January 3, 2023

Books I Read in 2022

Ever since a friend pointed out to me that I start a lot of my posts explaining that it's not going to be very interesting, I've made a conscious effort not to do that. But I really do feel like I'm doing you a disservice by not including that disclaimer on this post, haha. As you can tell from the title, this post is just a list of the books I read in 2022.

I wrote a post like this last year and it was nice to have all the books listed in one place, including links to my book reviews, so that I could go back and check that out. I forget about a lot of the books I read! I do keep track of books on Goodreads, but I find it easier to see it all laid out on a blog post.

I didn't do many book reviews last year and now I wish I had. I did most of my reading in the first half of the year; I didn't read a single book in July or August. I binge-read 'The Cure' and the four sequels between September and October. Then I just didn't read much after that. I really hope to get back into reading this winter. 

So, if you couldn't care less what books I read last year, please--by all means, skip this post ;)

(You can click on the book cover to take you to the book listed on Amazon. Links to the books are Amazon affiliate links--I don't know if I get commission for books--I kind of think not--but I'm too lazy to look that up, so I'll post this disclaimer just in case. If you purchase something through an Amazon affiliate link, I may get a small commission.)

Below all of the book covers, there is a list and my star rating--1-5 stars. I would have liked to put that under each cover, but when I tried, it really messed up the format of the page. So I had to do it this way.














'The Fact of a Body: A Murder and a Memoir' by Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich ★★★★☆
'Never Saw Me Coming' by Vera Kurian ★★★★☆
'The Lobotomist's Wife' by Samantha Greene Woodruff ★★★☆☆
'Rock Paper Scissors' by Alice Feeney ★★★★☆
'The Wrong Family' by Terryn Fisher  ★★★★☆
'Such a Quiet Place' by Megan Miranda ★☆☆☆☆
'The Woman in Cabin 10' by Ruth Ware ★★★★☆
'My Darling Husband' by Kimberly Belle ★★★☆☆
'Final Girls' by Riley Sager ★★★★★
'His & Hers' by Alice Feeney ★★★★☆
'Local Woman Missing' by Mary Kubica  ★★★☆☆
'False Witness' by Karin Slaughter ★★★★☆
'We All Fall Down' by Natalie D. Richards ★★☆☆☆
'Delirium' from the Delirium series by Lauren Oliver ★★★★★
'Five Total Strangers' by Natalie D. Richards ★★★☆☆
'The Upside of Falling' by Alex Light  ★★★★☆
'Hannah' from the Delirium series by Lauren Oliver ★★☆☆☆
'Pandemonium' from the Delirium series by Lauren Oliver  ★★★★☆
'Requiem' from the Delirium series by Lauren Oliver ★★★☆☆
'The Cure' from the The Cure series by K.A. Riley ★★★★☆
'Awaken' from the The Cure series by K.A. Riley  ★★★☆☆
'Ascend' from the The Cure series by K.A. Riley ★★★☆☆
'Fallen' from the The Cure series by K.A. Riley ★★★☆☆
'Reign' from the The Cure series by K.A. Riley ★★★☆☆
'Never Lie' by Freida McFadden  ★★★★☆
'The Quarry Girls' by Jess Lourey  ★★★★☆

So, that's 26 books, if I counted correctly. Not too bad! It's amazing how little I used to read before getting my Kindle Paperwhite. Clearly, I was into the young adult dystopian books last year, haha. Looking at this list, the most memorable ones are:

'The Fact of a Body: A Murder and a Memoir' - I really liked this book partly because of the format. It's written as a memoir, but the author tells a story inside of it. (I was very confused just now while reading the Amazon description of the book because it uses the word "they" and I was struggling to remember who "they" are. Then I realized the description is using "they" as the pronoun for the author. I'm old fashioned, and I think I'll always have a hard time getting used to the plural pronouns used for a singular person; so, in case the description is confusing to anyone else, I wanted to mention it. The book is not written this way.)

The memoir part is the author's time spent studying a really horrible case of the murder of a child, and the author--a lawyer--writes the story of that case along with how the case affected their life. I could have sworn I wrote about it already, but I can't find it now! Story of my life--I spend more time looking for things than pretty much anything else, haha. 

'The Wrong Family' - I'm not sure what I liked so much about this. I think it's probably that it's unlike all of the typical psychological thrillers that have been trendy the past eight years or so. It doesn't follow the "The girl in/on/around/behind/above the train/street/window/corner/etc" trope. (I'm not saying I don't like those, because I've read them all and even watched the fun parody on Netflix, "The Woman in the House Across the Street From the Girl in the Window".)

'The Wrong Family' has a storyline that I've never read before and it was refreshing. I can't even write about it because it will spoil it--yes, even from the very beginning. If you're into psychological thrillers, check this one out for sure!

'Delirium' - I will never tire of young adult dystopia. 

'The Cure' - Same.

'The Quarry Girls' - This was a good mystery that teases you in the very beginning that the main characters--a group of teen girls--don't get the chance to grow up together because of this particular summer. Girls are going missing in their small hometown, and that little teaser gives you a sense of dread through the whole book, hoping that it isn't true. This one was good--it had me questioning quite a bit and while I figured out a lot of the mystery on my own, I had a hard time figuring out how it all fit together until the very end. 

Anyone read any good books lately? Please share! I'm always looking for suggestions. You can tell by my list that I like thrillers and young adult dystopia ;)  Interestingly, though, my Top 10 All-Time Favorites don't include more than a couple of those. My favorites list is full of books that I just found powerful and/or very memorable.

I don't log into Goodreads very often because my Kindle automatically saves the books I read to Goodreads for me, but if you'd like to find me on there, here is the link


  1. You might have already read this one since it's a couple years old now but I HIGHLY recommend The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo! Such a great read! I read a lot of romances and chick lit so probably not what you're looking for lol but the books I gave 5 stars to last year were The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston, The Spanish Love Deception and the sequel The American Roommate Experiment by Elena Armas, The No-Show by Beth O'Leary, It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey and finally Simu Liu's memoir We Were Dreamers: An Immigrant Superhero Origin Story was just great!

    You had a year of some great reads! I'm going to add some of these to my TBR list on Goodreads!

  2. My favorite book of 2022 was Twenty Years Later by Charlie Donlea. When I thought I had it figured out, I absolutely did not.

  3. I had a goal to read 40 books last year, and I did it! My favorites are also thriller/suspense/mystery/psychological thrillers. All of Riley Sager's books are great so I would definitely recommend checking out his other ones. My favorites by him were Survive the Night and The Last Time I Lied. My number one favorite book I read last year was No Exit by Taylor Adams. I could not put this book down! Twists and turns on every single page. I also got really into a couple Young Adult series: A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson and One of Us is Lying by Karen McManus (I believe you read this one). Happy reading!

  4. So here's what helped me understand using the they pronoun, because we actually use it in the singular form all the time when we don't know someone's gender. For example... "My new boss start tomorrow. I hope they are nice." Or "Oh no, someone left their wallet behind." In both cases you're only talking about one person, but use they/them/their as a singular. Hope that helps :)


I used to publish ALL comments (even the mean ones) but I recently chose not to publish those. I always welcome constructive comments/criticism, but there is no need for unnecessary rudeness/hate. But please--I love reading what you have to say! (This comment form is super finicky, so I apologize if you're unable to comment)