April 2, 2013

The saddest cone ever

I feel like I'm finally getting back in the swing of things after such a crazy week last week. My kids are on Spring Break this week, but they wanted me to enroll them in a week-long day camp. They did this camp over Christmas break and loved it, so I let them do it again. The days are long (8 hours) but they play lots of games and sports, and come home exhausted.

Today, Jerry drove them to the camp while I ran on the treadmill. Ever since my RRCA certification class, I've been tacking a warm-up on to my runs. In class, we learned how important it is to warm up in order to avoid injury. I'm REALLY hoping I can do my marathon training injury-free this time around, so I'm going to do whatever I can.

Today, I normally would have done a fast three-miler, but I did a one-mile warm-up and then three miles at a comfortably faster pace. For some reason, by calling the first mile a "warm-up", it makes my mind believe that my run is shorter than it is--doing three miles plus a warm-up sounds much better than four miles, doesn't it? ;)

I've been having a hard time with season three of Sons of Anarchy. The first episode was good, but when the whole gang went to Ireland, the show just stopped making me feel like, "I HAVE to keep watching!" I just got to the end of season three, and now they are back in California, and I'm interested again. I hope season four is better.

Yesterday, I had a huge scare! I was driving home from my mom's house, Noah in the front seat next to me, and I was going pretty slow through her neighborhood. I'm always paranoid about kids playing in the street, so I was glancing around while I was driving to make sure there weren't any kids.

On the right hand side, I saw what looked like a person on the ground next to the road. I stopped the Jeep, and backed up--and sure enough, it was a kid (probably about 12 years old). He was about six feet or so from the road, lying flat on his back, arms at his sides, head turned to the side with his eyes closed.

It didn't look right, at all--I told Noah to put his window down, and I yelled, "Are you okay?" Nothing, not even a flinch. I yelled again. Still nothing. So I got out of the Jeep, and my heart was racing, and I was thinking about having to do CPR and call 911 and all that. I ran over to him yelling loudly, "Are  you okay?!"

Finally, he slowly turned his head and opened his eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just laying here."

Good grief! Who lays like that next to the road, basically playing dead? Anyway, I was glad he was fine, but my hands were trembling so badly the whole way home.

This morning, after Jerry took the kids to camp, I went with him to a dermatologist appointment. He had to get two skin biopsies. He had to have a shave biopsy on the back of his head and a punch biopsy of a mole on his back. I'm hoping everything is normal. I've been so on-edge about any atypical skin issues ever since my friend Sarah was diagnosed with stage 3C melanoma a couple of years ago. She's not doing very well right now, and it just amazes me how one little mole can do SO much damage.

After we picked the kids up this afternoon, we took them to get an ice cream cone at McDonald's. We ordered four cones, and the first two looked really good--we passed them back to the kids. It's always a gamble what the cones are going to look like at McDonald's, and Jerry and I have had some pretty messed up ones. The third cone they handed us made all four of us start laughing. It was truly pathetic looking. This is a terrible picture, but maybe you can get the idea:
The picture actually makes it look much better than it did in-person, however! Especially compared to the other ones. So Jerry and I (jokingly) fought over who had to take the crappy cone, and naturally, Jerry lost ;)


  1. I would have taken the crappy cone. I'm sure it had more character than the other cones.

    That's quite the scare. Crazy kid. I can't imagine what that would have been like for you to see.

  2. I was going to ask if Season 3 was when they went to Ireland (which you answered) because I had a real hard time with that season too! I just wasn't that interested (until they got Able) and I was a little confused at times. The next season is much better :)

  3. That kid was pretty stupid, he should have responded the first couple times you called to him. I get just chillin' in the grass, but respond to people and don't look like you are dead!

    By the way I serve myself in those "do it yourself" frozen yogurt places making a cone is an art. The picture above would be one of my better ones. ;)

  4. I was going to comment when you started s3 and warn you it is z very slow season but didn't want to discourage you. However the s3 finale is still one of my favorites. :) did you know the horn that is blown to let the guys know the deed was done is actually Morse code for affa, angel forever (or fallen, I forget) forever angel?! Kurt sutter leaves no detail unplanned. It picks back up, I actually feel that s4 was a little fast. Oh well all the more reason to watch it two (or 5 ;) times.

  5. Season 4 is fantastic, don't worry. 5 is great, too. 3 really is the only "meh" season!

  6. I got a McDonald's cone today and thought of you! I even examined how it looked...it was a good one! I got one that looks like the one you posted one time though, haha :)

  7. I too, had a disappointing cone today. My family teases me and orders them as "the 3 point cone". Well I was handed a wimpy little cone. My son declared it the 2 point cone!

  8. Hoping your husband's biopsies come back fine... if it makes you feel any better, my husband has had three atypical moles removed and biopsied and they have all come back completely fine. They just like to make us worry, these husbands! ;)

  9. Hope Jerry's biopsies come back ok! I know ALL about how scary those things are...

    As for the kid in the road, I'd have found his mother. I mean....really? Sorry that happened to you!


  10. AHHHH I have a cone thing...I worked at Dairy Queen all through high school and part of college. When I started I had nightmares that my cones weren't going to be pretty enough! Now I really like to show off my mad swirl skillz whenever I get frozen yogurt. Cone making skillz are becoming more rare.

  11. Oh yeah, i'm with you on SOA. Every time it started with that Irish version of the theme music I groaned. Get Abel and get hell out of Belfast so I don't quit the show! Just started season 4 and I'm glad I stuck with it.

  12. that cone is abismal. next time you go, ask for a free one!!!

  13. I think a lot of people weren't into the Ireland thing... But Don't worry... the rest is awesome!

  14. Got to love the Mc Donald's cones even if the look terrible. Season 4 is definitely better.

  15. Season three in Ireland is kind of a drag but stick with it. Season four does not disapoint!

  16. It was the accent in 3 that bugged me... Very hard to understand- but there is always something to learn in all the seasons..

  17. I totally would have yelled at the kid to get out of the street. I'm everyone's mom when they are doing something bad ;)

  18. That's hilarious... I'm always so picky about my cones too, I probably would have returned it. lol

  19. Wait, did I miss THIS season?? When did SOA start again? That cone looks funny - I dont eat at McDonalds so dont know their ice cream!

  20. Have to tell you, it's good to get the moles or skin lesions evaluated early. Early detection is key for anything. :)


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