June 1, 2022

Wednesday Weigh-In: Week 53

It's thunderstorming as I write this and I'm probably much more excited than warranted. I love a good thunderstorm! We rarely get them anymore, and if we do, it's during the night. I feel like I'm always opening my posts with weather-talk, but the weather has just been kind of crazy this year. Yesterday evening, it was 96 degrees outside! Eli had a baseball game and it was the first time this year that I didn't wear two long-sleeved shirts to his game. That's how dramatic the temperature change has been.

After having lost weight for four weeks in a row, I was hoping to continue on that streak, even if it it was just a few ounces. My June weigh-in for DietBet happened to be today, too. Unfortunately, my weight was up today from last week:

I was at 146.4, which is a gain of one pound. I'm not worried about it, though. On Monday, I ate a heavy dinner--a huge vegan burger, twice baked potato, and corn on the cob. The vegan burger was delicious! I followed this recipe by Minimalist Baker. There was a lot of prep work for it, but in the end, I think it was definitely worth it. Naturally, I forgot to take a picture of the whole burger with all the toppings, but this is what the patty looked like--when you see the ingredients, it seems so odd that they come together to make this:

The main components are brown rice, mushrooms, cashews, and oat flour. When I was making them, I realized something that kind of freaked me out for a second. With vegan burgers, you can taste the mixture before forming it into patties--something you would never do with meat. It seemed so odd being able to taste and adjust seasonings before forming the patties. Eating vegan has opened up a whole new world of foods to try that I wouldn't have otherwise--it's fun!

I was able to hit my DietBet weigh-in goal, thankfully. I had to be 147.1 or less. The final weigh-in for this six-month bet is July 1st (where I have to maintain 147.1 or continue to lose weight). I will be SO glad when the DietBet is over! I don't think it was helpful this time to keep me on track; it just stressed me out as the weight came off slower and slower.

Jerry and I decided that after this DietBet is when we'll get our yearly physicals. I'd like to work as hard as I can for the next month to get my weight under 144. The physical forms (for health insurance) ask for BMI because they charge a premium for people who have a BMI over 30, which is considered "obese". Mine is very close to 25; I'm still considered "overweight" until my BMI is under 25.

For insurance purposes it won't make a difference, and I know how outdated and inaccurate the BMI scale is, but I'd love for my BMI to be considered "normal" for the first time in a few years. I think the last time it was normal for my physical was in 2017. It's hard to believe it's been that long since I gained the extra weight!

This week, I'd like to focus on drinking more water. With it being so hot outside and the fact that I started running again this week, I want to make sure I stay hydrated. I always feel so much better when I drink a lot of water.

Here's to hoping for a good week! I remembered to take a picture of the random fact today:


  1. That burger looks delicious! Thanks always for sharing your struggles and victories. We're all so human.

  2. You're doing great. Although you say you're not at goal, you look fabulous. Truthfully if I looked that good I would feel like I was at goal. The weather here has been crazy. I was in shorts but yesterday & today it is long pants & a vest over my long sleeve shirt.

  3. I love to read about your weather! Being in NY I'm about a day behind you...pretty accurate! It was in the 90s Monday and Tuesday here and big storms yesterday. Thanks for keeping it real!


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