April 13, 2020

3-Day Challenge Recap and Plans for Another

As I wrote a few days ago, I'd finally gotten on the scale and faced the number I'd been dreading for a while now. I really want to work on getting the extra weight off, but I'm tired of not following through on any of the goals I set for myself.

I love to make challenges for myself--and they always involved 30-, 60-, or 90-day commitments (or even a year). I rarely last more than a few days. A week, if I'm lucky.

So, I had the idea to try a three-day challenge. Since three days is usually when I start to wane on any challenge, I thought it sounded like a good amount of time.

My challenge for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday was as follows:

*Drink a quart of water immediately when waking up. Get dressed in running clothes.
*Run 2 miles, starting within 30 minutes of waking up.
*Count calories on Cronometer.
*Take Joey for a two mile walk.
*Knit, crochet, do a puzzle, play a game, or anything else that is "hands on" in the evenings to avoid snacking.
*Cook a family dinner each day.
*Get dressed in "real" clothes and do my hair and make-up every day. Even though I'm not going anywhere, it makes me feel better about myself.
(Bonus): Write in a journal. I'm not sure I'll be able to stick with this one, but I will try. Maybe if I make it a routine to do while I eat breakfast after my run.

I wrote about Day 1 and Day 2. They went really well!

Day 3 (yesterday) was almost as good, with the exception of cooking dinner.

I went for a run first thing in the morning (well, after I took photos of the squirrels' antics!):

I showered, dressed, and did my hair and make-up.

I drank a quart of water as soon as I was done with my run.

I took Joey for a two-mile walk.

My back has been in a lot of pain lately, and when it was time to make dinner, I just asked Jerry to pick up Jimmy John's on his way home from work. I couldn't stand the thought of being on my feet any longer. When he got there, they were closed. He tried a few more places, and nothing was open.

Finally, he ended up getting McDonald's. We NEVER eat fast food for dinner! But by that time, we were starving and I was just desperate. I really need to start making my kids cook dinner sometimes.

Anyway, other than the McDonald's for dinner, the day went well.

Thoughts on my 3-Day Challenge:

*I love that it's only three days! If there is something that I really don't like about it, I know that after three days, I can alter my plan.
*It pushes me out of my comfort zone, but not so far that it's miserable.
*I FEEL a lot better about myself--going for runs, doing my hair and make-up, walking Joey... it just makes me feel like I'm doing something healthy for myself.

So, I'd like to continue these 3-Day Challenges! Today, I was totally unprepared to start something new, so I didn't. But it gave me an idea. I think I'll do two back-to-back three-day challenges, and then take one day off. That will work out to a week at a time.

By taking a day off, I don't mean going crazy by binge eating and wearing pajamas all day. I mean taking the day off of running, wearing my black stretchy pants and an oversized sweatshirt, and skipping the hair and make-up. Maybe getting Jimmy John's or something for dinner instead of cooking.

So, for my next plan (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday), I'm going to write different goals for each day. I'm starting back up on my half-marathon training plan, so I'm going to follow that schedule plus add in some walks.

Tuesday -
*Run 2.5 miles within 30 minutes of waking up.
*Drink two quarts of water.
*Count calories on Cronometer.
*Take Joey for a one-mile walk.
*Work on insulating the garage.
*Cook dinner (salisbury steak and mini potatoes).
*Start knitting a sweater.

Speaking of insulating the garage, the insulation and drywall was delivered today! I even started working on installing the insulation. I'm so excited to get this project done. And to have heat in my garage in the winter!

Wednesday -
*Run 2.5 miles within 30 minutes of waking up.
*Drink two quarts of water.
*Count calories on Cronometer.
*Take Joey for a one-mile walk
*Cook dinner (unstuffed cabbage)
*Work on clearing out inbox.

Thursday -
*Take Joey for a three-mile walk within 30 minutes of waking up.
*Drink two quarts of water.
*Count calories on Cronometer.
*Cook dinner (baked ziti)
*Work on sweater or another project.

It's very similar to the last few days, but I rearranged the running/walking a little.

I really like this 3-3-1 Challenge idea (3 days, 3 days, 1 day off). I feel like breaking it up into chunks as small as three days really changes my mindset! And then I can look forward to taking a day off after the second round. :)


  1. I think this is a great idea. I've been struggling with my weight too (I was losing pretty consistently until the "Corona diet" started)...I think I'm going to try this too; the idea of a long-term challenge seems overwhelming.

    1. Ugh, the "Corona diet" has been awful, hasn't it?! Someone mentioned the "Corona 19" (as a play on the "Freshman 15") and it seems totally accurate, haha!

  2. YOU are insulating your garage?! You are amazing! The motivation you have to do these projects is unreal to me. I can hardly motivate myself to clean the bathrooms. You should really look at all you do every day and be very proud of yourself.

    1. Hahaha, I would MUCH rather insulate the garage than clean my bathrooms! I despise cleaning bathrooms and my stove. And doing dishes. Pretty much all housework, lol.

  3. Sounds like a great three day plan, you did it!

    1. Thank you! I'm actually very surprised myself ;)

  4. I took inspiration from your 3 day challenge -- and the little wins keep me going! I love it! Thanks for the suggestion.

    1. That's awesome!! It's helped me a lot, too. It's nice to at least FEEL like I'm doing some good for myself :)

  5. I'm kinda in the same boat, but heck I have ALL day now to get in walkies, so even if it is 27 out, I don't have to go at 7 am, I can go later, at least for another week and a half, or until lockdown for my town/state is over...

    1. My kids aren't going to school now, so I have all day to get in my run/walks too, but I find if I don't do it first thing in the morning, I end up not doing it at all. I used to be a morning exerciser, and I'd love to get back there!

  6. I am liking your 3-3-1 challenge. I think I will come up with something like this. Thank you for the inspiration!

    1. It came out of nowhere, but I'm liking it! Haha, it's nice to feel accomplished after just three days.

  7. Sounds like you did amazingly! I'm trying to figure out a similar plan for when my head (and hands) start to wander.

    1. Even if you just come up with one or two things, it'll help you feel like you accomplished something! I haven't been perfect with it, but I've certainly done better than I would have if I hadn't set the goals :)

  8. You are glowing! The picture of health. And as always, you inspire all of us. I didn't run at all last week so this morning, it seems much harder. But maybe it's because I just think it is. Hope this virus is dead very soon everywhere. I see Michigan has so much. So far in Iowa it's less than most states.

    1. The "glowing" is probably just the make-up, hahaha ;) But thank you. And yes, Michigan is pretty bad right now. We haven't gone anywhere in such a long time! It feels so odd--I bought a brand new car just a couple of days before all this went crazy, and I've barely gotten to drive it!

  9. I read your blog regularly and don't often feel the need to comment, but I want to share that you are simply amazing with all the projects you do, the skills you develop, and the courage and ability you have to do it all yourself. I know the weight gain can weigh on you (pun unavoidable) but you shoudl feel so incredibly proud of the skills and motivation you have. It's inspiring.

    1. Thank you so much! Until remodeling my house, I had no idea how much I enjoyed all these projects I've been doing lately. YouTube has been invaluable as far as learning how to do things myself! ;)

  10. I love the 3 day challenge idea!

    1. It's been nice not to think ahead more than three days!

  11. You need to stop and cheer for yourself! The 3 day challenge you have completed deserves to be celebrated. High five and hand claps for you! No matter what the scale says you have successfully spent the past three days making yourself healthier, stronger and fitter. Good job. :) and inspirational. :)

    1. Thank you! It really has been nice feeling like I accomplished something (regardless of the weight--I haven't even weighed myself). I feel good about myself when I set goals and reach them :)

  12. I love this! I've been wanted to get back to eating cleaner(I know I feel way better when I eat clean) for a week now, but I cave and get NACHOS! So I am committing to pushing hard in my workout, drinking 88oz of water, and hitting perfect macros for wed Thurs and Fri. That's it. 3 things, 3 days.

    1. I love the idea of 3 things, 3 days-- Good luck!

  13. Love the DIY projects! For dinner assign a day a week to each of the kids and Jerry. Now you're only responsible for for four nights and odds are whatever they make will fit into your plan since you purchase the groceries.

    1. I do like the idea of assigning the kids and Jerry to cooking once a week. It get so stressed trying to pick something to cook that everyone will enjoy!


I used to publish ALL comments (even the mean ones) but I recently chose not to publish those. I always welcome constructive comments/criticism, but there is no need for unnecessary rudeness/hate. But please--I love reading what you have to say! (This comment form is super finicky, so I apologize if you're unable to comment)