July 6, 2022

Wednesday Weigh-In: Week 58

I love this sweatshirt! It has a squirrel at one of those claw machines trying to grab an acorn. It was Eli's shirt but it's too small on him, so rather than donate it I decided to keep it.

Between my Wednesday Weigh-Ins and the DietBet final weigh-out on Friday, I feel like I've been focusing on the scale too much over the past week. I can't even describe how glad I am that the DietBet is over!

Last year, it helped me to get back on track and I hoped it would help keep me on track this year. I've been doing well, but I don't think that the DietBet had a lot to do with it. All it did was stress me out in the few days leading up to my weigh-ins; I was being careful about sodium to avoid water weight gain and making sure not to eat "heavy" foods. I'm not used to thinking about that stuff. 

I won all six rounds of the DietBet. I think the thing that motivates me the most is actually that I don't want DietBet to get my money, haha. I think that their cut of 25% is way too much (this game I just finished had a $1.5 million+ pot; so DietBet got to keep nearly $400,000).

If you missed the details, it was a six-month DietBet to lose 10% of your body weight. There were checkpoint goals each month that you had to reach so that you don't wait until the last month to drop all of the weight.

You have to weigh in the first of every month, taking a scale photo of your feet and a full-body photo on the scale. Then someone from DietBet verifies that it's legit and you either win or lose that month based on whether you reach that month's goal. It costs $35 per month to participate or you can pay for five months up front ($175) and get the six month "free".

Jerry and I each paid $175 up front for the January 1st start date. In the end, we both won all six rounds and our payout was $366 each--that's including what we paid, so our profit was $191 (about $31 per month). That's not bad, actually, considering we weren't doing the Bet to make money; we wanted to do it for the accountability. (There are much faster and easier ways to make $31 a month! Haha)

Jerry said he's never doing a DietBet again, and right now I feel the same way. However, it *did* help me to start losing weight again last year, so if I ever feel like I really need help with accountability or something, then maybe I'd consider it again. (I would do a month-long bet rather than the six-month one.) Being so close to my goal weight made it much more difficult this time.

Anyway, the weigh-out for the six-month game was on Friday and now the DietBet is over. I was considering switching my Wednesday Weigh-Ins to once a month instead of weekly, but I feel like I still need the accountability of getting on the scale once a week and posting it on the internet(!).

As for today's weigh-in, I wasn't expecting to lose anything at all. Last night, I had a very high-sodium dinner (it was delicious, though!) and I knew, as I was eating, that my weight was going to be up a couple of pounds today. And I was right:

I was at 148, so I am up 1.6 pounds from last week. I did see a new low weight this week, though, of 144.2. I really need to switch my weigh-in days ;)  I'm glad that I've been able to stay under 150 for a while, though--I remember feeling so frustrated that I was just over 149 for a long time!

Other than the high-sodium dinner last night, my diet has been pretty good this week. I'm still loving eating a vegan diet and that's actually been a nice distraction from focusing on the scale and calories so much. I do still count calories (or at least make an effort to) but I've been eating really healthy so I don't worry about it if the calories are higher than normal.

I know I say this every single week, but I really need to drink more water! Now that I've been working outside in the yard and in the garage for much of the day, I get so dehydrated that I don't even have to pee. I always bring my water bottle out there with me, but I forget to drink from it. So, like I write most weeks, I'm really going to try hard to get in enough water every day!


  1. You look great! I was really bad with drinking water until I got those water bottles that give you the time of day you need to have it drank by. It's from Amazon and is on sale now actually. I have never missed my 64 ounces in over a month and I'm usually done drinking before 9pm. . It's really motivating! https://www.amazon.com/Venture-Pal-Motivational-Leakproof-Perfect/dp/B088GRQDCQ/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=3RID1SWBCEPRE&keywords=motivating+water+bottle&qid=1657200139&smid=A1PQ6KC3R10N9S&sprefix=motivating+water+bottl%2Caps%2C152&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyUFY1NTBQRlVDN1BTJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwODE5MjY2MkpNM1E4RVc1VTVRRCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMDY2NjY5MU1KTEJYM0kyMTY1USZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=

  2. Thanks for all the posts about diet bet. It's been tempting, but I know ultimately my eating is emotional. Time to head back to therapy and face those issues. I love your posts and transparency. Thank you!

  3. You are doing great. I am know I need to step it up. I am great about exercise but my food choices need to improve.


I used to publish ALL comments (even the mean ones) but I recently chose not to publish those. I always welcome constructive comments/criticism, but there is no need for unnecessary rudeness/hate. But please--I love reading what you have to say! (This comment form is super finicky, so I apologize if you're unable to comment)