February 15, 2013


Thank you all for the advice yesterday. I think I'm going to bring the situation up with my leader the next time I go to weigh in, and see what she says about it. I hope that I didn't come across as sounding like the receptionist was outright mean to me, because she wasn't--she just seems annoyed with me whenever I go in there.  I have no idea why she'd be annoyed with me, since I am very quiet when I go there! But after thinking about it all day yesterday, and talking to Jerry about it some more, I'm done letting it bother me.

I had a bad eating day yesterday. Still no binge, but I came really close again. I don't know what is with me lately! My Weight Watchers week just started on Wednesday, and in two days, I blew through 38 of my weekly PP. Yesterday, I kept picking at a can of peanuts, and I ended up eating 3/4 of a cup of them--that's 17 PP!

This morning, my weight was up a couple of pounds since my weigh-in on Wednesday even though I haven't technically gone off plan, so I'm going to be extra careful the rest of the week. I drank a lot of water today to hopefully flush out some of this retained water from all the sodium.

Today was my long run day. Since I've basically been running on a very informal schedule, the definition of "long run" lately has been 8+ miles. Last week, I did 13.1 at a great pace, so I figured I'd take it easy this week and just do 8 miles.

When I looked at my mileage for the month yesterday, I saw that I'd run less than 50 miles so far this month. I didn't state this goal out loud (or in writing), but at the beginning of January, I looked at the previous year's distances per month:
When I saw how close I was to 100 miles each month, I set a little goal for this year to try and run 100+ miles a month. In January, I came in at 107.2 miles. Since February is a short month, and I had less than 50 miles as of yesterday, I figured I'd better get a move on it, and do a little extra here and there.

Today was really cold outside. I should have dressed a little warmer than I did, but I survived. I was running right into the wind for the first half of the run, and it took my breath away at times. My face was freezing, and I tucked my fingers into the palm of my gloves to stay a little warmer. I thought about turning around at mile four, but since I really wanted to get in a little extra, I ran until I'd reached five miles before turning around, to get in an even 10.

I LOVE my Ragnar jacket! So cozy on my run today.

It was a relief to turn around and run with a tail wind, but I still felt like I was struggling. I was thinking maybe the fact that I haven't eaten so well the past couple of days probably had something to do with it. It was too cold to pull up my sleeve and look at my Garmin, so I didn't have a clue what my pace was the entire run. When I got back home, I saw that my pace wasn't terrible, but certainly not as good as it's been lately.
According to the WW app, I earned 13 PP. If I was to divide my calories by 80, like I'd been doing, I'd only get 10 PP. I'm going by what the app says this week, just to see what happens, so 13 it is :)

I've been itching to do another strength training challenge--remember when I did the Wii Active 30-Day Challenge? After that, I pretty much stopped strength training. After I did Pete's Boot Camp class, I tried doing his program for a little bit, but wasn't very disciplined. We have a Kinect for the Xbox now, so I think I may look into getting a game for that, something similar to the Wii Active. Any suggestions for games?


  1. Katie,

    I am a former WW leader. In my opinion, there should be NOTHING said at the scale to ANY member, other than, "We are glad you are here." Even if a member gains, going to the meeting is a positive!

    I don't know any games. Sorry.


    1. Yes, I think when I weigh in, I'll just (politely) ask them not to comment on how they think I did.

  2. I have a Kinect and have the Nike fitness game for it. I love it, and it allows you to create more than one account, so my husband and I both use it.

    1. I haven't heard of it, but I'm going to look it up right now! Thanks for the suggestion.

    2. I just got the Nike game for my husband for Valentine's Day (it's what he wanted) and it looks tough. I think its well worth the money spent because it gives a good workout!

  3. We just got a Kinect too and I really want to try the Nike fitness game. I think that is the one where you have a "personal trainer" and because you are on the camera they can correct your form and everything. Also I have the Zumba for Wii but really want to get the Zumba Core game for Kinect.

    1. I haven't actually used the Kinect yet, but it's almost scary that it can "see" you, isn't it?! I always feel like I'm being watched ;)

  4. I'm planning on a 10k today for Lori's (Finding Radiance) Heart Healthy Weekend challenge. it was supposed to be another messy, snowy day here, and so far it's not. Still not wanting to run outside, though!

    1. I'm glad you reminded me of Lori's challenge! I signed up, but probably would have forgotten to report my runs.

  5. Not that they should be rude to anyone for any reason, but maybe they're rude because you never paid for WW. How much have you paid for WW out of pocket? Nothing, right? Jerry's employer paid for you to go for like a month, and you get free stuff for life for losing like five pounds, right? Again, I'm not saying it's right that they're rude, but maybe they're upset you get everything for free. You're costing them money.

    1. That's definitely a possibility, but they haven't lost any money because of me. I was a paying online member for four months, then Jerry's employer pre-paid my meetings membership for 13 weeks; even though I was technically "free" since January, they were still paid through Feb. 14th. I also was paying extra out of pocket for e-tools and my paper journals.

      But you're right, maybe they're upset that I only joined the meetings when I had just 5 more pounds to lose. Ironically, this woman is the reason I was afraid to join the meetings again, because of the way she had treated me in the past! ;)

    2. I'm sorry, No. I disagree with this. WW has a lifetime program set up for a reason and you are not the only person who has worked the program online, then joined to loose the last five pounds. If WW really was concerned about the money they would not have this option. As a company I think that WW recognizes how valuable your input at meetings is to those members who struggle and believe that they could never reach goal, and if you are successful then you tell your friends and they make more money. Plus the receptionists and leaders once had to pay for ww and were not eligible to work their until they made it to goal.

      It sounds to me as those this woman may just be lacking tact and general customer service skills. Bring it to the attention of your leader, more than likely you are not the first person that has been made to feel uncomfortable by her.

      By the way, I just found your blog and love it :)

  6. We just go the Nike+ Training for Kinect and I really like it. You choose a trainer, a program and how many days a week you want to work out. You do a fitness test before you start the program and again when you finish the four weeks. I'm on week two and so far I love it. I really pushes me harder than just do a regular video because if you don't use good form they don't count the rep, etc.

    1. That sounds exactly like what I'm looking for!

  7. I also recommend the Nike+ trainer! You can download the demo on your XBOX and take the fitness test to see if you like it. Make sure you have lots of room to do the test. I had trouble because my living room wasn't large enough for some things. I also downloaded the demo for The Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout and I loved it! I tried one of the Zumba demos but I'm just not coordinated enough for all of that so I quickly lost interest.

    1. When I read the reviews for the Nike+ trainer, it seems everyone had the same complaint--not enough room. I think if I move my coffee table, I should be okay. I'd like to try it!

  8. I read your blog almost every day and never miss a post. The stories of your runs are so inspirimg. I'm 31 and 260 lb....just loss 10 lb with ww....when I start feeling like this will never happen for me or that I'm too old and fat to start running, your blog reminds me that it really is possible to totally change my life. Also, your writing about binging is the most honest and moving thing I have ever read.....I went through my first binge free week last week by taking advi@e from your blog....and comfort in knowing I'm not alone and it is possible to overcome it. Thank you for sharing yourself on here. Means so much. On a lighter note.....love the head band!


I used to publish ALL comments (even the mean ones) but I recently chose not to publish those. I always welcome constructive comments/criticism, but there is no need for unnecessary rudeness/hate. But please--I love reading what you have to say! (This comment form is super finicky, so I apologize if you're unable to comment)