August 29, 2020

Much Needed Rain

After not getting any rain for what felt like MONTHS (actually, it may have been months...) it finally rained here yesterday. And it definitely made up for the lack of rain. It was thunderstorming with crazy heavy rain when I woke up yesterday morning.

I immediately felt bad for Joey, who is used to going for a walk first thing when I wake up. I didn't want to walk on the treadmill because Jerry is working nights and the noise might wake him up. I checked out the weather forecast and it said that the rain would stop in 10 minutes and it wouldn't rain for at least 120 minutes after that. Sounded good!

I played Best Fiends for 10 minutes and sure enough, the rain stopped entirely. So, Joey and I headed out on a walk. 

I decided to go on a different route--it seemed kind of fun to turn it into a "game" by challenging myself to walk every single street in our neighborhood. This was a very spontaneous decision, so I didn't think about it beforehand and plan my "strategy". I ended up doing a very inefficient route, but in the end, I did walk every street.

About 10 minutes in, the sky just opened up and dumped on us--it wasn't just a drizzle, or even "light" rain. It was pouring. I was soaked through within seconds, and it actually felt really good. It's been super humid here lately, the air so thick it's hard to breathe, so the rain was welcome. Not to mention the grass needed it!

Joey stopped to shake off his coat every once in a while, but we were sopping wet the entire walk. The downpour stopped a couple of times, but it didn't matter. I really love to walk in the rain--I just prefer a light drizzle ;)

When I was about to go for my second walk yesterday, I went out to the driveway and while I was waiting for my Garmin to find satellites, I double-checked the weather. It said it was going to start raining in one minute--and the rain was "heavy". I heard thunder just then, so I decided to go back inside and walk on the treadmill.

Jerry texted me from Kroger (about four miles away) and said it was downpouring. I figured it was a good call to stay inside. I walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes--and it never ended up raining! There was not a single drop here.

But anyway, I'm so glad we got the rain yesterday because today the weather was absolutely amazing. It cooled off by about 25 degrees and the humidity was so much lower. The skies were cloudy in a good way and it felt like a perfect fall day (I love fall so much more than summer). 

I took Joey for our walk this morning and there was a really nice breeze. It felt perfect! Well, aside from all of the bullfrogs that had been run over by cars--they weren't so happy. I haven't seen so many frogs in years! With all the rain yesterday, they came out and I saw several that had been run over.

This cute little guy was crossing the road, so I picked him up and brought him to the dike to let him go. I see a lot of baby turtles that have gotten run over, so I always pick them up when I see them.

When I got home, I turned off the air conditioning and opened up all the windows in the house. I had planned to take the kids shopping for "back to school" clothes, but decided to take them tomorrow or Monday instead because of today's weather.

I just realized I've spent this entire post talking about the weather. Really?!

My dad sent me a text yesterday and said he and my mom were out riding their bikes when the rain just started coming down. They got totally soaked and my dad said he felt like a kid again--back when kids used to play in the rain after the thunder and lightening stopped. I remember those days very well! I have pictures of my kids playing in the rain when they were little, and it makes me feel nostalgic.

He sent me a couple of pictures from when they got home:

Speaking of my dad, I just have to share this...

A few days ago, my dad asked me if I had any yellow paint or poster board. I didn't have either one, and I didn't even ask what he needed it for. I promptly forgot about it. 

And later, I saw what he wanted it for. I was dying. What the--?! #dadquarantine ? #dadlife ? I have no idea what made him come up with this, but I think it's hilarious!


  1. Joey is so lucky. That picture of the sunflower cracks me up!

    1. Joey's such a good dog! We definitely lucked out with him :)

  2. Your Dad 🤣 Hilarious!

    1. I know! He's gotten a little quirkier each year since he retired. I love it!

  3. What a fun post! Your dad's picture put a huge smile on my face! Thank you Katie!

    1. Isn't it so funny?! I have no idea where he came up with that idea.

  4. I fell in love with your parents after the bike "adventure" and now I couldn't love them more. Thanks for sharing!

  5. LMAO - the end pic made my day. Love his sense of humor.

    1. Hahaha, he does the funniest "dad joke" type things. It's so funny how much effort he put into this!

  6. I might have missed it....but did your parents get their bikes back after they were stolen or are these new ones?

    1. YES!! I couldn't believe it. The power of Facebook amazes me. They were a little damaged, but it was just cosmetic. I'm so glad that they were able to get them back.

    2. Oh that makes me so happy!!!! :)


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