April 3, 2013

Runs for Cookies turns two!

Exactly two years ago today, I made a big leap from blogging in a tiny little community, with a handful of readers, to starting Runs for Cookies. I had no idea at the time what a huge life-changing moment that would be.
This cookie is what made me title my blog "Runs for Cookies". It was called
a monster cookie, and I was obsessed with them, until the bakery stopped
making them (which is probably a good thing).

I spent LOTS of time Googling, "How to... on Blogger" because I was clueless. I had no idea what html was, or what an RSS feed was. I didn't know that people could actually earn money from writing blogs, or that there were tons of different niches of blogs.

I still don't know much about html or other "computer talk", but my blog has grown much more than I'd ever though possible. When I first started Runs for Cookies, I assumed it would be just like my previous blog (no longer available online--I'm putting it into book-form)--just a small corner of the web where I could write about my day. I started it as a journal to look back on occasionally.

An early version of my header ;)

My handful of readers started growing, and continued to grow. At first, I was terrified--"Why are all these people interested in my boring old life?!" It was kind of scary to see the numbers of people who were reading about my personal thoughts, especially regarding my weight. But I developed a sort of "friendship" with my readers, and I looked forward to reading about them in the comments. I learned how much we all have in common.

My blog has given me all sorts of amazing opportunities, from being in Fitness magazine to meeting my Ragnar Relay team who would eventually travel to Florida and make a documentary (not to mention that the Today Show filmed us!).

In early 2012, I learned that I could earn a small income from placing ads on my blog; not a ton of money, but considering it was earned for doing something that I would have done regardless, it was very exciting for me. I also started getting offers to review products and give some away on my blog, which is always fun.

In January, literally HUNDREDS of people ran a 5K with me (virtually) on my 31st birthday! How many people can say that? 
Eli's drawing of me, running for a cookie ;)

But my favorite part about blogging, by far, is getting feedback from my readers, through comments, e-mail, tweets, etc. I love to read that someone was inspired to start running, or has gone X number of days without binge eating, or has lost X number of pounds. When I was losing weight, I loved finding inspiration from others who had done it; and if I can provide inspiration for someone else, that makes me very happy! This is one of the reasons I started Motivational Mondays--I was getting lots of e-mail from people writing about their accomplishments, that I wanted to share it with everyone.

My blog has now become a HUGE part of my life. It's fun to go back to old posts once in a while to compare what I was thinking then with what I am thinking today. When I am out doing something with the family or with friends, I sometimes think, "Oh, I'll have to get a picture for my blog!" Sometimes I do, sometimes I forget, but I do try ;)

I even felt a need to make business cards when people were asking
for the web address of my blog!

Posting my weight weekly has been a huge source of accountability for me in maintenance. Sometimes, I think, "I could binge, just this once, and no one would ever know!" but I would feel too guilty to do that. I know that I'm not expected to be perfect (because clearly, I'm NOT), but it helps keep me on track when I know that I'm going to write about it.

On the days that I have screwed up, and I feel down about it, all of you make me feel so much better by telling me that you go through the same stuff, too. You tell me that I'm "normal" for having bad days, and even though I know that, it's nice to read it.

I feel so very grateful, to every single of one you reading right now--whether you comment daily, or once in a while, have e-mailed, or tweeted, or even just lurk here. I really appreciate your support, and I want to thank you for taking the time to read!

And since I mentioned it, I should probably post my Wednesday Weigh-in... just as I expected, the scale was back down this week:
I was 131.5, which is two pounds down from last week (but back to "normal"). I've been maintaining for almost 4 months now!

When I looked at last year's anniversary post, I noticed my weight from this day for the previous two years. On April 3, 2011, I was 139. In 2012, I was 142. And today, I'm 131.5--I'm very happy at how closely I've maintained my weight for two years. I've had lots of ups and downs, and that's what I'm working on now in maintenance, but according to "statistics", I should have gained it all back by now ;)  Ha!


  1. So glad I found you! You're such a huge inspiration!


  2. I don't think ice commented before... I guess I'm just a lurker. I'm a mom of 2 and work full time so I don't have much time to comment. But I read often and love reading about your journey! I'm new to running as of last year and it has helped me lose all of my baby weight from baby number 2. I'm in maintenance mode now and have been struggling this winter... Maintaing is hard. Glad to read how successful you are and you are an inspiration!!

  3. I read you back when you were on OD! When you switched I stopped reading for a bit but then randomly found it a couple years later. You've come a long way since then and but I still look forward to reading :)

  4. Happy Blogversary, and thank you yet again for your inspiration to help me lose (so far) 55 lbs!


  5. Happy Blogeversary!!! We love you for everything you are and everything you have put out there Katie :) YOU ROCK!

  6. Happy anniversary of your blog!
    I am so grateful that I have found your blog. I can relate to so many things you write about..from running to binge eating to struggles with my weight. You've inspired me to try weight watchers (I lost 75lbs, gained back 12 and am still about 30 from goal). I'm happy to report thanks to your honesty about binge eating I was able to refocus, count points and am currently 25 days binge free!
    I am happy that this blog has been so successful for you...I really hope you know just how much your words do touch so many of us!
    So basically want to say thank you!
    Your blog is part of my daily routine and hope you continue with it for many years to come!

  7. Bravo, Katie. I just love your blog and have been reading it nightly since a few months before your surgery. I lost a bit of extra weight (maybe 20lbs?) and quit smoking by running over 25 years ago (I'll be 43 in May) and have remained fit and active all these years- 2 kids and many bites of chocolate later! You are an inspiration to many, and I find your perspective on food and fitness so NORMAL. Thank you so much for sharing your life with us- what a gift!

  8. Happy blog anniversary! This blog gave me the inspiration I needed to get over my fear of injury and begin running again, and I am so grateful for that!

  9. I found your blog recently and have enjoyed reading your posts. You have a great "voice" and seem very genuine. I am inspired by what you've overcome and accomplished. I hope to follow in your footsteps. Happy Anniversary! :)

  10. I really like this entry. I didn't realize you were doing a book. BTW..can I steal the virtual 5k for my birthday from you? I am turning the big 4-0 and would love to try to inspire others. If I can steal, any suggestions on how to do it? Did you have gifts? I don't have any companies following me to sponsor gifts.

  11. Happy Anniversary!! I've always wondered how many people actually follow your blog?? As soon as I have time to sit and relax in the evening I check out your post for the day... always encouraging to read.. thanks!

  12. Wow, I didn't realize you had only been doing this blog for 2 years. Congrats on the anniversary!

    And congrats on beating the statistics! That's even more exciting in my opinion. ;-)

  13. Long time reader, first time commenter :) I've been reading for about a year, I look forward to it daily. You are a great inspiration and I love your recipes and tips! Thanks for letting us in on your journey.

  14. Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary of your blog! I get so much motivation and enjoyment from it!

  15. Congratulations! Your blog is my favorite! I love reading about your day. Thank you for continuing to write each day.

  16. Happy anniversary! I definitely find your blog (and the awesome comments) to be so motivating! I'm early on in my weight loss but coming here helps so much.

    Thank you for all your hard work and time. It is so invaluable.

  17. Huge congrats on the two years! I have been around for probably just over half of that (when you were training for that first marathon) but I appreciate how down to earth and real you are. :)

  18. Congratulations Katie! I have been reading about 18 months and look forward to it every night before I go to bed. You inspire me so much to "stay on track ". I have binge issues too. Thanks for all you do to promote health and wellness!

  19. Happy Anniversary! You have inspired me to start my own blog (http://wheatontrial.wordpress.com) to help me organize my thoughts and try to reach my goals. Hoping to make it two years and beyond myself! Thank you for giving me something to aspire to!

  20. Happy Anniversary! I almost short circuited the keyboard through a lot of it because I kept scrolling back to that cookie. I know that wasn't the point of the post but...there you have it.

    Keep up the great work!

  21. Happy Blogoversary!!!!!!

  22. Katie

    What a wonderful day to remember .... Happy Blogoversary !!! I comment from time to time but read EVERYDAY : )

    You have been the bright spot of my day many times and knowing that we share many of the same concerns in life does indeed help me feel not so alone.... I hope this helps you too!

  23. Happy Blogiversary! So glad I found you!

  24. Congratulations Katie! I love how open and honest and down to earth you are. You inspire me to keep on running!

  25. Hi Katie! I've been reading your blog for several months now, but this is my first time to comment. I work in an office behind a computer all day and reading your blog is always a wonderful treat! I relate to you in many areas, including being shy, owning cats, and being a binge eater. I've always been an exerciser, but have recently started running. I was training for a half-marathon but have had to put that on hold due to a pulled hamstring. Bummer. I wanted you to know what an inspiration you are to me and how much I appreciate your willingness to share your life. Thanks Katie!

  26. Katie, you're such a huge inspiration! And your influence is really almost exponential. I started running in January because I found your blog. I run my first 5K next Saturday and I have fallen in LOVE with running. I post about my accomplishments on Facebook, and two of my friends have started running because of me, which is really because of you! So thank you so much! I look forward to reading your blog every day.

  27. You are such an inspiration! I look forward to your blog, everyday! Congrats on everything that you have accomplished!

  28. Michelle B.April 04, 2013

    Yay Katie! Congratulation on the 2 year anniversary:) I found your blog this past January and have been checking back regularly since. As someone who has had ups and downs with WW, I was inspired to put my feelings towards them aside and try again thanks to you. The program works when you do it - even if I have a few issues with them - no reason to not get to goal....and then oneday maintenance. I appreciate your honesty - thank you, thank you, thank you for writing and sharing!

  29. Thank you for sharing your stories. You have inspired me to keep going. Know that you have played a part in my 80lbs weight loss. Your blog has inspired me to enter in my first 5K, and your blog has inspired me to start running. Thank You Thank You Thank You. And happy runsforcookies anniversary!

  30. I just have to say, I'm so glad I found your blog. Happy 2nd anniversary!! Your post are very inspiring and motivational.. Thank You!!!

  31. Congrats on two years! You've done an excellent job maintaining. Hooray for beating the statistics! :)

  32. Congrats on the two years, please don't stop blogging, whenever I need motivation to not eat something or to get back walking, I just re-read your blogs. :-)

  33. I only found you about 6 months ago, but you have been truly inspirational in helping me to start get focused on my goals. I currently weigh what you weighed at the start of your journey. My goal is to lose 100lbs. Will I ever be a runner? I don't know, but a group of friends and I are signing up for the Tinkerbell 1/2 marathon next January. I will finish one way or another!

  34. Way to Go.... Cheers to another Great year:)

  35. Happy Blogversary!! I've learned a lot from you!

  36. Happy anniversary! I'm quite a new reader (and blogger), but I love your blog, current posts as well as mooching through older posts. You're an inspiration, and I'm really glad you blog!

  37. Your blog is one of my favorites! I've never commented before but I read it daily. I lost 50 lbs on Weight Watchers last year and read your blog ALL the time to help keep me motivated. Thanks for being such an inspiration!

  38. Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary!! Thanks for helping me to keep running and stay the course with my WW maintenance journey as well. You are amazing and a huge inspiration to a lot of people!!! :)

  39. congrats Katie on being such an inspiration for people for 2 years now!!! I look forward to reading everyday, I love how honest you are about everything, and I feel accountable for my own workouts and tracking of points because I know you are doing the same thing! Thanks motivating and inspiring so many! You rock!!!


  40. Haven't had a chance to read the whole post yet, supposed to be studying - but happy 2nd anniversary of the blog :)

  41. Congrats on your Blogiversary! I really look forward to your posts every day. I love how you looked to find substitutes for your cravings. I have been doing well for about a month and was down 17 lbs. in March!

  42. Happy Blogiversary! I've had so much fun reading your blog. I started from the very beginning, and it's taken a few months, but I'm excited to have (almost) caught up to present day! :) Your blog is a huge source of inspiration to me, and I love your writing style, very conversational. I'm so excited for your maintenance success, it definitely helps me feel more at ease with knowing that I will be able to do it once I lose the weight!


I used to publish ALL comments (even the mean ones) but I recently chose not to publish those. I always welcome constructive comments/criticism, but there is no need for unnecessary rudeness/hate. But please--I love reading what you have to say! (This comment form is super finicky, so I apologize if you're unable to comment)