February 7, 2016

Blog changes

I almost didn't write a post today, but I had a moment this evening that I wanted to share.

Everything has been going so well lately, that I've been feeling really great about myself and where I am at this moment in my life. A couple of days ago, a reader contacted me to tell me that my before and after photos were being used in a mailer from a personal trainer. She forwarded the mailer to me, and sure enough, my photos were there (my watermark cropped out). The email implied that the trainer trained me to get to my "after" photo.

I was pissed, of course. This has happened before, where some scam company uses my photos to try and sell diet pills or something. That's why I started watermarking my before and after photos. I have messaged the trainer twice now (once by email, once on Facebook) and he still hasn't responded. I asked him to please remove my photo from anywhere that he has used it, and I said I would appreciate it if he would retract what he'd written in the mailer. I just want him to acknowledge that what he did was wrong. He earns money through his site, not just from training but by selling memberships to private running groups.

Anyway, I was angry about that, but I was planning to give him one more chance to respond privately before I went public with his wrongdoing. As I went to the message part of Facebook, I noticed a message in there from another reader. She said she noticed that my blog post was on a different website. I checked it out, and someone had copied my ENTIRE blog post about the Weight Watchers SmartPoints plan, including my scale photo, onto their own blog... word for word.

Stealing a photo is upsetting to me, but copying my entire post? How could anyone possibly think that's okay?! I looked at the Facebook page for this blog, and they have over 90,000 fans. They had posted a link to "their" post on the blog, making it appear as if they had written the whole thing. At the very bottom, in tiny lettering (light gray color) was "Source: www.runsforcookies.com". That's it! It's one thing to post a link to someone else's blog, where people can read it at the source (that's totally fine); but it's actually illegal to copy and paste my entire blog post the way they did.

The post had only been up for an hour, but the damage had been done--there were a dozen or so shares on Facebook, and lots of repins on Pinterest. I immediately reported the copyright infringement to Pinterest and Facebook, and I messaged the Facebook page to please remove it all. I was really upset by the whole thing, especially considering it happened just after the personal trainer stole my photos. I posted a public comment that it had been stolen from my blog, and some random person replied that because my blog is public, anyone is free to copy whatever they want (not true!).

At that moment, I wanted to just take down my entire blog. It's hard to describe, but I just felt very violated. I started to think about all the other things that have probably been copied and posted elsewhere, including my kids' pictures. I was so upset that I started crying, and it had been a long time since I've cried--like I said, everything has been going so well for me lately. As I waited and hoped for a response from the Facebook page, I was SO TEMPTED to binge eat. The anxiety I was feeling would have been eased in just seconds if I could stuff my face with food.

And you know what I did? I went for a walk. The kids and I took Joey for a walk around the neighborhood, because it was so gorgeous outside (50 degrees!) and I just wanted to get away from my computer. We only walked one loop of the neighborhood, which was about 3/4 of a mile, but I was starting to feel better. I got a text from Jerry (he was at work), who said that the post had been removed from Facebook, and I was so relieved when I heard that.

When I got home, there was a message from that Facebook page, telling me that they were sorry and had removed the post from the blog, Pinterest, and Facebook. Now, if only I could get the personal trainer to admit his wrong doing in stealing my photos. (ETA: I finally got an email from him. He apologized and said he would remove my photo; it's already been mailed out to thousands of people, so I don't know how much good that will do. But I am glad he at least responded.)

Anyway, the whole point of this post was not to complain about people stealing my property. I was very proud of myself for choosing to handle the stress and anxiety I was feeling without food. In the past, I've always turned to food to make me feel better, but I've been getting really good at avoiding binge eating. Anxiety is my biggest binge trigger, and being able to deal with that mess today in a healthy way (going for a walk) is big progress for me.

All of that said, I'm just not sure where to go from here. I'm feeling less and less comfortable posting about my life online (you may have noticed that I've been writing less frequently). When I had just a handful of readers, I was very open about everything--probably way too much information, honestly! I miss those days--when I could make a joke without someone being offended, curse freely, post a food log without being nitpicked and criticized, and write about things like sex because my mom wasn't yet a reader ;) My blog has always been a place for me to just write about my day and my thoughts; never a place to preach or tell others how they should be doing things, so I hope it doesn't come across that way.

I've been thinking about making some changes to my blog, and keeping a lot of my personal life out of it; but on the other hand, I love to keep a journal documenting my day to day life. And I've met some completely amazing people through my blog! I suppose I could just keep a handwritten journal at home, but there is something fun about having a public platform to share my ideas and thoughts. It has sparked some great conversations over the years, and I have learned a ton from readers who have commented or emailed.

Over 99% of the feedback I receive on my blog is positive and/or constructive, so I don't want the few negative parts to change the way I write. However, as my kids are getting older, I am starting to think that maybe it's time I just stick to writing about my running and weight loss/gain/maintenance, even if that is boring. I don't want the kids or other family members to feel "on display", if that makes sense.

I'm not saying that I'm going to be doing anything drastic; but if you notice that I don't write as much about my family as I used to, it's just because I am trying to conserve some privacy for them. And because of this, I may not be writing as frequently as I have for the past few years. This blog has been such a blessing in my life (amazing opportunities, meeting people who have become extremely close friends, helping me stay accountable in the weight loss goals) and I just can't really imagine what life would be like without it!

Thanks so much for reading. I'm not going anywhere, but I want to take a moment to say thank you--for inspiring me, for healing me, for teaching me, and for growing with me :) xo

I don't have any good pictures for this post, so I'll share this picture of Joey and me. February 3rd was his one-year "adoptiversary"!


  1. So sorry. I've been reading for years and I've actually been back logging because I kind of just started where I started and never read from the beginning. If you take it down, please just give me a week to catch up! Ha ha. I'm in 2013... You've just said you'd run a second marathon and I want to find out what happens!

    I'm mostly kidding though. I'm sorry people feel it is okay to violate your personal life. It's as if they don't realize the writers of amazing blogs are real life people as well.

    I hope you continue to do well. I know you are binge free for a long time. Dont let trolls mess up your personal goals. It sounds like you didn't.

    You've inspired me for years. Some people suck, but most are wonderful.

    1. I'm not going to take it down--and if I did, I would certainly give notice. It was just a knee-jerk reaction when I discovered someone stole that post. But I've worked hard on this blog, so I don't want to waste all that work! Thanks for reading, Amanda :)

  2. Katie,

    So random that you wrote this post tonight. I started to write you an email earlier and then stopped. Thank God for your Blog!

    I'm trailing behind you on this weight loss journey and have learned so much from your experience. I lost 90 pounds via Weight Watchers 4 years ago - 20 pounds has crept back on due to emotional eating. The struggle is real.

    I'm not into WW's new points - I make their plan a game and find ways to "cheat" - I cheat myself. Thank you for blogging about your choice to count calories again. I've started tracking via My Fitness Pal and am loving the change of scenery.

    Also, I have made an appointment for a tummy tuck consult! You have been a very important part of my journey. When I need inspiration, I return to your blog. Thank you for sharing your life with us. I appreciate you. Keep being brave!

    Much love, KD

    1. Thank you! And I know what you mean about finding ways to "cheat" on WW. I think that's why I stopped losing. I was still technically on plan, but I would find little loopholes to eat more than I should. Changing to MFP was a great change of scenery to me, too!

  3. It's awful that people steal your posts like that--shame on them! I love your blog posts and look forward to reading them,you are an inspiration to so many!

    1. It just makes me wonder what they are thinking--I would feel horribly guilty about doing something like they have!

  4. Dear Katie,
    I am so sorry that your intellectual property has been stolen. I don't blame you one bit for making some changes to the blog. Whatever you write, I will continue to read! You inspire me so much. Peace and love to you! Oh and to that trainer- karma's a bitch!

    1. Haha, I certainly hope that karma teaches him a lesson in this situation ;) Thanks for reading!

  5. Just wanted to chime in and add that I love your blog too, its the only blog I keep up with. Lately I've been using your calorie counting and binge free posts as motivation to get me day to day with my own efforts.... You inspire, thank you!

    1. Thanks for reading! I'm glad that you found those posts helpful. It was a ton of information, and I tried to keep it as clear as I could without making it overwhelming.

  6. I'll miss your posts - I really enjoy reading your blog. What if you just took all the photos down? I think you should do what you need to do to feel safe, though. And if the trainer doesn't respond to you and make things right, tell us who he is. :-)

    1. I'll still be posting! Like I said, I am not going to make any drastic changes.
      I'm giving the trainer the benefit of the doubt, assuming he was busy over the weekend and didn't have time to respond. But I'm going to try one more time tomorrow! ;)

  7. Your authenticity is really inspiring - both in your diet and exercise and in your day to day life. I appreciate you sharing with me. Real people blogs are my favorite and I have really enjoyed reading yours for the past few years, but I Totally get feeling angry and violated by not knowing how people are using your content. Ultimately, it's your life you're sharing, so you need to do what you feel comfortable with. In the meantime, thank you again for sharing with us and congratulations on not bingeing today! That is great will power to not turn to food when feeling stressed! I'm still working on it :)

    1. Thank you so much for the feedback, Kate! I am sure I will feel better about all of this in a week or two, so I'm probably just being extra cautious. I enjoy writing about my day to day life (even if it's not the most exciting thing to read about). Thank you for reading!

  8. I've been a long time reader, but first time commenting... I love everything you write about but totally understand leaving the family off the blog. I have 2 elementary age boys and they already ask me not to post pics of them to facebook without their approval so I get it. I think alot of us readers really enjoy learning about your running and diet journey so I know I'm not going anywhere. I'm curious to know how your new training plan works for getting a new 10K PR. I'm trying a new 5K plan that includes alot of speedwork and also hoping for a PR.

    1. Thanks for commenting (and reading) Brie! When my kids were younger, I loved writing about cute things they said or did; but now, they get embarrassed when I even talk about them, so I don't want to ruin their trust. There have been a lot of things I've wanted to write about them lately, because it's so funny, but they would be horrified, so I don't ;) Glad you understand!

  9. I've been a reader for a long time and I'm sorry this has happened. :( It's so violating!

    1. Thanks for reading April! I felt the same way when it happened before, and after a week or so, I was able to let it go... so I'm sure that will happen again. Right now, it's just fresh in my mind!

  10. I think you should release the name of that Personal trainer who is lying about his client even if he removes it. People should know that he/she is devious and may not even be a real trainer and might cause someone harm by not knowing what they are doing to begin with. If they lie about who they train and what their progress was, what else would they lie about?

    1. I agree! I was tempted to start messaging his clients, but I didn't want to jump the gun before letting him respond. And yes--if he has to use MY photos instead of a real client, maybe he's not a very good trainer. If he was, I would imagine he would want to show off his actual clients!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I don't have kids, so I can't imagine how upset you would be if someone was taking posts about your kids off this site. But - I do love that you post about them. The posts about your kids are what makes me feel like you are a real person and not just a running and weight loss robot.

    1. I'm glad you said that! I always felt like I was getting so off topic when writing a whole post about my kids here and there. But, they are obviously the biggest part of my life, so it would be hard NOT to write about them! ;)

    2. Totally agree with "Unknown" - hearing about your family & life outside running makes you so much more real, & it's more inspiring as you're a "normal person" - therefore, it helps people realise they too can make & achieve weight loss / fitness goals just as you have. Plus, even though you have no formal training, you have a wealth of firsthand knowledge to pass on.

    3. I also love hearing about your kids. . . and Jerry. It makes you seem very real and "normal". I often smile when I read the funny things about your kids and I root for them when reading about their running achievements. I understand their requests with not wanting to be embarrassed but I sure hope you can find a way to keep us posted about them!

    4. Since I don't run, I also like the parts about Jerry and the boys the best. Hope you don't completely shut them out of your blog.

  12. I love your blog and it has been very helpful for me as I try to figure out how to get/keep my weight at a healthy number. So even if you start posting less, I'll still love your blog!! I also found your series on binge-eating to be super-helpful since that is what I struggle with and a lot of what you wrote hit close to home.

    1. I'm glad you found the binge series helpful! Even writing it all out was helpful to me. I learned quite a bit about myself over the last six months :)

  13. I so sorry this happened to you. I do t understand why people act the way they do sometimes and have a sense of entitlement. I have been reading your blog for years and I truly look forward to them and your support as I go along in my own weight loss journey. You are an inspiration to me and so many others. Please don't take your blog down. I understand your need to keep your family out of it and I respect you for that. You do you Katie! I'm here cheering you on and looking forward to your next blog :)

  14. As your life evolves it's only fair that your blog and topics would evolve too. Love the stories about your family, especially Jerry and your boys, however their privacy/comfort level is vital.
    If you write only about your diet and running (and animals)it's still incredibly interesting. I learn a lot about the how and why of planning your runs, how you can successfully maintain a significant weight loss, and how change is important to success. I've paired down the blogs I read on a daily basis down to just two and Runs for Cookies at 9PM is my daily staple. Keep on evolving Katie!

  15. Katie,

    I am so sorry this happened to you and I don't blame you at all for any of your feelings or how you wanted to handle it. Both with the urge to binge and just shutting it down. But congrats on staying binge free! That is HUGE.

    As for the lazy trainer, you may have to find a good lawyer and get a cease and desist letter. That may be the only way to get it taken care of. And depending on the lawyer you may be able to get one that is a form letter. Fill in the name of whomever and go. It's an idea, I don't know if it's a good one.

    I'm glad you didn't shut it down. I'm sorry you feel you have to shield your family so. I don't blame you at all. I love your blogs and stories and inspiration. Yours in one of the few blogs that I read consistently because I can relate so much with what you say. Hang in there. We've got your back!

    1. My husband also suggesting looking into a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act). It's a letter to take down digital media that is being used without permission. Companies use it all the time for getting stuff off of youtube and the like. But it also applies to things like blogs.

  16. WOW!! Katie I am sorry that this happened! I am so glad you are going to continue to post. I love your blog and recently when I fell off the weight loss wagon your blog inspired me to try again and try calorie counting as WW just wasn't working. Your binge posts were so helpful and generated lots of positive changes in me. Hang in there! Also great choice on walking today!

  17. I'm sorry you've had to deal with this ass-hattery today! It sucks that it's making You doubt the gift you have given us. (And yes your openness has been a gift) thanks for your posts. Liking at your pictures with Joey... What a change in that dog in a year! His adoption day posture, facial expression and ear locations show that he was completely anxious and uneasy. This years picture he is absolutely beaming. Great job on being his family!

    1. That's exactly what I was thinking! The dog has these haunted/anxious/sad eyes in picture #1, and a year later, he's a big mush-ball of happiness. What a difference a good family makes :-)

  18. Hi Katie! I've been reading your blog for about 5 years, starting around six months after you moved to runsforcookies! I'm so sorry that you have to deal with the jerks that think it would ever be okay to steal your information, photos, and thoughts. I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your life with me, and your readers. While reading this blog I realized my issues with emotional eating, binge eating, and anxiety, and I have become so much healthier. Sometimes the things you do help me, and it's so fun hearing about things like your cats and Joey. My siblings are around your age, and sometimes you feel like a family member, even though you're a stranger! Thanks for blogging =)

  19. I've been reading your blog for awhile and that really sucks when someone is stealing your stuff! But take it as a compliment that it means it's good? Lol. Maybe one spin. But I look forward to your daily posts and like hearing about your family and day to day stuff. I get privacy concerns though. But hopefully you'll find a happy medium for you that let's you write what you want to write while also keeping your family safe.

  20. Hi - I've been reading for years, but never commented. You are my favorite blogger, and I think it's because you're so genuine and open. I am so sorry that people have abused that, and I wanted to thank you for all of your work over the years. It's really been inspiring!

  21. Hey you are the reason I even started to believe I can lose weight!!!
    I have so much gratitude for you Katie

    When I read the heading of the blog, I thought maybe you are changing the colour scheme or perhaps planning to YouTube.
    Really horrifying about the trainer and FB post.
    I do understand that your family deserves privacy from the ones who are being mean and sarcastic.

    Just don't leave us. Every time I binge I read your posts and still sitting at a place where I need more motivation
    Take care

  22. I'm glad your staying around. I always enjoy reading about your days. My fave part is seeing your races and your PR's. I love seeing how active you are with those two young men that are enjoying racing more. I admire you for putting your life out there! I'm so glad to have found this blog so many years ago and finally getting to meet you in October. :)

  23. Thank you Katie for putting yourself out there for all the meanies to attack you for us! You will never know how much your daily blog keeps me going... I literally mirror you to keep going. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I know the sacrifice you must be making to help us on our journeys.

  24. Katie,

    I'm so so so sorry to hear about what's happened to you. That's really shitty and unfair. I want to thank you for your blog, you've helped me through a couple situations in my life (most recently my knee injury) and have inspired me to restart my weight loss journey after getting out of the hospital.

    I am a member of a popular calorie counting app and I've recommended your blog over and over to those suffering from binge eating disorder and for those who are wanting to become runners, and everybody who has come to read really enjoys reading your words.

    Don't let a couple assholes ruin your day.

  25. I really enjoy reading your blog! Your casual style is so readable and your story/life is so inspiring. I am glad to read you aren't leaving the blososphere altogether.

    I found Runs for cookies from your SparkPeople account. I was seeking stories from people who lost the amount I need to lose...to see if it is really possible, I think! Thank you for showing all of us that it CAN be done.

    I look forward to seeing the new trails you forge with the new format.

  26. I've only commented once, to ask for running advice, but I feel compelled to comment on this post. A year and a half ago I weighed 300 pounds. I'm not sure what I was googling or searching for at the time I came upon your blog, but in reading it I felt like I was reading a very similar story to mine in dealing with your weight journey. I spent most of that day reading nearly all of your blog posts, and the next day I started my journey to getting healthy and losing weight. You have been such an inspiration to me and I deeply and sincerely thank you for sharing your story: all the ups, the downs, the successes, the not-so successes, etc. I read your blog every night before I go to bed and it reminds me to be proud of what I accomplished that day and that the next day provides a new beginning. I'm down over 100 pounds now and feel better and healthier than ever. Thank you for sharing your journey!

  27. My heart hurt for you while I read this post! I've been reading your blog for a few years now, I really enjoy the realness of the way you write, I feel like I know you! I'm sorry this happened to you, again! I admire your strength,Katie!

  28. I'm so sorry to hear what's happened Katie. I almost never comment but I've been reading your blog for years now. I'm not a runner, I never will be, and most of the time I'm not dieting (and currently back at my heaviest ever after losing 80lbs in 2013), but I love reading about your struggles and successes, your lovely family, the animals etc. Yours is the only blog I read daily and because I'm in the UK, when I get up in the morning your latest blog is usually in my inbox and I look foward to reading it before work. I totally support whatever you need to do to protect yourself and your family but I'm saddened that it's needed to come to this at all.

  29. Hey Katie,

    I'm so sorry you had a rough day.

    I spent most of the day sobbing in my car on my way to-from my hike, so right there with ya. (Ugh.)

    I did want to pipe in with two things.

    1.) You can disable right click for your blog so people can copy paste stuff. I have this done on my photography website because I had so much trouble with piracy. I am assuming my circulation is much lower than yours but piracy on wedding photos is VERY common. There was a point in which I was finding multiple stolen photos n random websites a day. I'd spend an hour or so a day sending threat letters. It was overwhelming. Watermarks across an important part of the photo so it would look DUMB if it were cropped out, and disabling right click. It mightbe frustrating for readers if they are trying to say, copy a recipe off your website, but they'll live. If you go to my photo website, (emilyheizer.com) and try and right click, a box will pop up that says, "please don't steal my work!" It's been so long since I did that I don't remember how I did that, but you can google instructions. OR, call out to your readers. I bet someone knows. It's in your html! it's just a little code you slap in.

    2.) The trainer. Send him a DMCA notice. (Digitial Media Copyright Act) You don't even have to have any intent, but legally, copyright infringement as it relates to PHOTOGRAPHY is worth $150,000 per photo with an additional $6,000 fine every time someone crops out a watermark. Send the threat. You can copy the full language off a generic letter off Google. You can also report him to Facebook if he has your photo posted anywhere. "This is my intellectual property." It's no different than if he stole your treadmill out of your damn garage. It's yours. You take that shit back. You don't have to be nice. He is STEALING.

    I deal with these losers all damn day. I have lost print publications because of these people (a vendor illegally used my photos and a magazine who was going to feature my work saw that the photos had been "released" ahead of schedule and pulled the entire feature), I have had clients upset and scarred because their photos were used in nasty ads in 3rd world countries for icky products. I have had other photographers use my photos as their own. Fighting "pirates" is literally now part of my job.

    It sucks. But don't stand for it.

    1. Disable right-click so people **CAN'T** copy/paste stuff off your website. Typo! :)

    2. Emily! Thank you so much. That took me all of 30 seconds to disable right clicking. It won't stop screen shots or anything, but it will at least make it harder to copy my entire post.
      I don't know how you deal with people like this in your photography business. That would infuriate me! And what happened with the magazine? WOW. That's terrible.

  30. I've grown to know your boys and Jerry and your mom and dad a little......your cats and joey:) Dont even get me started about Mark....I love hearing your stories about your family. its GREAT seeing your love for running immerging from your sons...... you can stop blogging about the personal aspects of your life (I get it if you do)....but it makes me feel sad like the bad guy won....ya know?

  31. Ugh, I am so sorry that happened!!

    I want to let you know how truly inspirational your blog has been to me. I have lost over 70 pounds (maintaining now!) and have become a runner. My second half marathon is in April. Nothing out there helped me more with my weight loss more than your advice about not making any changes you can't live with forever. Reading that was truly a game changer for me. Because I made those changes, ones I can live with forever, I lost weight and am confident I can keep it off. I have you to thank for that! Thank you!!!

    People ask me pretty frequently how I lost weight. I always share that piece of advice. And I share that I read it on your blog. :)

    My kids are of similar ages to yours, I think. So I do enjoy your posts about your family and your normal, real life. But I understand.

  32. Hi Katie, I've never commented on a blog in my life, but I want you to know that I've been faithfully reading yours since 2012. It's encouraging to read about a woman I (and probably many others) can relate to who has accomplished incredible things and is admittedly not perfect. Stories of your daily life, family and friends let your unique personality shine. I'll miss those and I'm so sorry that you've been made to feel violated during the course of providing this awesome source of encouragement for the rest of us.

  33. Hi Katie,
    Very sorry this has happened to you! I enjoy reading your blog. I hope that personal trainer takes down your photos and apologizes for being a jerk to say the least. Be proud of your journey and thanks for sharing your inspirations with us.

  34. I'm also so sorry this happened! I love reading your blog and would miss it soooo much if it was gone. Thank you for all you have shared. I'm sure whatever direction you decide to go will be great!

  35. I love your blog! Your personal stories gave me the idea to start "Dessert Sunday" at a local nursing facility. Last week I referred a friend to your page because she is really struggling with binge eating. It really stinks that someone would steal your pics and posts. Please keep posting--I glean so much from your journey!

  36. Whats the matter with people?! So sorry Katie!

  37. I rarely comment, but I love your blog! I usually read it while I am eating breakfast trying to plan out my day and talk myself into going on the treadmill. Your blog always inspires me to do so! I think people relate well to you because you write about your successes and struggles and come across very "real" on your blog. I have been keeping a personal blog for years (with mainly family as followers) but as my kids get older their stories become theirs and it seems a bit harder to blog about them. I hope you continue to blog - about running, weightloss, your family...whatever you feel like - I for one will keep reading.

  38. I am so sorry people online are taking advantage of you!! Sometimes I hate the Internet! Please know you are not alone, between jerks stealing blogs and photos and entire sites dedicated to "fan fiction" almost nothing online is original anymore and it makes me sad.
    I am glad you were able to redirect all that negative into a great walk instead of binging though, really does show how far you've come!!

  39. I'm sorry that happened, I rarely post pictures of my children online at all anymore because I fear someone using the images. I have alot of anxiety about it too. If you are very concerned about the use of your pictures you could try a google image search, I'm not sure you'd want to jump into that though, especially if it triggers anxiety for you.
    I have so enjoyed your blog the past few years. You are an inspiration and I love the transparency in your writing. As a parent though, I completely understand your decision! Thank you for continuing to write about your running and maintenance!

  40. Katie, I am just so upset that this had to happen to you! I don't understand how people think it's okay to steal and then lie about pictures on the internet. I've read your blog for a couple years now (I think I found you towards the end of 2012) and I've loved every post! I love how real you keep everything and showing that you can lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle even when every day life gets in the way. I will of course keep on reading because you've helped me through a lot as well! Especially recently, you inspired me to give calorie counting another shot and so far it's actually working! Just keep your head held high and realize that you are the better and stronger person here and you have so many people that got your back!

  41. WOW! I wonder how often this really happens to bloggers out there. Had it not been brought to your attention it could have and may still be happening.

    It sure doesn't say much for that personal trainer or the other blogger that copied your WW post.

    Just kind of speechless; but sadly it is the world we live in these days....

  42. First, Katie - way to combat the binge urge! *highfive* I'm proud of your restraint and redirection during a very trying moment.
    Second...I wish people could be honest and not be total jerks. I'm so sorry that people stole your post and your photos.
    Third...you are entitled to as much privacy as you would like have on your blog. We, as readers, are blessed with what you share, not entitled to know more. Thank you for your real-world, funny, smart, inspirational, and helpful posts.

  43. Ugh! This makes me want to punch some people in the FACE! I'm upset for you! Just know that we all stand with you! Lots of Love!

  44. Katie,

    Thanks very much for this post. I've been consiering starting my own blog because of how inspiring I find yours and how much I enjoy hearing about your life. This post has been an eye-opener to the downsides of your blogging. I'm very sorry people don't respect your intellectual property and I share your frustration. We'll miss hearing about Jerry, Eli and Noah but will respect and understand why. Just please be sure to post a Jerry face or two.

    Congratulations on not letting the stress of the situation cause you to binge eat. Do your best to continue to rise above and I look forward to continuing to read.

  45. Katie,

    I'm so sorry that this happened to you. You did AMAZING by controlling your urges to eat - that had to be so stressful for you to have to handle two issues in one day about your blog.

    Thank you so much for posting - your blog is the first one I check in the morning and I'm always so excited when it's a new post. You are such an inspiration to me and to others! Thank you for sharing about your life. I love hearing about your day because you are just so real and frank about your life. Thank you.

  46. Katie,
    I love reading your blog. You are so encouraging and I never feel preached to. I'm so sorry that people stole your blog and pitures, I want to punch them too!!! You have been such an inspiration to me. I've been reading you posts for the last year and of course I also went back and ready everything I missed. I'm on track with my eating and exercise plan partly because of you. I love that you are so transparent about your life. I hope you don't let these "stupid people" with no boundaries change how you choose to share your life. Theses kind of people will always be around, but I choose to believe that most people are good. What you do makes a difference and is needed. Thank you! By the way, I'm so proud of you for not choosing to binge. I look forward to being able to be like you and choose not to binge during stressful times as well. I think you are awesome!!!

  47. As a new blogger, this is something I've been concerned about, too. I hate the thought of someone taking my photos or my thoughts and feelings and claiming it as their own! And to know this happened to you, it makes me sad and angry and upset. Yours is one of three blogs I consistently read!!! Your story is inspirational for how you handled the anxiety and other emotions - I've been struggling a lot lately with winter depression and it helps to know others are out there fighting the same battle! You rock!

  48. Katie,
    I am sorry you are having to go through this; I can't begin to understand how victimized this has made you and your family! I am sure you will have many encouraging comments but just wanted to chime in and say you are an inspiration to so many! October of last year, I started back on weight watchers, but this time taking measurements and BMI and body fat cause of something I read on your blog that even when the scale doesnt show movement you might see it elsewhere. Since then I have lost 27 pounds and am back to my goal weight with weight watchers, your inspiration was key in seeing the changes in places other than the scale. So thanks for putting your life out there to be relateable and an encouragement to so many!
    Love from Virginia,

    P.S.--You cant get a dog to look any happier than Joey does a year after his adoption--you have literally changed his life (and I am sure he has done the same to you all too--dogs are special that way) :) :) :)

  49. You know, if you weren't such a good writer, people wouldn't steal your stuff..... :P

    As you know I'm totally paranoid about privacy, so you have my deepest sympathy. It's so violating. Can we curse in the comments? Frack them. I can't imagine the kind of person who would steal your content and use it for their personal gain! Sociopaths. Very sad.

    Please know that you have a team of readers here who will be incredibly persistent about fighting for you... I think we'll all be on the lookout for unauthorized use of your content!!!

    Please write whatever you feel comfortable writing, we'll be here! Please consider this a big internet hug sent your way.

  50. The trainer actually bothers me more. You have grounds to sue him for copyright infringement. Anyone who goes to him based on the inspiration of your photos has grounds to sue for deceptive advertising as well. It infuriates me because he's preying on hurting, desperate people, promising something he didn't deliver. YOU did this all by yourself, and THAT'S the inspiration people who struggle with weight and eating issues need.

    I hope at some point you feel up to reporting him, for others' sakes if not your own. And I hope he gets a hefty fine because of it – sometimes all people like that understand is a good swift kick in the wallet.

  51. I'm so sorry you are going through this! I have been encouraged so much from reading your blog! You are real, and I really appreciate that! I certainly hope you will be able to keep this blog up and running! :)

  52. That's definitely crappy :( I guess it happens quite a lot. Don't let it get you down!

  53. Katie, first off, thank you for everything you have ever posted. I don't usually comment, but I have read you for years, and I adore you so much. I totally understand about keeping your personal posts separate, and if that is what you plan to do, we all will understand (though possibly keep posting about you and Joey! I love seeing his happy puppy face!) I'm so sorry people are so crappy sometimes!
    You are such a wonderful inspiration. I actually have quit WW (not really up for trying the new system and because it was costing me since I'm over my Lifetime weight at the moment) and am using MyFitness Pal due to in part to the awesome tips you provided (and cuz it's free). I'm hoping to get back down to my goal weight, and I am definitely getting there thanks in part to your tips and hints!
    To make a long story short, I truly appreciate all you write, and I always look forward to reading whatever you post about. Hugs from Texas!

  54. There is nothing I can say that others have not already. I love your blog, it motivated me to start mine but I get what you are saying I have seen how mean people can be to you on here hiding behind the anonymous heading.

    What ever you decide is the right decision :) Oh and people SUCK!


  55. Now's the time to cash in that favor one of your lawyer friends owes you (I live in NY, so maybe I'm just surrounded by tons o'lawyers, but everyone seems to know at least one lol), and have them send a letter on their on their letterhead a "cease and desist" to the trainer promising mucho $$ pain if he doesn't stop and retract immediately. He's SO in the wrong! He's falsely advertising and using your image without prior consent (and he needs it, since a public blog does not equal community property). Oh, so mad about this!!!

    I hope you continue your blog for my own selfish reasons. You've achieved what I still haven't. When I feel like I should just give up, I come here and either your current post or a past one offers some encouragement.

  56. Oh Katie, I'm so sorry this happened to you. And even more upset that you might quit writing so often as a result. I look forward to your blog every morning and it's so disappointing (although I understand) when you don't have a blog post every single day. The trainer's apology is pretty hollow. It's like when someone does something that he knows is WRONG WRONG WRONG and then says, "Oh, it's okay, cause I apologized." No, it's not all right. It's all WRONG. And to copy your blog, word for word???? WOW! I think you did the right thing--contacted everyone involved, and then went for a walk.

    Joey is adorable. If he is like my Bulldog, Juno, he has added so much to our lives. We absolutely adore our dog and I know you feel the same way about sweet Joey!

  57. I haven't read through all the comments, so someone else may have already said this, but another option would be a second blog that you make private (using blogspot.) That's what I did several years ago! I have my running blog and I have my other blog where I write about everything else! My running blog is public, but the other is not. It is open to invitees only, people that I know and trust and don't worry about sharing my information. I think for your kid's sake that might be a good option for you. It will allow you to continue journaling without the whole world being able to read (and steal!) your information.

    I think the hardest part of being a blogger is dealing with comments. I remember one very harsh anonymous comment that caused me to lose sleep... and others that were more annoying than anything! But, like you, I have "met" some wonderful people through my blog - and then met them in public!

    Bottom line, do what's best for you and your family.

  58. I've been reading for years! I started running because of you. Please don't let these assholes ruin a good thing! Shame on them!

  59. Dear Katie!
    Your words bring joy all the way to Slovenia too. First of all: I am SO SO proud of you for not binging. WELL DONE GIRL!!! I know how hard it can be, but wauu how glorious is the feeling when you do the right thing not the easy thing. Second: your first concern is you. And your family. And your other loved ones. .... Then there is us, the readers. Though we love to read about you and your family, I respect and understand that your life is not mine to direct. Your children are sacred and no "wish" from me can be stronger than that. Do what you and your family think is the best. I will read your blog even if you just post pictures of Joey :)))) And word of advice: at least for yourself write in detail, how good you felt/feel when you overcome a binge urge and how it feels to eat healthy and have the body you have. That strong visualisation of how succes feels, including feelings and emotions can get you out of another though moment.
    Stay strong and healthy.

  60. I'm sorry this happened, I can only imagine how violated you felt, and honestly, it's a pain in the ass to try and watermark every photo in a way that can't be cropped out, so I get that as well. Don't let them get you down! Kudos on walking and not binging, that alone shows how much stronger you are, and how far you've come. Do what's best for you, but know that with this blog, you've inspired so many, so thank you!!

  61. Sorry that happened! Great job on how you handled the stress/anxiety of it by getting outside with family and walking.

  62. How awful that people are doing this! I totally get where you're coming from. It's funny, I think the reason everyone loves you is how open and expressive you are, but of course, that's only ended up causing trouble for you. (This is why we can't have nice things!) I hope you can figure out what will make you comfortable.

  63. I'm so sorry that people are stealing your stuff! I see good advice from the posters above me. I hope you can get control of it. A very unfortunate byproduct of your success.

    Your binge eating series resonated with me -- just wanted you to know that I appreciate the effort you put into writing that. You gave me some good ideas for reframing the way I look at things, so thank you!

  64. I'll say it because I now you don't want to cuss on here--those fuckers! NOT COOL. Being a long, long time reader, I instantly got a 'protective' feeling over you while reading this. I'm so sorry this happened to you Katie. I've loved following your life for the past several years, and it's so crappy this happened to you.

    1. PS I am beyond proud of you for handling the situation/stress the way you did. Walk>binge. That's amazingly strong.

    2. Also, I meant **know** not "now." See clearly I'm worked up for you. Haha I always proofread for mistakes before posting.

  65. My heart hurt for you while reading this. It's so strange and funny how reading a blog makes you feel connected to people like you know them. My husband laughs at me because I talk about you like we're friends (nor in a creepy way!) please know that you and this blog are so valued by so many and it is such a treat to get a brief insight into your life and your journey. You have inspired so many people and I know you will continue to do so!! Sending lots of love and hugs your way!!

  66. I just found your blog last month after trying to get back to running post knee surgery. I spent a weekend combing through your archives and am so so inspired by you!! It really angers me that strangers have no respect for your work. I do hope you keep blogging but you have to protect yourself most of all. Whatever happens, know that the writing you have done has inspired so many.

  67. Imitation is the best of compliments! That said, I am really sorry this has happened to you. I can only imagine how frustrating it is. I understand and respect your increasing need for privacy... but I do want you to know that your blog is a gem in the muddy Internet realm. You help so many people in such huge ways. Thanks again for writing, and we as your readers will always be there for you!

  68. Hi, Katie, I've been reading your blog for at least three years now. (Wow! I didn't realize it's been that long!) You are such an inspiration to me. I'm always telling my family, "Katie with runs for Cookies said...or did..." I really love your blog and I hate that there are crummy people in this world. I'm sorry all that happened. You're a wonderful person and reading your blog I feel like you're a friend. Thank you for being honest in your journey. It makes it easier to be gentle on myself as I struggle.
    Best wishes.

  69. Hi, Katie, I've been reading your blog for at least three years now. (Wow! I didn't realize it's been that long!) You are such an inspiration to me. I'm always telling my family, "Katie with runs for Cookies said...or did..." I really love your blog and I hate that there are crummy people in this world. I'm sorry all that happened. You're a wonderful person and reading your blog I feel like you're a friend. Thank you for being honest in your journey. It makes it easier to be gentle on myself as I struggle.
    Best wishes.

  70. I am so sorry that you are feeling so violated and tbh I would too! That said I hope your blog doesn't change too much because I love it. I love that you are a mum struggling with this stuff too, that you aren't perfect and that you eat cookies! It gives me hope because I am never ever going to eat completely clean or have all the time in the world to exercise and so you are relatable to me.

    Congrats on creating a new pattern and a new response to your anxiety, long may it continue!

  71. Katie,
    I am very sorry to hear about what happened with people outright stealing your posts/photos. However, I think you handled the situation perfectly - both with managing your stress about the ordeal and with addressing the situation about the theft as a professional. Way to go!
    I really enjoy reading your blog and have been greatly inspired by it - it is the only blog I read on a regular basis! On that note, I completely understand about the privacy aspect of things - my husband would not be comfortable with my writing a blog about our lives which is why I only journal privately. The only thing I could recommend is to talk to your family and maybe decide as a family what you are all okay with sharing and not sharing. It is great to share your children's accomplishments as long as they are okay with them being shared.
    I hope you continue blogging but definitely respect your decision either way. Regardless of your decision, I am sure you will still find a way to continue inspiring others! :)

  72. You could always password protect your blog. Give the loyal readers a change to gain access through approval (I do not know all the in's and out's of this, I have only seen bloggers with it).

  73. That's so awful to hear! I can totally see why you feel so violated. After reading so many other comments, I feel the need to add, too, that your blog is the only one I read regularly. You do an amazing job with it and I'm sorry some people have put a damper on it. Hope you're able to find a good balance in what you write about in the future. Keep up the good work -you rock!

  74. Hi Katie, so sorry to hear that about your blog ( and you) being violated. I sure hope you continue to write. I have been following you for the last 5 years or so. I even got my Sister hooked on your blog. You are such an inspiration to me and i am sure so many others too. I can certainly can understand protecting your family. I truly get so much from reading about your struggles and accomplishments, and I hope to be a runner someday like you. Thanks for sharing.

  75. Sorry to hear about all of this. I had some pictures stolen off of my pages a few years back and it totally enraged me and made me feel totally vulnerable, so I know how you feel.

    I have tried to be more careful with pictures of my niece and nephews and when I started dating a new guy (one that I actually think is going to be in my life for a long time) I asked his permission before posting....because it IS a possibility. That said, I can't envision my life without my blog...it's been part of my life for WAY too long!

  76. Don't stop! I have been blogging for nearly 15 years now and my blog has evolved so much over time. I started it to log my marathon training, then it was weight loss, then wedding stuff, then being pregnant with triplets, and well, now it's just mostly about my kids. My point is, it's your blog and you can write about what you want. I really hope you don't stop.

    Also, I've had photos stolen countless times. (Of my kids, not me. Ha ha.) It's no fun, but it's not enough to stop me. Maybe this makes me a terrible mother. Ha.

  77. Katie - I love reading your blog, and have been following you since you posted on SparkPeople - it think it was your post about your first Ragnar race that caught my attention :) We have similar life stories - married our high school sweethearts, and have kids around the same ages...And I enjoy hearing about your family, but I would definitely understand if you feel you need to hold back a little.
    Just know that you have lots of loyal readers - that look forward to your posts, even if it ends up being less frequent!

  78. I love reading your blog and I'm so sorry that this has happened! Your's is one of my favorite blogs and has helped me on my weight loss journey. Even though I'm not a runner, it has helped me rethink and approach my workout DVDs in a different way. I love reading about your family, but I totally understand the desire to start keeping your family life more private since there are jerks out there that have little to no morals. Thank you for continuing your blog and know that I would miss it greatly if you decided to take it down.

  79. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I can totally understand feeling violated. Just know that you have helped so many people by sharing your blog and always being an inspiration. xo

  80. I'm so sorry this happened. I can't believe people can't be honest about their work anymore. Your blog has been so helpful for me. I have been reading for many years! It's great to hear about your day to day life. It helps make it relatable for me because I can see your ups and downs. That's the hardest thing for me is to deal with the good and the bad. You make your readers see that you can work through it. I just started calorie counting right after Christmas and lost 2 pounds so far by just logging what I truly eat. Which is great for me since I changed my job and have gained 30 lbs after losing the active part of my last job. I understand your worry about privacy for you and your family. Just remember you have so may readers who will support you!

  81. Katie, please please please don't stop blogging! I just found your site and have been (pardon the term) bingeing on it all weekend! When I read how you lost your weight,I thought 'this could be my story'! I started running and weight watchers both in January of this year. I was 248 when I started and am down to 220 now. I think to myself that if you can do it, I can too. You're a big inspiration. I also hope to lose 100+ lbs and become a better runner. I totally understand how scary and frustrating seeing your pictures and posts used elsewhere can be and wanting to keep your family private but please don't stop sharing YOUR journey because it's sooo motivating!

  82. Please keep blogging! I've been so inspired by you over the years.


I used to publish ALL comments (even the mean ones) but I recently chose not to publish those. I always welcome constructive comments/criticism, but there is no need for unnecessary rudeness/hate. But please--I love reading what you have to say! (This comment form is super finicky, so I apologize if you're unable to comment)