November 11, 2019

"Army Guys" (A cute Veteran's Day post)

If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know how passionate I am about veterans. The military and war really hit home for me when my younger brother joined the Army just after 9/11 and did two tours in Iraq. (My dad was also in the Army, but he was honorably discharged long before I was born, so it didn't hit as hard for me as when my brother joined.)

Nathan (my brother) struggles with PTSD and he actually starting using running as a way to cope with that, which I find amazing. You can read his story here.

However, I thought it would be fun to share some pictures to show American pride in a different sort of way in this post. When Eli was little, he was obsessed with "Army guys". The bucket of soldiers he got for Christmas one year was his favorite toy from his entire childhood--he LOVED them and he played with them constantly.

Even though he had hundreds, he still asked for "Army guys" on his birthday and Christmas wish lists. I put together some photos of his military pride (I mean no offense to actual veterans by sharing these--like I said, I have a huge place in my heart for veterans. I just hope these photos may make you smile.)

As always, a heartfelt THANK YOU to all the real veterans out there. You gave Eli someone to look up to! And we are so grateful for your service. 


  1. Adorable! Those photos totally made me smile. I'm Impressed with Eli's drawings at 6 years old!

    1. Thank you! I love looking through old pictures of my boys. They were SO adorable! I hate how fast the time goes after having kids.

  2. Omg how CUTE is this?! He's adorable! And even crazier now to look at your current pictures haha. He's so grown up now! Thank you for sharing!!

    1. I know! I can't believe how fast they grow. I wish I could go back in time and savor all those moments that rushed past.

  3. Those were soo cute and Eli was so creative for his age! Very nice tribute to the veterans!

    1. Thank you! Eli has always been very creative :) (Honestly, I was always told that I was a super creative kid, so he must take after me, haha). He's always marched to the beat of his own drum, and I love that about him!


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