August 10, 2023

Wednesday Weigh-In: Week 115

Like I said yesterday, time totally got away from me and I was unprepared to write a weigh-in post in the evening. So I just decided to weigh in today instead.

I like the shirt that I'm wearing in this photo--I bought it from a thrift store a while ago (when the fitting rooms were closed due to the pandemic) but I'd never worn it. I don't remember what my weight was at the time, but after I bought it and I tried it on at home, I didn't think it fit well and I was uncomfortable in it. (It's pretty sheer, which is unlike me to wear, but I don't think the sheerness is very noticeable because of the pattern on it.)

As for my weigh-in this morning, I was at 131.0.

I was at 133.8 last week, so I lost 2.8 pounds this week. I wish I could say that I intentionally worked really hard for it, but I have been extra busy this week and (still) feeling very overwhelmed. I eat for the nutrition, but my appetite just hasn't been there. I have been, however, deliberately eating extra-nutritious food to make up for my poor appetite.

Last year at around this time, I lost a lot of weight pretty quickly for the same reasons. I didn't realize that at the time, so I was a little stunned when my appetite returned with a vengeance and my weight rebounded. I gained 20 pounds back fast. That is the last thing I want to happen! Now that I know it's a possibility, I can prepare myself for it and hopefully prevent that from happening again.

This feels like a very comfortable weight for me. All of my clothes fit well and I think I look healthy at this size. It's interesting how much of a difference just a few pounds makes when I'm this size. When I was 253 pounds and started losing weight, it took a good 20+ pounds before I noticed any difference.

I started listening to the audiobook "Atomic Habits" again (I didn't get very far into it the first time) and I really like it. It makes a lot of sense here--when trying to lose weight, it seems like one healthy (or unhealthy) meal won't make any difference in the long run, but when you do it day after day, meal after meal, it adds up to something huge.

As I was writing this, FedEx delivered a package from Jerry's employer. Jerry told me to go ahead and open it; as part of an insurance wellness program at work, they sent smart scales to everybody. (Their objective is to make their employees become healthier so the insurance is at a lower cost to the employer.)

I thought sending a scale was a little odd, but I nearly died when I opened it and this is what I saw:

I literally laughed out loud. (The scale connects to an app, and your weight is sent to a "coach" every morning.) Of course I want to feel all of those things (don't we all?!) but I'm pretty sure that my weight being sent to a stranger every morning is not going to make me feel any of those things. Hahaha! It's either really good or really bad marketing, depending on who receives it, I guess. (For some people with eating disorders, daily weighing can be very triggering.)

I just googled the program, and it's more in-depth than I thought at first glance--it's a whole online membership. I'll have to read more into it, but it will only allow for the employee to use it, so I'll be sure to let you know if Jerry starts feeling all of those things ;)  (Or, better yet, he can write about it/review it in his "deep thoughts" posts. He's actually pretty excited about doing it.)


  1. As a former HR attorney, that scale makes me cringe. It's so "Big Brother." Some of the people who set up these things really do mean well, but oof. About your weight, do you notice seasonal mood cycles and related weight gain or loss? That's something I've been tracking lately and I'm finding a correlation beyond just "I eat more in winter 'cuz I'm cold and less in summer 'cuz I'm not." Just curious.

  2. I'll have to look up Atomic Habits. Coincidently I have been reading about breaking bad habits and starting good ones. It takes 21 days for something to become a habit. I'm trying to abstain from sweets for 21 days. I so often eat what I do out of routine. I grabbed a cookie at the bakery last night because every time I go to that store I get a cookie, even if I don't want it, I associate that store with getting a cookie.

  3. Do you ever listen to the podcast Maintenance Phase? It's fantastic -- my absolutely favorite -- and covers health, wellness, and weight. They have an episode on Workplace Wellness you should definitely check out before Jerry dives into this program.

    1. Agreed! I love that podcast, and seriously, that scale is...not good.

  4. Oh WOW! I REALLY hope my employer doesn't think this is a good idea! LOL! Can't wait to hear Jerry's thoughts though!

  5. I had a great experience with the Omada program. I started Nov 202, the program lasted one year and I lost an average of .76 lbs per week. It's been 8 months and I've maintained the loss. I'd call the program something like intuitive/awareness eating. There's no calorie counting, no rules, no portion guidelines. You begin with a group of people in your age group and general location. There is a broader community that you can interact with but it seemed pretty quiet, nothing like My Fitness Pal or WW. I was kind of lost at first, expecting lots of do's and don'ts, so I was a little lost and unsure of what to do. But it turned out to be just what I needed and fostered a sustainable nutrition lifestyle that I've been able to maintain without it feeling like I'm doing anything drastic.


I used to publish ALL comments (even the mean ones) but I recently chose not to publish those. I always welcome constructive comments/criticism, but there is no need for unnecessary rudeness/hate. But please--I love reading what you have to say! (This comment form is super finicky, so I apologize if you're unable to comment)