. It was super nice outside, too.

I'm not sure if it's the recent weight loss, or the way things have been turning for me physically (running again, no injury), but I have been in a great mood lately! The weather has been fantastic recently, so I hope it stays this way for a while longer. I'm not ready for winter yet ;)


  1. That is so awesome that you're so close! You look fantastic, and obviously the scale is reflecting that. You will be there before you know it!

    Great job on the run!

  2. Great job, Katie, you look great, and I'm so glad to see that you have settled into shorter runs--that's the best way to stay fit AND uninjured!

  3. Great job on your loss!

  4. Awesome job!!! Do u use an app or anything to help count cals? Any other tips you have for great success? How much water u drink a day

  5. Crystalbenham@gmailNovember 12, 2015

    Awesome job, Katie! I'm a new reader so I'm not sure what calorie counter you use but I use My Fitness Pal and there's a setting to maintain weight and it will set your count for you. I'm nowhere near my goal weight just yet so I'm not sure how well it works but thought I'd share. :)

  6. Excellent weigh-in Katie! I am finally seeing the scale go down. Like you, I decided to count calories. I always used Spark's website to track my food, but have found My Fitness Pal has more food options, so I'm using it this time. I have also come to the realization that eating less WILL lead to weight loss. When I finally started tracking my food, I saw how many calories I was actually eating, and that lead to cutting way way back and as a result, the scale is going down. That, in itself is motivation!

  7. Congratulations! You are doing great. I have to buckle down a bit. I am up probably 3-4 pounds and am being proactive and nipping it in the butt. It doesn't help that my body has serious daily fluctuations of up to 5 lbs so not sure what my "true" weight is at the moment. One month until I will be on a cruise so that is motivation enough to lose 5 pounds or so!

  8. That's a great loss for a week! Congrats!

  9. I saw you in the background on a YouTube video today. You were looking great : )

    1. What the--?! What YouTube video was it? But thanks! :)

  10. I saw you in the background on a YouTube video today. You were looking great : )

  11. You are doing fantastic! Way to go! I love your determination through all the visits and challenges. You're going to be at goal in no time at all!

  12. LOVE the happiness. you've earned it, Katie. :)

  13. Way to go Katie! You inspired me that I can get off the last few pounds I've put on, 2 days back on track ;)

  14. GREAT work, Katie - you are such an inspiration!

  15. Dude, you've seriously just lost 20 pounds in like 3 months. You should be so proud. Knowing you're working so hard and being so dedicated has definitely helped me pause when I feel like giving up (or giving in) in times of anxiety or depression. Thank you! :)


  16. You are amazing! I love reading your posts. Your latest weight loss regime and now thoughts of maintenance inspire me to get to my goal weight finally

  17. Hi Katie! Quick question.. when give your calorie average for the week, are you excluding or including your high calorie day? :)


    1. Until A few weeks ago, I was excluding the high calorie day. For the past few weeks, I've had several days where I eat 1700 to 1800 calories, and my "high calorie day" hasn't been so cut and dry. So lately, I have been including all seven days in the average calorie count. That's what I will continue to do from here on out, just so it's easier to explain ;)


I used to publish ALL comments (even the mean ones) but I recently chose not to publish those. I always welcome constructive comments/criticism, but there is no need for unnecessary rudeness/hate. But please--I love reading what you have to say! (This comment form is super finicky, so I apologize if you're unable to comment)