August 18, 2021

Wednesday Weigh-In : Week 12

I haven't been able to wear this shirt (one of my favorites!) for a long time and I was happy to see that it fits again :)

I'm 12 weeks in (calorie counting and running) and still going strong. I had a fun milestone this week. I decided to pull out the clothes that I had packed away in the garage (all things that didn't fit; I was going to get rid of them if I didn't wear them within two years).

Most of my clothes jump from size 4 to size 10. I gained the weight so quickly in 2018 that I never really adjusted my wardrobe (and I wear a lot of forgiving athletic wear, like stretchy black pants!). I have a few items that are between those sizes, though. There is a pair of jeans that I bought from Salvation Army last year when I was doing 75 Hard and I bought them as a goal pair--something to look forward to wearing if I continued to lose weight.

They are size 8 skinny jeans; I've never worn them. I was so sure they wouldn't fit, but I decided to see how far away they were from fitting. I was shocked, then, when I tried them on this week and was able to put them on and zip them! I don't like them as much as I thought I would, but I'm happy that I was able to reach that goal.

When I was losing weight in 2009-2010, I used to buy a pair of jeans that were one size smaller than my current size and I would try them on once a week to see how close they were to fitting. It was really motivating! And when they fit, I'd buy the next size down.

I don't have any other jeans in size 8 or size 6, so I may go to the thrift store and buy a couple pairs.

Anyway, on to this week's weigh in...

Last week I was at 170.8 and today I was at 169.6--not a huge loss (1.2 pounds) but I'm happy with it. And I'm THRILLED to see that I'm back in the 160's again.  That brings the total to 27.4 pounds, which is still an average of over 2 pounds per week--I never thought I'd get to this point again (I don't mean my weight, but rather feeling in control of myself again and reaching goals).

This was a great week as far as my weight loss + running... I just feel really good about myself again!

(Since I usually get some questions about how I'm losing weight, here is recent FAQ post)


  1. Congratulations. You are looking fantastic.

  2. Yay!!! Way to go Katie. I love reading your posts every day, but I logged on knowing that it was Wednesday. You are certainly on a roll and in a great place.
    Take care, Michelle

  3. You are doing such a great job with the weight loss! How exciting for you!! How tall are you?

  4. Congratulations!!! I like those skinny jeans on you. They're cute.

  5. Wow! You are rocking this. Good work.

  6. Amazing progress -- congratulations! You're doing a fantastic job and you're an inspiration to myself and all your readers. Thank you for sharing your story with us :)

  7. What a motivating post Katie! You are doing great and I know you said you don't like the skinny jeans but they look great on you!

  8. Looking good! It is so interesting how people carry weight so differently. When I was close to 170 pounds, I was a size 12 going on 14. Now at 135 pounds I am a solid size 6.


I used to publish ALL comments (even the mean ones) but I recently chose not to publish those. I always welcome constructive comments/criticism, but there is no need for unnecessary rudeness/hate. But please--I love reading what you have to say! (This comment form is super finicky, so I apologize if you're unable to comment)