May 17, 2023

Wednesday Weigh-In: Week 103

Sure enough, setting everything aside last night and sleeping it over, I felt a million times better today... and I was very productive! I think I just needed to refresh my brain and stop thinking about the issues I ran into. Today, I sanded, primed, and caulked the window and the bathroom door frame. I still have to paint them, but I want to wait until the caulk is completely dried, so I'll get that done tomorrow.

I was going to change clothes for my Wednesday Weigh-In mirror selfie, but I figured why bother? This is what I looked like all day today ;)  I'm kind of bummed because I accidentally got bleach on my Friends pajama shirt (the one I'm wearing) so it's become a "work shirt"--I have lots of clothes I've ruined with paint, caulk, wood glue, and even blood from when I've cut myself, haha.

As predicted, the scale was up today:

I was at 140.4, which is up from 138.0 last week. I'm not at all surprised, considering my eating habits were terrible this week. I *know* that I need to stay in a regular routine of eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner for weight loss/maintenance--depending what I have going on in my life, though, I tend to skip meals and then make up for it later on by eating way too much. It's not a conscious thing I do; it's just a poor way of handling stress/anxiety/feeling overwhelmed.

I've definitely had more free time this week since Eli is out for the baseball season due to his broken index finger). I feel really bad for him--he LOVES playing baseball and he's in his junior year of high school. Earlier this year, I'd suggested maybe he should join the golf team instead of baseball this spring because he can golf for free year-round (he loves to golf and it's crazy expensive!). I loved his reason for choosing baseball: he said that he can only play baseball for two more seasons, but he has the rest of his life to golf. A wise decision!

Anyway, with the extra time I've had, I've been hanging out with the kids, which has been fun. For the past few years, I felt like I hardly saw them. And this year, I've felt kind of panicked because they've grown so much and they aren't kids anymore :(  They really liked the photo albums I gave them for Mother's Day. They were very surprised that I made them and I think it made them a bit nostalgic.

Since it's been almost two years since I started doing my weekly weigh-ins, someone mentioned that it would be cool to see a graph of all the ups and downs--I'm interested to look at that as well! I haven't been inputing my weight into the Happy Scale app regularly, so I'll have to go back and do that this week--then next week, considering it will be two years, I'll show what two years of weigh-ins looked like.

I already know there were a LOT of ups and downs (mostly relatively small, but late fall of 2022 and winter was pretty bad--I'm still working on taking that weight gain back off). It's so hard to believe it's been two years already! But then again, it feels like forever ago when I stepped on the scale at 197.0 and nearly had a heart attack. It was such a huge wake-up call.

So, this week I'll work on putting together a post about the last couple of years. It would be cool to do a time-lapse video of all of the mirror selfies, too--each week, I don't really notice a difference from the week prior, but I'm sure seeing it all happen in fast motion would be kind of cool.

My goal for this week is just to get back to eating regular meals instead of the whatever/whenever eating. There is no reason not to, especially since I'm not going to baseball games in the evenings. Regardless of weight gain/loss, I always feel better when I eat regularly!


  1. Bummer about your Friends shirt but hurrah for everything else. Even the weight gain because you know what to do. Why is it so tough for us to do what we know works? Hugs always.

  2. I know the better I eat, the better I feel. I do stress eat at times too. I need to stop that. Working in an office can lead to mindless snacking too.


I used to publish ALL comments (even the mean ones) but I recently chose not to publish those. I always welcome constructive comments/criticism, but there is no need for unnecessary rudeness/hate. But please--I love reading what you have to say! (This comment form is super finicky, so I apologize if you're unable to comment)