January 8, 2023

The Shelves Are Painted!

I'm in a VERY bad mood today, so I'm just going to keep this (almost) wordless. I found out that my insurance will no longer cover my medication, and to pay out of pocket is over $300 per month! Even when I shopped around on the discounted pharmacies online, it was $350+. The timing couldn't be any worse, because my psychiatrist retired last month. I have an appointment to see a new one in his office later this month, but as of today, I'm out of my medication. I'm going to call the office tomorrow and see if there is anything they can do.

Anyway, I have been stressed about that all day long. I did manage to paint the shelves in the bathroom closet, though, which is a huge relief! I just can't wait for it to dry so that I can start moving things around and get organized again. My house has still been cluttered while I waited to finish the remodel.

The shelves are as simple as can be... I had plans of making them adjustable and with dividers, but one thing after another caused problems--namely, my jointer, my planer, and my router. So, I had to come up with different solutions to get things done and it took much longer than it should have. They aren't fancy, but they're functional. 

Just ask Duck, who jumped on them when the white oil-based paint was still drying. Sigh. Anyway, here is a picture. Hopefully I'll get pictures of the full bathroom soon! (You can only see about half of the closet here; to the left of the shelves is a space for hanging clothes.)


  1. You may have already checked it out, but if not, try the GoodRX website. They give great discounts on a lot of medications, and maybe you'll be able to find a bit better of a price.

    1. Was just coming to suggest the same thing - do check it out, you may be surprised by how much of a discount you can get.

    2. Yes, we had no idea about GoodRX, but it really made a difference on one ours!

    3. Good Rx stopped covering my hypothyroidism medication. They said due to changes in ACA. So I hope you have better luck with your prescription.

  2. Check Marc Cubans’s website. There’s also a really good Canadian pharmacy that a lot of Medicare people use. I can find it if you’re interested.

  3. Welcome to my very real world of health insurance. We've always been self-employed, so I get my insurance through the Marketplace-Anthem BCBS. This year I pay $1,200. per month for me and my husband, with a $6,800. deductible. I have IBS and found a great drug that worked miracles. I had to switch to a different drug that doesn't work as well, because my insurance won't cover it, and it's over $1,000. month. Another drug I'm on cost me $50 month out of pocket, which I'm willing to pay.
    People who get health insurance as a benefit at work have no idea how valuable that benefit is, even if they have to pay some of it monthly. Oh, and they don't cover therapy, so I pay to go see my Psychiatrist. OUT OF POCKET 100%, and you think you're stressed lol

    1. Not all health insurance plans are equal. The one offered through my employer doesn't cover many prescriptions. Thanks go to ACA. Not sure who that helps.

    2. For the particularly expensive medication, you might see if the company that makes it has a program to help pay for it. I have a medication that would be $16k per dose without any coverage- the company has a program I signed up for though, that makes it $5 per dose. BIG difference.

    3. Sounds like our health insurance cost, right out of pocket. You have to have insurance, but it really isn't worth a f--k anyway.

    4. Everybody has their own stress in life and trying to "one-up" someone by comparing it to your own stress helps no one. Comparison is the thief of joy after all. Your issues sound very frustrating and I sympathize with you but I always find it so odd when people have to throw in a snide comment like "and you think you're stressed". You don't know everyone's personal battles. I truly believe you will be happier as a person once you stop comparing and start sympathizing with others. Wishing you well.

    5. K-Koira, believe me, I've been dealing with this since before we had to go to ACA for insurance. The drug company did pay most of it for a while, and then stopped when we got on ACA, so I went on a inferior drug for me, but one my insurance covers. The health care system in this country is so f'd up, I don't think it will ever be fixed.

  4. Sorry you are going through this. Go to the website for the company that makes the medication and apply for help .. sometimes you can get your medication for free.. hang in there ❤️

  5. That would be very stressful. If you haven't already checked, Mark Cuban has a pharmacy website named costplusdrugs.com that sells discount drugs. I hope you find a solution soon.

  6. I've been feeding this cute homeless cat who jumps up on a barrel outside of our kitchen window. Now, at 3AM, I get up to go to the bathroom. There's a cat looking in the window, but it's a different one! So I took food out there again. People who don't get their pets spayed and neutered should spend a few nights out in the freezing cold, hungry, trying to catch a mouse for supper!

  7. Ugh I am SO sorry you have to deal with this :( The American healthcare system is an absolute joke and it infuriates me to no end. I so hope you're able to find a resolution! Keep us updated and sending you all the love! <3

  8. Sending hugs. Sometimes a pharmacy will issue an "emergency" supply of meds to carry you through until you can get this worked out. I'm so sorry. The USA healthcare/pharmaceutical/insurance system is ridiculous.

  9. Serious recommendation: migrate to Europe with your family. Preferable the northwestern part of it. The healthcare system in the USA is bonkers and there is nothing more important than health.


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