March 8, 2022

Transformation Tuesday #62

Happy Transformation Tuesday! It's been a pretty uneventful week and I haven't transformed anything. I hope to have a big one for next week, though. My kids are going to Hilton Head for six days, and Jerry has the week off--so my plan is to paint Noah's bedroom and finish the shelves I've been struggling with. They're so simple! But of course I overthink everything and I'm trying to figure out the perfect joints and how I should hang them and stuff like that. I have the pieces all cut to size and I'm determined to get them done before he gets home.

Anyway, I have a couple of fun transformations from readers to share. Here goes...

I feel like this plant is my “spirit animal.” It just keeps on keeping on, living and enjoying life, until there is physical evidence that it’s not been taken care of. Self care is so vital to my soul. Like this plant, I need water and rejuvenation at times. Whether that be binge-watching a show, going for a run or walk, reading a book, baking, or spending time with a friend. Then I am revived and renewed, same as this little guy.

- Emily, Michigan

Emily, I love that you brought this plant back to life! (I am the worst at keeping any sort of plant alive, so seeing something like this is kind of awesome.) I like how you used it as a metaphor as well--take care <3  - Katie

I was going thru photos and came across a very quick before/after, done nearly 15 years ago. I couldn't find my photo of the exact "before"-- but the chair that's pictured is pretty close, although the one I picked up at the local thrift store had very faded and torn red vinyl. Near as I can tell the chair is from the 1930s or 1940s--I believe it was for a barber shop/hair salon (seat angles back a bit and is very bouncy).

Re-upholstering this piece myself was beyond my skill set, so I found someone local, and while the price was fair, I soon found that upholstery fabric is horrendously expensive and would have blown my budget. Then I remembered I had an unused $5 Ikea pillow case that was made from sturdy cotton (almost a thin canvas). I purchased a very small amount of basic black canvas to complement the busy pattern, and because I figured dirt would be more easily hidden!

When I got the chair back, I was happy--after it was completed I treated the fabric with Scotch Guard so that any accidents would be easier to clean. (It worked, by the way--the fabric is still pristine.)

Anyway: I know some people like restorations to be more in-keeping with the original style, but I still enjoy the wacky pattern.

PS. If I could have afforded it, I might have preferred good quality mohair--prices for even one yard of that stuff is hair-curlingly expensive.

- Michelle

Michelle, I LOVE the new look! And I can't believe that it's 15 years old--it looks brand new. You are so creative to use your pillow fabric for the chair. I love the pattern!  - Katie

Thank you so much for sharing! As always, I am forever asking for more transformation photos to share on Tuesdays, so if you have a transformation with a before and after photo, please email them to me! Send a before photo and an after photo to me at: katie (at) runsforcookies (dot) com. Don't forget to include your name and a description of the transformation!


  1. That chair looks awesome!

  2. Love both of these, especially the message about self-care. Your readers are so talented and insightful, just like you. Can't wait to see the bedroom transformation.


I used to publish ALL comments (even the mean ones) but I recently chose not to publish those. I always welcome constructive comments/criticism, but there is no need for unnecessary rudeness/hate. But please--I love reading what you have to say! (This comment form is super finicky, so I apologize if you're unable to comment)