April 14, 2012

Martian Meteor 10K race report

Today was a first for me. I ran a race for "fun" without trying to PR. Jessica even told me beforehand, "I better not see a '5' in front of your time!" (My 10K PR is 55:05, so she was implying that I should run it in over an hour). While I would have loved to try and PR this race, I knew it would be stupid of me because 1) I'm trying to heal a knee injury, and 2) I have to be strong enough to run 18 miles on Monday.

I am SO glad that my friend Stacie decided to do this race with me! We hadn't seen each other in well over a year, and so much has happened in the past year that I was really excited to catch up with her. She came over a little before 6:00 this morning, and we left from my house for the race. The race didn't start until 8:00, but I didn't want to drive all over Dearborn looking for a parking spot.

We picked up our t-shirts and bibs. I was bummed, because Jerry's work registered me, and they signed me up for a men's small instead of a women's small. They told me I could come back at 9:00 and trade it out if I wanted (so I did that, after the race). The shirts are actually pretty cool looking:
And Jessica won't have one of these, since she didn't do the race--so no worry of us dressing alike! ;)

We were there super early, so we just sat in the car and chatted until it was time for the race to start. While I was standing there (freezing), Lindsey came up to me and we got a picture together (with her phone, I didn't have my camera with me). I only know her from her blog, so it was fun to put a face to her name. I also saw my "real life" friend Andrea, who was running the half-marathon today. Then the race started and it took a few minutes to get up to the front because there were tons of people.

Right after we crossed the starting line, we could barely walk, let alone run--it was very crowded. Once we split off from the 5K'ers, however, it was much less congested. I didn't look at my Garmin the entire race. I just ran at what felt like the same pace that I've been running my long runs. It was nice, because we were able to chat and actually enjoy the run without worrying about trying to go faster.

Normally when I race, I barely notice the scenery or people, or anything. I just feel miserable and like I'm going to puke until I finish... doesn't that make you want to race? ;)  About a mile or so in, I heard someone behind me say "Katie!" and I turned to see who I learned then was Shannon, a blog reader. Good thing I wore my sparkle skirt today :) She was running her first 10K today. Shannon, please let me know how you did and how you feel!

My knee felt fine the entire time. I was a little worried, because the course has a few hills. Going downhill REALLY hurts my knee, so I went slow and easy and didn't have any problems. The whole race was really uneventful. I have to say, I really enjoyed running a race for fun instead of time. I just might do it more often. I guess I just always thought that if I'm running a race, I might as well always try to PR--but lots of people do races for other reasons, too. It's okay to run a race for fun!

Right before the finish line, there were a bunch of people cheering, and I heard someone say "cookie" (which of course caught my attention). Stacie said, "Someone just said 'Runs for Cookies'!" I turned to look, but I was right at the finish, so I crossed the finish line and then went back to that spot to look--but couldn't find who it was. So if you recognized me, thank you for cheering! And please let me know who you are :)

Before we left, we got a picture with a couple of martians, of course:
I didn't even check my "official" results, because it didn't really matter to me... but here are my unofficial Garmin results:
I sent Jessica a text of the results, knowing she would be proud that I stuck to my plan of running easy ;)

My favorite part of the race was actually getting to catch up with Stacie. We are certainly not going to wait a year to get together again. It was also a lot of fun to meet a couple of blog readers.

After today's run, I'm feeling pretty confident for the 18-miler on Monday. I am icing my knee right now, and tomorrow is a rest day, so we'll see how it goes.


  1. Yay!! I thought that was you!! I don't think you heard me though. It was after the finish line. I ran my second 5k. I did much better than last time. 46:00! (woo hoo!) I know that is slow for you but for me it's awesome!

    Now I have a question: I bought new running shoes yesterday and the right foot feels great, my left foot though is sore and has a small blister. They said I tend to roll in when I run. I am hoping the reason for the small blister is because it is training my foot to go the correct way. Is this normal?? Other than that CONGRATS on just relaxing and enjoying your run!


  2. I had my first 10k today too!! I usually run my races, but walked with a friend instead. You are right, sometimes it so much fun to enjoy everything around you!

    I read your blog daily and I am so envious! So proud of you and all of your accomplishments! :)

  3. I am a competitive person in some areas of my life, but not athletics. So I think it makes a lot of sense to run races for the the festive atmosphere, camaraderie, the cool t-shirts, and most of all just because you can!!!!!!

  4. Good job Katie! You should run for fun more often! :)

  5. Good job! Glad you enjoyed the event!

    I think I would have a hard time being in a race and not really racing hard, but I guess it would be OK if I had a friend or my daughter (who I am training) with me.

    Doing Big House, Big Heart tomorrow, the "other" big race in the area this weekend. Was supposed to be an off week from racing, but I won an entry, so I'm gonna go and do my best!

  6. Congrats! Sorry I missed you today, I did the half. Great race!

  7. Katie - maybe a bit off topic. . . I was suppose to have my first 5K today (The Go St. Louis 5K) and after standing out in the rain for at least 30 mins it was canceled. I was beyond bummed. I signed up for this in Jan and started training immediately. It was huge letdown. They canceled all the events today mostly due to lightening and more storms coming in. :( I understood but it was really hard. I was so looking forward to this. . . so. . . we had some unplanned time and since I didn't run in the rain I wasn't soaking wet. We decided to go to Trader Joe's. (which is about an hour from home so we don't go often but we were like 15 mins away) We decided to stop at Whole Foods. I looked for a turtle brownie! The only one I saw was just a chocolate brownie :( Then I was looking for nut butter. I had NO idea you can "grind your own" nuts into butter at Whole Foods. That was cool. I ended up getting almond butter from Trader Joe's. I got unsalted and it's not "raw" as the ingredients say roasted almonds. What kind do you prefer? Have you ground your own at Whole Foods? :)

    1. I was supposed to do my first 5k at the GOstl today too. Figured we PR'd with a 0:00 :)

    2. Aww Patty! I was so bummed. :( It was definitely a short run to the finish line for the medals! I'm looking for a different one to run.

    3. What a bummer about your 5K!! That must have been so disappointing after working yourself up for it.

      I buy the roasted almond butter, but I've never tried the raw. I just like roasted nuts better. Jessica usually grinds her own at Whole Foods--I haven't done that yet!

  8. Hey Katie! It's Shannon ... I finished and honestly my real goal was to finish and my secondary was to be under 1:30. I've had 3 knee surgeries ... so ANY running is quite an accomplishment. I crossed the finish line at about 1:27 and got my medal. So overall, great day! AND I saw you which was exciting because I wimped out at Corktown ;)

    Congrats on your time and best wishes to healing and feeling well for Monday! I actually feel pretty good. I'm about to ice my knee and take it easy.

    The person who cheered for "run for cookies" at the end was my friend (Meagan) who I went with. She was running her first 10k too and finished at an amazing 55 minutes! I had told her you were coming (I introduced her to your blog) and when I told her I saw you she told me about cheering for you at the end. Too funny that we both saw you.

    ANYWAY, I'm done babbling, but congrats again ... the medals are pretty cool! ... and good luck Monday!!

  9. Congrats on having a FUN 10K. My dad always told me growing up if you aren't enjoying what you are doing, why do it? Glad you had a great run!

    I thought of you today. I went by Max Muscle because I had a free two-week nutrition plan consultation I got from finishing a weight loss contest through my gym. Anyways, while I was browsing the store while waiting to talk to the clerk I saw they had PB2 and was super excited because I haven't been able to find it where I live yet. I got even more excited when I saw they had a new kind out: CHOCOLATE PB2! I don't know if you knew this stuff existed so I had to share! So I bought a bottle of regular and a bottle of chocolate to try. :)

  10. Congratulations! I hope your knee is doing okay.

    That medal is sweet!

  11. Katie - sounds like you had a great time. Sorry I missed you. It would have been nice to meet. Good luck on your long run on Monday.

  12. Fun running at races is the best! I should have done that today :) Wish I could have seen you at the race, I did watch the 10K start but didn't see you.

  13. Congrats Katie! Way to have a fun run and not push yourself… I know how challenging that can be!

    Also the race tee and medal are really cute.

    18 miles this week! EEK!

  14. 1) That shirt is friggin' cool!
    2) Yay for running a race for FUN!
    3) Might I have your awesome calf muscles?

  15. I almost did this race instead of the Big House tomorrow. I hate sci-fi so the whole "martian" thing never appeals to me, dumb I know. I am glad you had a great time. I think I will be running in steady rain tomorrow.. uggh! :)

  16. I am so glad you guys had fun today! And fun racing is great especially when you have someone to do it with. Nice picture! Hope your knee stays feeling good. Enjoy your rest day.

  17. Great job Katie! I'm jealous...that medal is AWESOME!! And the shirt is super cool too! Hope the knee gets better soon!

  18. Nice job! Awesome medal, hope it doesn't phone home tonight.

  19. Those medals rock! Great job at the race today!! Was it more enjoyable not trying to PR?

    Now that its over I have no clue why I was so freaking scared. My chip time was 2:02, so a bit better than I thought!

    Was great to meet you, sorry I was such a zombie. I think I slept two hours Friday!!!

  20. Good to hear you didn't stress and just ran for fun. How great to meet some readers and catch up with a friend. I hope your knee is okay. 18 miles...I'll probably never run that!

  21. ok... they really need a Martian Race in San Diego!
    Great job on the race! I did a 15K last month and didn't worry about my time. I ran with a friend and had the best time!

  22. Congrats on achieving your goal of running easy and enjoying it! :) I also recognized you and cheered for you at the end :) - I ran my first 10K and finished in 62+ minutes, it was a GREAT day and experience! And glad we were done before the downpour started! ;) Good luck with your long run on Monday - you're going to rock it! :)

  23. LOVE the medal! Do you have a medal rack so we can see them all in one place?

  24. Sounds like a great race! What a cute metal, and shirt!!

  25. Congrats on curbing your competitive itch! And that is the coolest medal I've seen! On another note, how cool is it that you get to meet readers and have them cheer for you!?!? Just think how many people you have inspired? Awesome!

  26. Hi Katie- I ran a 10k on Saturday too! There was a woman running near me for most of the race who had a beautiful smile and a sparkly purple skirt that reminded me of you! Glad you had a good race! Good luck on Monday!

  27. I love the shirt and medal! I'd run that race just for the swag.

  28. Awesome running swag! The 10ks I go to never give out medals! Glad it was fun! :D

  29. Katie, My husband officially thinks I lost my mind. I ran the 5K on Saturday and seen you walk by. It was like seeing a celebrity in a mall or something the way I responded. I told my husband that I needed the camera because I wanted to get my picture with you. You were getting into your suv then and I thought it might be a little stalkerish if I walked up and knocked on the window.

    You have been an inspiration to me. My girlfriend Allie and I stalk your blog. She convinced me to start running and I paid it forward and convinced my husband and I's friend, Sean, to run. I finished my race at 30.17 (goal was 30.00) and my friend Sean finished at 35.15. His first race ever and completed it running but slaughtering his goal time of 45 mins.

    My next race is in June and it's a 10K. I have only ran 6 miles once in my life. i plan on doing a half marathon in October. Right now the thought of it makes me want to puke but seeing you go through it makes me think it's possible. Keep up the great work!!

    1. Hahaha, you should have knocked on the window! I actually would rather have people say hello when they see me than tell me later that they saw me but didn't say anything--because it makes me wonder what I was doing when they saw me. Picking my wedgie? Sniffing myself to see if I stink? ;)

      Congrats on your great time! You'll hit sub-30 next time, I'm sure. The starting line was super crowded, so it was hard to move anyway.

      You'll do great at your 10K!


I used to publish ALL comments (even the mean ones) but I recently chose not to publish those. I always welcome constructive comments/criticism, but there is no need for unnecessary rudeness/hate. But please--I love reading what you have to say! (This comment form is super finicky, so I apologize if you're unable to comment)