November 13, 2015

Memories and organizing photos

I spent pretty much all day yesterday organizing my photos on iPhoto. I went through and deleted a ton of pictures that I didn't want (pics of food or double photos, or whatever). I started with 22,000 and narrowed it down to 15,000. That's a LOT of pictures!

I still haven't gotten the hang of the new Photos app on my Macbook (Photos is different from iPhoto), so I haven't switched over to using it yet. It was a big problem for me when trying to do a Motivational Monday post, because while I could save photos from emails to Photos, they just disappear when I go to upload them on my blog. I hoped it was an issue that would eventually just fix itself, but it still doesn't work. So, I have been taking screen shots of photos in the MM emails, which is a really lame way of doing it, but I can't figure out any other way (there is no option to save directly to iPhoto). If Apple phases out iPhoto altogether, I will be totally lost.

Anyway, it was fun going through tons of pictures! I like looking at pictures of the boys when they were really young. Here are a couple of favorites:

Aunt Jeanie bought a skeleton and torso with removable
parts for Noah, because he LOVED learning about anatomy!
He could name all the bones and organs in preschool, haha.

Eli's adorable smile

Here is a video of Noah that is absolutely ADORABLE. We used to take videos to email to Uncle Nathan while he was in Iraq, and this one was for Halloween. I didn't quite expect what happened ;)

His voice completely melts my heart now. You don't even realize how much they change until you look back at pictures or videos and see such huge differences!

I have an iPhoto folder called "Motivation", which is full of pictures of when I was at my goal weight. They are pictures that motivate me to stay on track (that was the purpose of the folder, anyway). While going through them yesterday, I realized that I am the same size now that I was in those photos, which was kind of exciting. I also found some pictures from before I lost the weight that would make good "before" pictures ;)

I had to drive up to Detroit today to go to the orthopedist's office, and I drove right by the hospital that I stayed at when I broke my jaw. It reminded me that yesterday marked five years since the day I broke it. There are a lot of things that remind me of November 2010... When I see Pumpkin Eggnog in the stores, I am reminded of all the quarts of it I drank while my jaw was wired shut; when I use bouillon cubes for any recipe, because I drank so much broth for a couple of months;  a pair of black pajamas that my mom bought me, and I wore a lot in the couple of weeks after coming home; and some other random things. Surprisingly, I have good memories of the whole thing. It was awesome to see my whole family together (my brothers and sister stayed for several days when I got home).

This was taken exactly five years ago today. I was trying to smile ;)

Tomorrow marks four years since I had my skin removal surgery! That anniversary feels even stranger, because I blogged about that whole experience--from the time I went to my first consult to the recovery and follow up. Maybe I'll have Jerry take some new pictures of my abdomen, to show what it looks like four years post-op. I'm still so happy that I had the surgery, and if I were to go back in time, I'd do it all over again.

Anyway, I love looking through pictures, and it feels so good to have them organized now. My next project, which will take a long time so I'm not sure when I'll do it, is to go through and pick out my favorite photos of each of the kids (probably 100 or so) and get them printed to make an album. When they were babies, I did scrapbooking, so they each have a nice scrapbook. But I don't do that anymore, and I can't even remember the last time I got photos printed.

We have a pretty low-key weekend planned, with the exception of Sunday morning. Jerry signed us all up for the Hot Chocolate 5K. I totally forgot about it until yesterday. It's one of the races that his employer pays for, so all four of us get to do it at no cost to us, which is nice (racing as a family is expensive!). Eli asked me to run with him this time (last year, for a Halloween 5K, I ran with Noah). Noah may be running solo, unless Jerry can keep up with him! haha. Hopefully we have good weather!


  1. Another idea for printing your pictures - you can create a photo book using Shutterfly (or other online service.) I took all my parent's pictures from 1958-2009, scanned them, and made books for my family for Christmas one year. I chose special pictures for the book, but also put all the pictures on CDs that I gave to everyone. It has about 115 pictures (with captions) in about 30 pages. It was a lot of work, but really worth it!

    1. What an awesome gift!!! Love that idea.

  2. The Hot Chocolate races are so fun! Have a great time and enjoy the treats at the finish!

  3. Hi Katie,
    When you say the photos disappear when you attempt to upload them, what exactly do you mean? Apple is phasing out iPhoto soon in an attempt to integrate iOS and OSX

    1. It's hard to explain, but here goes: When I get an email with a photo attached, I click "save to Photos". When I look in Photos, the picture is there. Then, when I go to my blog and try to import the photo, I can see the Photos folder but the picture that I saved doesn't show up in there. Usually, about 3-4 days later, it will be there... but never right away, which is when I need it. It isn't just my blog, either... If I was to try and attach a photo to an outgoing email, it wouldn't show up, either. I should probably go to the Apple Store to ask. It's so frustrating! I'm sad they're getting rid of iPhoto :(

    2. My new MacBook Air does the same thing. Drives me crazy!! If you find the solution, please share!

    3. Aaaaahhhh....the awful Photos program. I just had this discussion with my husband. I am still using Picasa, but now, it literally won't allow me to upload to it anymore. My husband told me to stop fighting my computer. If you go into PHOTOS, and click on a picture, there is a button between the + and search field up in the right corner. It looks like a box with an arrow going upwards. Click on it and it will give you many options of what you can do with that picture. Send a text, email, Facebook etc. Its the same way you share from your iPhone. I'm still not sold on Photos, but I'm not afraid to download pictures to it now. Hope this helps!

  4. Your boys are adorable! Have you ever considered Project Life for putting together albums for your boys. It's super easy!

  5. I found a cassette tape from 2007 that had my 2 oldest on it talking about Mommy being pregnant with their sister, singing songs, etc. I cried! I can't believe how sweet their little voices were!!! As far as pictures, I was determined to print everything. From the day I went into the hospital up until present day, I have every photo I've taken that was any good printed, written on, and put in chronological order in albums. It. Is. Crazy. But I'm so glad I did it! I love having my pics on the computer, but it's nice to look through an albums that show them age. Now I just always fear a fire! LOL

  6. Oh goodness, I don’t even want to think about my mass of odd, zany photos on iPhoto. I am impressed you took the time to delete 7,000 photos!

  7. Go to the apple store! They have free classes where you can sign up to learn the ins and outs of photos vs iphoto.

  8. 4 years?! FOUR? I remember following your blogs then. I wonder how long I've been following you. That surgery seems like yesterday!


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