April 21, 2013

Completely restless

I am SO frustrated with how this week is going! Not running is killing me. There is a certain point that I reach in taking a running break where I start to get really anxious, and crabby, and stressed; that point is 48 hours. If I go longer than 48 hours without a run, you don't want to be around me.

My last run was on Wednesday, when I felt my knee acting up a little. I made the decision not to run again until Monday, so that my knee trouble didn't turn into full-blown injury. I know I made the right decision, but this week is all off for me.

My eating as been terrible :(  I haven't been eating horrible foods, but I've been constantly snacking to relieve anxiety. Usually, going for a run does a pretty good job with the anxiety issue, but I just feel so restless right now, and I keep going back and forth to the pantry for handfuls of Cheerios, or almonds, or Goldfish. I know, logically, that I'm not hungry--I am just anxious and restless.

I've been counting my PointsPlus for everything, but I usually just estimate it AFTER the fact, which isn't very accurate. My weight has been bouncing between 133-134, so I'm glad it's not continuously climbing, but it's still higher than I am comfortable with (I loved when I was maintaining 131). Also, when I eat like this, I just FEEL really crappy. I feel like I've gained a hundred pounds overnight.

It doesn't help that I haven't earned many activity PointsPlus this week. Normally, I earn 65-75 per week, but since Wednesday, I've only earned 13 (and that was because I ran on Wednesday).
The "baseline" is the bare minimum activity I am supposed to do per day--and I didn't even reach
that point on Thursday or Friday

I feel so inactive, which is making me feel even lazier. Also, without the extra PP, I've had to cut back on how much I'm used to eating, which has been hard. (Good grief, could I be any whinier?!)

Anyway, I went for a walk yesterday and today, and didn't have any trouble with my knee, so I'm going to run tomorrow and see how it feels. Hopefully, the pain I felt on Wednesday was nothing, and I'll be back to normal tomorrow.

I'm also going to work hard to get my diet under control again. No more mindless snacking! I'm going to weigh out my portions BEFORE I eat a single bite. I'm going to plan out my meals in advance. And most importantly, I'm going to stay as busy as possible during the day so that I don't have time to be wandering into the kitchen constantly.

Tomorrow, I'm going to deep clean my kitchen--cleaning the oven, pulling out the appliances to clean behind them, cleaning the cupboards, etc. It's still way too cold to feel like spring, but I guess I'm in the mood for spring cleaning!

I really didn't intend for this post to be such a downer. I am just having a really rough week. Hopefully, tomorrow I will be feeling much better because I will have gotten a run in :)


  1. Sending loads of support to you! I know how that feels and getting back on track and feeling in control makes all the difference. I've been doing that this week after tons of mindless eating and a few lb weight gain (like 135 instead of 130). I know how those few lbs can feel like 100, especially when my pants feel a little tight:( Hang in there and know I'm rooting for you out here in Denver!!!

  2. Don't be so hard on yourself Katie! You're allowed an off week here or there, no one is perfect! Hopefully your knee feels better tomorrow and you get into your normal routine again. Tomorrow is motivational Monday so you can cheer up reading everyone's amazing stories!


  3. Katie, I've been reading your blog for some time now and as a fellow WW'er and dealing with an injury, I completely understand the frustration! But remember, you have recognized that you are anxious and eating out of being restless. It will pass. I have been dealing with Plantar Fasciitis in my left foot and it is sending me to the cupboard too. Hope we both can get back to running soon! You have been such an inspiration to so many, keep strong!

  4. I am sorry that you are struggling...hopefully tomorrow will bring you sun, a good run and a sparkly clean kitchen!!
    I have been having a rough go of it as well--eating and motivation though.Tonnes of stress from every facet of life.
    Thank goodness everyday is a fresh new start---all the best :)

  5. Hey Katie, take this time to recover. Find other ways to work out... maybe your upper body instead. At least you are motivated to run. Many people have the same reaction for the opposite reason that they "have" to run. You are motivated and a frustrated by not being able to. It's a good frustration to have :)

  6. You're not a downer, you're just being honest. I am the same way if I haven't worked out, and I find myself wandering in the kitchen. It also works for me to stay very busy, and I find stuff to do so that I am not thinking of food. When my anxiety is bad I also want to snack constantly. I hope your runs goes well tomorrow and there are no knee issues.

  7. If you can't whine here on your blog, where can you whine? hehe
    This is exactly why I follow you and exactly why I look forward to reading your posts everynight....you keep it REAL!

  8. I came to your blog tonight, and, as it turned out, I could have written this very same post (well, on a much smaller scale - I am doing Couch to 5K and about 1/3 of the way through my weight loss). I aim for 10,000 steps today and have gotten a measly 2,300 because of my knee, too! I hate hate HATE this feeling and want to remember it if I ever start slacking off with exercising. This is miserable. Looking forward to getting back to walking tomorrow and back into Couch to 5K later this week.

  9. have you ever thought about doing more cross training katie? I know you love running and you are doing so well at it and improving and that is great to see but cross training is good too especially for those times like now where you can' run. Also helps with building muscules you might normally use with running like even buying a spin bike or something to do indoors. I know you wouldn't love it as much but just a thought. hope you feel good tomorrow. :)

  10. Ditto the cross training- not only to help with anxiety, but also to help prevent running injury.

  11. We all have down/bummer weeks. I feel like April has been an off-kilter month! I hope you're knee is fine tomorrow and you have a great run.

  12. I guess you have already heard the virtues of cross training :-) Swimming is a great way to keep your cardio while your resting your lower body joints. I always eat much better when I'm working out. Why is that?

  13. Katie, I don't remember what you did last time you had this issue (and I'm too lazy to look back), but I had an IT band issue the first of this year, and short of reducing my mileage a bit (just running 2.3-3 miles every morning, instead 0f 5+), I was able to run through it because of a few things. A) By the suggestion of my Dr, I got new shoes. He said nearly in most instances he's seen, IT Band issues are caused my shoes that have outlived their mileage. B) An IT Band strap. Seriously, these are like little miracle workers: http://www.amazon.com/Pro-Tec-Athletics-Iliotibial-Compression-Black/dp/B000G34VV0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1366601446&sr=8-1&keywords=it+band+strap
    C) I Googled some IT Band stretches and strength training, and I've permanently added them into my training.

    After a few weeks of running slower and less, then building my mileage and speed back up, I'd say I'm back to normal, and I didn't have to deal too much with the antsy-ness of not being able to run. I don't know if this is information you already knew, but I thought maybe my experience would be helpful.

  14. I have been struggling with the snacking too. Lets kick some butt today! :)

  15. This week has been rough for me too. My mother is visiting, and the routine is all out of whack (because I have to go out to visit friends and family with her, and we've eaten so much crap). I should be running today, but I don't feel good - I know a run would make me feel better, but it's hard to get past the blah and bloat to go do it.

  16. I came across your blog last night. I have just started running and wow, it's not easy. I have about 40 pounds to lose. Your blog is very insipirational. Thank you for such honesty as well. The blog above is me every day - stress eater, etc. I do great for awhile, and then let myself fall off the wagon and give up. You have accomplished so much with so much courage. Thank you for sharing!I am also excited to try some of your recipies - they look great, with a great mix of things AND family friendly :) Have a great day and enjoy your run!

  17. If you have an iphone or ipad, a great app is My Fitness Pal. Just like WW, except it's free. Also has a lot more searchable products. I constantly found myself using the calculator to add things into the WW site. I believe you can track my WW and or calories. Check it out and you could save some money too :)

  18. I love this post because it's a reminder that we all have bad days of bad weeks, but we can turn it around. We're none of us perfect.

    Feel better!

  19. I've been feeling the same way lately...I think it's because winter just won't go away! My husband and I were out, running in t-shirts 3 weeks ago, and were teased with a nice spring day, but we've had at least three snow-storms since then, and supposed to get more tonight :(

  20. I appreciate how real you are...what you're experiencing right now is something we all can relate to and it is what makes you approachable and inspiring! Hope you feel better soon!

  21. If you never had a rough week or a downer post, you wouldn't be relate-able anymore, so I know that I , personally, like to hear about it once in a while ;) Hope the easy run gets you out of your funk!

  22. Your post wasn't a downer,it was just an honest report about how you have transferred your food addiction to running now, a much healthier option. But without the running, once again food rears its ugly head. Staying busy is important. I tend to go shopping to keep from eating. It works, but it is also way too expensive. I really should take your advice and do more house cleaning!

    Hope the run went well this morning and your knee was pain-free!

  23. You just described my week. Eating too much, not exercising enough. I felt completely restless. I think a large percentage of that was the Boston bombings. We also had nonstop gloom and rain, which didn't help. And I had PMS, which really gets to me sometimes. (And I've been wondering...if you ever have a chance and feel comfortable, would you consider doing a post on how PMS affects you, if it does at all? Sometimes I feel like it derails a month of good habits, just like that. I'm always looking for ways to overcome it!).

    I hope you get some inspiration from Motivational Monday! I know that really helped me out the last time I went through this kind of funk.

  24. Thankyou for always being honest with us.
    Iam in India, and people read newspaper while eating breakfast I read your blog:)
    Love ya, be well. xo

  25. Is there someplace you could swim laps in a pool? It would relieve the stress and it's a great way to exercise without harming your joints.

  26. Hi, Katie -
    Please don't feel like a whiner or a downer... seriously it helps to have someone reflect the real feelings and roller coaster it is to maintain food, working out, (or not!) anxiety and having an "off" weekend. or even "off" season. (for me) It gives so much encouragement when you think out loud on your blog about a plan to bounce back and motivated me to take some baby steps to getting back on track. xoxo.

  27. Katie

    Once again....we must be living the same life! Except... I've been in the funk for the entire month so far : ( Battling a 6 pound gain and trying everyday to be binge free. I've made it a couple of times.... but not today.

    This storm will pass, they always do and until then..... I'll hold the umbrella for you.

    I pray your run went well today : )

  28. I gave myself a break from all working out after Wednesday because of my heel pain and I think that's probably why yesterday's run was so difficult. It did the exact opposite of what I needed. Even with the new sneakers, the discomfort is still there, but I can live with it. I'm done with running streaks!!


I used to publish ALL comments (even the mean ones) but I recently chose not to publish those. I always welcome constructive comments/criticism, but there is no need for unnecessary rudeness/hate. But please--I love reading what you have to say! (This comment form is super finicky, so I apologize if you're unable to comment)