January 14, 2022

Friday Night Photos

This week has been busy busy busy! We had Eli's birthday last Friday (which technically is last week); orthodontist appointments, Eli's COVID booster shot, I babysat Luke and Riley a couple of days ago, and Eli had his driving test yesterday.

Interestingly, I've had a surprising burst of energy this week, too. My pain level is about half of what it was a couple of weeks ago! I don't want to get my hopes up, but I can't even describe how good it feels to get out of bed without walking hunched over like I'm 180 years old. I'm not exactly spry, but definitely doing better.

Anyway, here are my pictures from this past week...

I finally finished building the backyard slingshot for Luke and Riley (it was supposed to be a Christmas present, but you know how ridiculous December was for me, so I didn't finish it until the first week of January). I'm excited about how it turned out! We launched a bunch of tennis balls over the balcony. We also had a bunch of frozen water balloons, but I was worried that they would hit the fence and then fly back into their faces--so those will have to wait until the slingshot is on the ground without any interference in front of it.

Here is a video of Luke using it. He really wanted to get some good trajectory, so he laid on his back, bracing himself with the poles. (I made the hooks where the band connects to be adjustable, so it can be shorter or longer, depending on how big the item is that they are launching.) I shot one of the balls all the way into the pond!

(On a side note: how cool is it that they have a slide that goes from the balcony to the patio on the ground?! Rather than take the stairs, they can just slide down. You can only see a glimpse of it in the video.)

I had quite the busy day at their house (I only babysat for a few hours, but I was exhausted by the time I went home). We played laser tag, which was kind of funny--it's a running joke with a friend of mine that hell will freeze over before I ever play laser tag again. I tried it before but immediately had a panic attack when the game started and I swore I'd never do it again.) This was obviously the "home version" for kids and Luke wanted me to play, so I was a good sport. We actually had a lot of fun; we were both totally out of breath when we were done. (I took this photo to send my friend--he wasn't even impressed!)

The kids wanted to show me some stuff in the basement and Riley came across her unicorn costume from Halloween--so naturally, she wanted to wear that the rest of the day. 

Speaking of Luke and Riley, remember how I wrote about Luke's bedroom last week? It's SO cozy--the ambiance in the room is amazing. Well, I just had to try to recreate it at least a little for my bedroom. I bought the light that he has--it projects stars and a whispy looking fog (not actual fog--it just looks like it) across the ceiling and all of the walls if you place it in the corner. Here is what my ceiling looks like when it's turned on:

Isn't it awesome?! You can change the color, too. I also got a diffuser like Luke's--you put in a few drops of essentials oils and some water and the whole room smells amazing (without being too strong). Note: I know that most essential oils are toxic to cats; I use lavender, which is safe. I also use a very small amount. (Here is the Amazon affiliate link for the light and here is the link for the diffuser)

This is what the light and the diffuser look like. The diffuser is the pretty-looking one--it doesn't project the colors at all though. It's the bright light that projects the stars onto the walls and ceiling.

It's been super relaxing having those on at night! I lie down with my electric blanket and heating pad and just enjoy the ambiance of the room.

My dad called me on Friday afternoon (when we were celebrating Eli's birthday) and asked if I could build a simple little workbench for Luke and Riley. I knew I had the scrap wood to do it, so I said sure. He asked if I could have it done by Saturday morning before the kids went to my parents' house. Hahaha! I told him I was celebrating Eli's birthday, but I'd work on it in the morning. Thankfully, it only took me a couple of hours. It ain't pretty, but that's what he gets for such short notice!

When the kids went to his house, he showed them how to pound in nails. They were really cute! I love how hard Luke is concentrating in the second picture--he's sticking his tongue out :)

I was feeling so disappointed this Christmas because I couldn't find Terry's milk chocolate oranges ANYWHERE. It's something that the kids and I are obsessed with every Christmas and we looked and looked, but no luck. On Eli's birthday, we stopped at World Market and they had this orange chocolate bar--it was literally the same thing as a chocolate orange, just shaped differently! I was so excited--I just had to buy one.

This is a terrible picture, I could have sworn I took more (with Jerry an Eli in them) but this is all I found. We played the game 'What Do You Meme?' and it was so funny (to me, anyway--you know I love memes!)

This one was my favorite:

And finally... to get in some more fiber, I decided to go back to my trusty old cold oats! They have chia seeds in them, which are loaded with fiber. This little mason jar has half the fiber that is recommended for the day. It's my favorite flavor that I make--Almond Joy. I wrote out a list of the recipes for different flavors, which you can find here

And finally, here are my desk calendar pages for today (I actually really liked the someecards one, so I'm sharing that as well):

Have a great weekend, everyone! xo


  1. If you haven't already, could you share the Amazon links for the diffuser and light? Those look amazing!

    1. I just added the links into the post--usually I try to remember to do that!

  2. That projector is awesome! Can you provide a link to the brand ?

    1. I just added the links into the post--usually I try to remember to do that!

  3. The work bench looks amazing Katie! They are so lucky to have you as an auntie. My triplets had a plastic one, not nearly as special.


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