April 13, 2012

Upside-down frown

I was feeling really down this morning, thinking about the marathon and my knee. I was even having thoughts yesterday and today about dropping out of the whole thing. Running the marathon means a LOT to me, but not enough to injure myself permanently. I've been icing my knee, wearing a knee brace at home, elevating it... all the right things to do! I just hope it works.

I spent the whole morning reading up on knee injuries, and running, and injuries during marathon training... enough to make my head spin. While I was reading, I got an e-mail that surprised me--somehow, the nice folks my new best friends at Garmin got word about the issue I was having charging my Forerunner, and they asked me if I was able to get it figured out; and if not, they would do what they could to help.

I was shocked that they took the time to e-mail me and check on my Garmin! And I have no idea how they found out about my issue with it yesterday. I wrote that all was good (for now), but I thanked them for writing. And (only half-jokingly) said that if they need someone to try out the brand new 910xt model, I was the girl they were looking for ;)

A few minutes later, I got an e-mail that turned my frown into a big huge grin and then I started freaking out and woke Jerry up to tell him too! They offered to let me trade my 305 for the 910!! I've been coveting the 910 ever since I saw Adam's HILARIOUS review of it. But I never even considered buying one, because I simply couldn't afford to.

There was also some good news for my readers... :)  They're sending a Forerunner 210 to give away on the blog!! How amazing is that?! Once I get the goods, I'll post the details. Gosh, I feel so blessed because of this blog.

Getting that e-mail changed my whole crappy outlook on marathon training. I'm super excited to try out the 910! About my knee... I'm going to run slowly at the Martian 10K tomorrow. Stacie (my friend who is going with me) said she usually finishes in about 1:04, so I'll run with her--and that will be way more fun than racing anyway! I haven't seen her in over a year and we have tons to catch up on.

Complete rest on Sunday. Then the 18-miler on Monday will give me more of an indication of whether I can actually pull off a full marathon on May 20th. If my knee feels anything like it did yesterday, I don't know if it's wise for me to continue training. Right now, I'm just going to think positively.

For my readers who have run full marathons, did you have any knee injuries during training? How did you deal with it? And most importantly, were you still able to finish the marathon? My marathon is six weeks from tomorrow. I'm hoping that's enough time to get better.

The kids and I were out the other day, and we decided to get something for the cats that I've been wanting to get them for a long time.

These "cat trees" are expensive, and I could never justify the cost. But since we got new carpet recently, I had a new motivation for buying one. The cats would rather scratch the posts of the cat tree than the floor, so this will help save our carpet.

And they like sleeping on it so much that it will save fur from getting all over the couch, too. I think it's very fitting that Estelle immediately claimed the top of the tree for herself. Chandler was too fat to fit in any of the levels with sides, so he got the second level from the floor by default. Phoebe chose her spot next, and then Paolo was late to the game, so he got stuck with the bottom.

It's funny, this is the same order that they always sleep on the thing, too. They've already gotten our money's worth out of the thing, and we've only had it for a few days. (This was the reason I had no extra money for a Garmin right now! Figures the Garmin would have problems just a couple of days after I bought this tree for the cats. Thankfully, it all worked out well.)


  1. You may be interested in Jeff Galloway's method. It is a run/walk/run method to prevent injuries. I will tell you know that it is HARD to mentally get over walking when you know you can RUN the entire half, but I started this with my running buddy and she usually has ankle issues and her ankle was able to get more miles in before it stared aching. He has written over 20 books I believe and been running for for 50 something years!

    1. I have heard of Jeff Galloway, and you're right--the walking is just a big mental barrier! I know that it's a great method, and people even qualify for Boston doing it... I just have such a hard time thinking about walking when I could be running!

  2. Ok, it is too funny that you got a pic of all 4 cats on the cat tree!

    Yesterday I was at costco and they were handing out their usual flier with all the deals - the Garmin was $40 off (reg: $189 - I am not sure the model number but it has a round face and comes with a hr monitor). I was dying to get it but since I am currently unemployed I just can't justify the cost. You've turned my frown upside-down at the prospect of winning one!!! :o)

  3. Ummm . . . giveaway?? Just tell me what I need to do!! : ) I would love a Garmin but just can't justify the cost right now. I use an app on my phone and it does the job. But, I would really love to have something on my wrist that shows my pace.

    BIG bummer about the knee! I've been layed up this week with a strained soleus, and it's killing me. The chiropractor has worked his usual miracle, but I'm stressing over my 5K that I'm running in a week when I've had to take this week off. I was hoping for a PR, but I don't want to risk further injury. I guess we'll see how this week goes!

    I've never run a marathon, but I would really recommend seeing a chiropractor to see if that helps your knee. I was having knee problems and it turned out that my lower back was misaligned. He adjusted me and the pain went away. Of course, it sounds like your pain is more serious than mine was, but it can't hurt, can it?

    Good luck!

  4. That's an awesome deal they are giving you. I'm looking to start training for a full marathon. I want to do the disney ones or the rock n' roll ones. I'm like you though...I can't afford the garmin product to use as I train. Congrats on all your good fortune with your blog.

  5. Last year my knees hurt quite a bit after long runs. Since I got my Brooks Adrenaline 11s (a "support" shoe), knee issues are pretty much gone. I guess wearing the correct shoes really is important.

    I assume you've been properly fitted for shoes, but if not, I highly recommend it!

    1. I JUST bought the Adrenalines today! I'm not a huge distance runner, but I'm so excited to break these in. My issues are more in my hips (after, not during) so I can't wait to see if this makes a difference. Glad to know you like them.

  6. That's awesome about the Garmin! I'm insanely jealous, but you totally deserve it! Now I'm waiting on pins and needles about the giveaway! LOL

  7. What a great turn around on the Garmin front!! So neat! I recently switched to a new pair of shoes which I am still questioning if they are the right fit and have my first EVER race (5K) on May 20th over at Stoney Creek. At this point, I just want to finish under 45:00 will be happy with that. Certainly hope the knee thing gets better - have you heard of rolling your muscles with a pool noodle? Would it help in this case?

  8. That's awesome to hear they have such great customer service because I've been looking into getting one but I found some not so nice reviews about their customer service which has been holding me back!

  9. I seriously love your cats! HA Their names are so fitting! I have five cats myself: Melodee, C.A.T. (pronounced cee ay dee), Steinway, Domino, and Memau. (my 4 year old named Memau because memau is what cats say of course!) Domino might just give Chandler a run for his money weight wise!

    How awesome of Garmin to contact you like that! It's nice to know some companies stand by their products!

    I really hope your knee feels better soon. Have you ever thought of seeing a chiropractor? I went to one when I hurt my hip and then got plantar faciitis and it cleared up within about 3 weeks - and I didn't have to stop running. Just a thought! I really hope you can run your marathon! I live vicariously through you - I hope you know that. :-P

  10. While I have not run a marathon I have had my share on knee problems. Have you ever done strength training??? That could help a lot.

    Good luck!

    1. I know that I REALLY need to be strength training. I should have been doing it before I started marathon training. But it's not recommended to start a strength training program now, until after I'm done with the marathon. Lesson learned. Will start after the marathon!

  11. Totally awesome news about you getting a new Garmin. And a bonus that you get to give one away! :)

  12. Cat trees are ridiculously expensive. I bought one for my three cats and they love it. It was worth it in the end, but it took me while to cough up the money.

    I hope your knee gets better and you can continue on with your marathon training.

  13. My legs started feeling a little bit sore last fall, but I pushed through the races I had planned and ended up with stress fractures in both legs. I didn't take recovery seriously the first time around, and I ended up missing out on months of running. I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things, and it's been really frustrating. I can't help but think of where I'd be running-wise right now if I would have listened to my body last fall.

    Dealing with the stress fractures is part of the reason I wasn't able to decide to join the Ragnar team on the spot.

  14. I have been following your blog regularly for quite some time. This is my first time commenting. I love how honest you write and your story is so inspirational for so many people, myself included. How exciting about the Garmin! HoLy CrAp I would have freaked out too! Like winning a jackpot. I have been researching Garmins as well, I love the posts you have written about yours. I have been hoping to purchase one this summer(lots of other expenses right now). Excited that they gave you one to give away to your readers! WHOOO HOO!

    1. Thanks so much for commenting (and reading) Kelly!

  15. It's awesome how they contacted you! I have respect for companies like that. Cannot wait for the Garmin giveaway! I have been lusting over them online for months now, but I simply can't afford one. Hope your knee cooperates with you so you can run your marathon, but I do think you right about not pushing it if it will permanently injure you!

  16. That is absolutely AMAZING about the Garmin! What awesome customer service. And I can't wait to hear about the giveaway.

    I was thinking about you and the blog earlier because when I was grocery shopping at Walmart, I saw that they had Biscoff spread. (I was tempted to buy it, but I was pretty sure I would eat the whole jar on the way home so I refrained.)

  17. Wow! You won the Garmin lottery, lol! I have to wonder if you don't have a Garmin employee as a secret follower. ;) Very happy for you--you totally deserve it!

    Good luck tomorrow--have fun but take it easy! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  18. That is so awesome that Garmin rewarded you with that baby! I say rewarded because you, missy, kick arse. It's much deserved!

    Look, kitties do grow on trees!

  19. I have been reading your blog for quite a while and haven't ever posted but I feel that I need to tell you that you inspire me in so many ways. I look forward to your blog every day and you have helped me to realize that I am capable of having the life I want. Thank you! I am not surprised at all that Garmin contacted you, I think you inspire and influence more people that you could imagine.

    1. Thanks Tonia! You are definitely capable of reaching your goals!

  20. Congrats on the opportunity to get the new Garmin! Looks like Friday the 13th is a lucky day for you! Love the cat tree, and looks like they do, too. I've been wanting to get my kitty one since I've had her, but yeah they are pretty expensive. Have a great weekend!

  21. That is amazing news about the Garmin! I'm very happy for you! I have been considering buying one for a while to help me with my running and after reading all your posts it makes me want one just the more! Except, like you the price is what keeps me from purchasing one right now. I look forward to hearing your reviews on your new one! It couldn't have happened to a more deserving person! Good luck with your marathon training. You keep me motivated with my running and hope that someday i'll be running a marathon myself!
    and i love the cat pic..i have one kitty and she would love that tree..

  22. Love that picture of your cats! So adorable. I have a cat tree, but my two kitties will only sit on one platform. It happens to be the perfect height to see out the window, so that's probably why!

    That's totally cool about the email and free stuff from Garmin! I've been toying with the idea of getting the 210, but I'm just getting over a sprained ankle, so it just isn't the right time. Have you ever checked out the reviews by DC Rainmaker? They are incredibly detailed and there is one for just about every single Garmin they make!

  23. No giveaway just let me have the 210 HA I kid..ahem..really.I'm so glad you are getting so many wonderful opportunities from the blog! It's awesome! Everytime I'd get a cat tree my kitties wouldn't even go near it, I'm shocked by how awesome your cats are with the tree!! So cool!

  24. That cat photo is priceless. I'm a true cat lover. I have two indoor cats but I don't think I can have any more. Hubby says two is max. So I suppose if I cherish my place in the home I better leave it at 2. LOL.

    OMG so cool about Garmin! I would love to win. I can't wait to hear the details. Tomorrow is my first 5K and I picked up my packet at the associated health expo. they had a different kind of GPS watch there on sale and cheaper than garmin. It didn't have a heart rate monitor. And I want both. I currently have a HR watch and I wish desperately that it was a GPS too. I need to start researching I suppose.

    Oh and I got three bondi bands. Mostly because you have talked about them so much. As the temps have increased I knew I needed something. But I didn't know what. I saw others at the health expo but I chose the bondi bands cause you like them so much. I blogged about it. One of mine says "will run for chocolate". I LOVE it! :)

    1. I bought Bondi Bands because of Katie, too! And look how many have purchased Garmins because of her...heck, I've looked at them and I don't need one. I have an iPhone that does everything but the actual running, LOL.

    2. I also bought some (9!) bondi bands because of your review. I started with just purchasing 2 for me and 2 for my bestie (as a surprise, she lives across the country from me but we are training together for the AF Half Marathon in Sept). Then I emailed Bondi Band looking for an AF one and they had one. So I ordered 5 more bands!

  25. So sorry about the knee pains! I wish I had some advice to offer. I get knee aches from time to time when I run, and I only pray it doesn't get worse! That's amazing that they not only contacted you but are sending you an extra! Talk about good customer care!!

  26. I didn't read everyone's posts but have you tried compression garments?

  27. That is so awesome about the Garmin!!! You definitely deserve it...not only for your amazing weight loss (and maintenence) accomplishments but because of your devotion to using your Garmin. : )

    Sorry about your knee. I hope you are able to find a way to work around it and get it healed quickly!

    I won a scholarship for the Crim training program and am sooo GEEKED!!! Now I just need to get rid of this plantar fasciitis. Like you, I don't want to hurt myself more, but I don't want to have to pass up this much needed opportunity.

  28. Not sure what kind of knee pain you're having, but my chronic knee pain was due to my kneecap tracking improperly (instead of going up and down, it was going diagonally, which caused a lot of pain underneath and to the sides). A combination of some mild strength training and deep tissue massages of my IT bands to loosen them up helped immensely. A foam roller will give you similar results.

  29. Very cool about the Garmin...and very generous of them to throw one in for your readers, too!
    I LOVE the pic of the cats/cat tree--and I especially love that your cats are all named after Friends characters...my all time favorite TV show!

  30. That is amazing, props to Garmin!! After I ran my first half I had major knee issues. Just about any time I ran I would be in pain for a couple of days. What eliminated my knee pain was weight training, because it strengthened the muscles around my knee. My preferred method is crossfit :) Also, I did some reading when that was going on and it explained that while our muscles can quickly adapt to more intense training, our tendons take more time. So remember that you might need to ease into it a little more!

  31. Wow! You lost all that weight, got the lower body lift, have an awesome husband and parents, healthy friends to pursue your goals with, go on fun trips and races, and on top of that you're able to make money and get free gifts from your blog! You're livin' the dream! You must've been really good in a former life :)

    1. I really hope that I don't come across like I have a perfect life! The way you wrote that makes it sound like everything is always sunshine and rainbows--and believe me, it's NOT. But yes, I'm super blessed for all of the great things in my life. A few years ago, I never would have believed that this is where I would be in life today ;)

  32. That is awesome Katie - both the Garmin, and the cat tree that is :D My partner made a scratching post out of old carpet for our cat, she loves it!

    You'll have to report back on the Garmin - how exciting :D

  33. Love your blog,read it every day. As a newbie to running,and having to start real slow beacuse of weak knees, l really hope you listen to your body. I was out for six months last year due to my knees. I just hoped it woudgo away andpushed through pain. Did me no good that, and hoped l learned from last time. There is always another race...so best of luck!! Good luck from Norway

  34. Awesome Katie! Hope to see you at the race today. I hope you have a good catch up with a friend run! Fun times for sure.

  35. Have you tired doing squats for work on your quads? I've heard that in women your quads not being strong enough can lead to knee problems. Just a thought, I know you run a lot but not sure if you do any resistance training :) Super excited for a giveaway, I've been DYING for a Garmin but can't afford one!

    1. You're right, strengthening my quads is probably the answer! But I'm not "supposed" to start a strength program in the middle of marathon training. I should have been doing it from the beginning!

  36. I want a Garmin pretty badly. I've been trying to look into them lately. I can't afford one yet, but I'm trying to save up. The problem is I am so confused on which one to get. I want a really simple one that does the basics like pace/distance/time. I don't need all the extra stuff.

    1. If you're just looking for the basics and you have a smart phone, you can download "Map My Run" app. It's free and you can you track your distance, speed and time. I just bought a strap to carry my phone to my arm and I don't notice it's there.

  37. What a nice suprise for ALL OF US! Enjoy that new Garmin. It's amazing what your little blog is doing isn't it? I guess it's not LITTLE anymore is it!

    Loved the cat picture on the climbing tree. It's funny how all four cats found a spot they liked! Do they all get along? I sure miss having a pet around the house, but as I often say, I do NOT miss having their messes (or litter boxes) to clean up.

    Good luck on your race. Hope it goes well.

  38. Good luck. You are quite inspiring.
    I am a new reader to your blog. ? For u: are your cats named after friends characters?

    1. Yes, they are! It would be quite the coincidence if they were not ;)

  39. LoveAnAnimalApril 14, 2012

    Very happy for you about the Garmin!!! And also green with envy. I want one! I spent my allowance on shoes, socks, and apparel (and entry fee for a half marathon). Though, I may make it my Christmas gift to myself this year. : )

    My friend's kitties do love the climbing trees. Good purchase!

    Concerning your knee, if your husband has good insurance, it may be worth seeing an orthopaedic doc to determine exactly what is going on with your knee. Most likely would need an MRI though. Hopefully, you can get it calmed down with some ice and elevation...or perhaps an over-the-counter knee brace could be helpful. Hope your knee gets better...quickly!

  40. So glad you are getting your coveted Garmin!

  41. I did try coconut water recently, but I really didn't like the taste of it. I will never use Nuun again! I do like using Powerade or Gatorade for my really long runs though. I know coconut water is healthier, but I just couldn't stand the taste!

  42. Well, that is awesome that Garmin offered you that! I, personally (and selfishly!), am excited about the fact that you're going to give one away, also! Would LOVE something like this for my runs, but just can't afford it.

  43. That is freaking awesome about the Garmin! I've only done up to a 10-miler but a while back I was having knee issues and it turned out I had really weak hips. Like if you lie on your side and do the "old fashioned" side leg lift with someone pushing down on your leg I could barely keep it up. I ended up going to PT to try and strengthen my hips and that helped a lot. I know you mentioned above now isn't a great time to start a stregth training program, but I figured I would mention what my issue was.


I used to publish ALL comments (even the mean ones) but I recently chose not to publish those. I always welcome constructive comments/criticism, but there is no need for unnecessary rudeness/hate. But please--I love reading what you have to say! (This comment form is super finicky, so I apologize if you're unable to comment)