July 4, 2022

On This Day (July 4)

I'm going to take a break from writing today so I can enjoy the nice day, but I thought it would be fun to post photos from July 4th in the previous years! I looked up "July 4" in my photos, and here are the ones I found. I'll include the year in the captions.

This was 2005 at my cousin's house for a barbecue

Super short hair and close to my highest weight (my little cousin had on a wig!)

My dad and Noah were super close when Noah was little. My dad always said Noah was his best friend.

Jump to 2012 (no idea why I didn't have pics from July 4, 2006-2011.

2014 in our neighbor's pool

2014 at our house--we had a bonfire and a few people over

2016--wearing red, white, and blue for a run as part of my then-annual Summer Running Checklist

2016 in my bedroom. Joey was clearly asking for treats.

This was 2016. I came across this crop circle when looking for a running route--it was on Google Maps. I thought it was so funny that it was just randomly there! 

2017 up north at Jeanie and Shawn's place

Family photo up north. Fun fact: I had to photoshop Shawn into the picture because he was sleeping when we took it! (He's in the back on the far left; my photoshopping skills aren't great, but it was the best I could do at the time!

2018; again, I was showing my red, white, and blue for my Summer Running Checklist.

Eli's farmer's tan in 2019

Red, white, and blue for my run again. This was 2019.

And the most boring photo for last... in 2021 I apparently spent the day turning a flat sheet into a fitted sheet. (I still use it and love it, though!)

I hope everyone had a nice Fourth! xo


  1. Hope you had a great day off. Thanks for the photos. And wow to that photoshopped image! I would never have known.

  2. Happy 4th. It was quiet. I found a new walking trail. I had wanted to go find it for a while. I got in a 3 mile walk. My butt muscles are sore since there were several hills.


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