April 22, 2013

Motivational Monday #12

It actually felt pretty good to whine a little on my blog yesterday ;)  This morning, I woke up at 5:30, and rather than get irritated that I woke up much earlier than needed, I got out of bed and dressed to run! I hardly ever look forward to running, but after four days off, and feeling very anxious and stressed, I couldn't wait to put a few miles on my running shoes today.

I decided to do the treadmill, just in case my knee bothered me, I could stop right away. I warmed up for a mile, then ran three more, and felt GREAT. My knee didn't even twinge the entire time, so the time off was totally worth it. I'm going to continue the foam rolling, which I probably should have been doing all along anyways ;)

I wrote out a food plan for the next 9 days (a week from Wednesday, my weigh in day) to stay on track with my eating and hopefully get my weight back down to 131 (from 133). I'm going to work really hard on stopping the snacking when I'm not hungry, because I know that's why my weight is up a couple of pounds. (I know that 2 pounds doesn't seem like it would make a difference, but at this weight, I definitely notice it).

Anyway, I'm feeling 100% back on track today, and I'm ready to have a great week! You all have continued to inspire me, once again...

Andrea set a 3.5 minute PR on Saturday when she ran her second 5K race! It was a very cold 30 degrees, but she was proud to have run more than she walked, earning her PR.

Andrea completed her third 5K! She said she is "slower than molasses", and actually debated whether or not to do the race because she was worried about being the last one on the course. She had lots of encouragement to do it, regardless of her speed, and she finished. Her time is improving, and she plans to do more races.

Colleen and her husband set out on a two-mile hike, and somewhere along the way, made a wrong turn--adding another two very challenging miles! She said at times, she wanted to quit, but she persevered, and felt great afterward.

Richard ran 12 hilly miles, preparing for a half-marathon in two weeks! (He says Cheryl, on the left, has lost 70 pounds and it will be her first half-marathon!)

Shelley was pricing some old clothes for a garage sale, and came across a pair of ATV riding pants she wore a year ago. She had a nice visual of just how far she's come on her journey!

Tamara set out on a run and decided not to look at her timing device--just run and see how far she could go. Her previous longest distance was 1.5 miles, and she ended up running 2.8 miles! She is running a 5K this summer, and this run built up her confidence. This is a before run/after run picture:

Taycey (in pink) ran the entire distance of her first 5K, and registered for her first half-marathon in October! Almost as an afterthought in the e-mail, she mentioned that 2 years ago, she weighed 320 pounds, and is now 185!! 

Court reached the three-month milestone of doing Weight Watchers online and 3-4 days of Zumba each week; she's down 40 pounds!

Tracy completed a personal goal she had set to run a marathon in a week in honor of Boston. This photo was after a 6.7 mile run (the first 5K was a virtual 5K for Boston). She's lost an amazing 130 pounds since that first photo!

Alisha reached her initial GOAL WEIGHT! She's down 80 pounds. She plans to lose a little more, but this is the original goal she set for herself. She also ran her first double digit run this week!

Kellie (right) completed her first 10K race! She plans to do some more 10K's and possibly a half-marathon in the future.

Pam ran a personal best 10K, beating her previous PR by 4 minutes! She finished in 1:00:59.

Jennifer reached 60 pounds lost! She said she was very nervous about sharing her before picture, because she just can't believe that it's her. She says she "never wants to see her again".

Stephanie ran her first 5K, and the race didn't go as smoothly as planned--she was running late, she forgot safety pins for her bib, and worst of all, she fell at the beginning of the race. A stranger helped her up, and she kept going--finishing in 29:28! In the chaos, she neglected to take a race photo, but she was happy to share her comparison photos--she went from 214 to 147 lbs!

Meg completed the "toughest half-marathon in the northwest", the Race to Robie Creek in Boise, Idaho. The elevation profile is enough to make anyone shudder--8.75 miles uphill and then 4.25 miles downhill. She chose that race specifically because it is considered to be very challenging. She crushed her goal time of 4 hours, coming it at 3:10:50!

I am just loving seeing all of your progress--great job this week! Here is a snippet of the comments on Facebook:


  1. I love motivational Monday's! Such inspiration!

  2. All of them did great!!!
    To the 2nd Andrea, who was worried about being last, there are as many walkers as runners in 5Ks so you never have to worry about being last!!

  3. Congrats to everyone. I love reading these stories each week! :)

  4. I ♥♥♥♥ #MM's. They keep in check besides motivating me.

  5. Good that whining here helped you. I hope your foot is doing good in the next runs too!

  6. Thanks for these stories! I needed the boost this week and all that great energy!! Keep it up. ;)

  7. Thank you, Katie, for doing the Motivational Monday posting! I find it incredibly motivational to read everyone's stories and see the pictures of their proud faces!

  8. WOW totally inspiring and motivational!!

    Thanks Everyone!!


  9. Congrats to everyone! Yay for motivational Mondays, I love seeing everyone's different accomplishments :)

  10. I love this post! I look forward to it all the time.

    This one definitely pushed a little closer to gathering the courage to sign up for my first 5k.

    Great job everyone!

  11. Thanks, Katie, for putting my story up there! Pretty cool!


I used to publish ALL comments (even the mean ones) but I recently chose not to publish those. I always welcome constructive comments/criticism, but there is no need for unnecessary rudeness/hate. But please--I love reading what you have to say! (This comment form is super finicky, so I apologize if you're unable to comment)