August 19, 2014

Five Years!

Five years ago today, I got on the scale in my bathroom and saw that I weighed 253 pounds. I wrote that number down in a little calendar book, hoping that I'd never see a number that high again. I had tried to lose weight dozens of times in the past, and sometimes even lost quite a bit, but I never got anywhere near a "healthy" weight.

This time was different only because I went into it without feeling super motivated. I told myself that I wasn't going to make any changes I wasn't willing to live with forever, AND that I didn't have to exercise. I hated exercise, and decided not to force myself to do it. I wasn't really expecting that I would be successful at losing the weight this time, so I didn't want to make it too difficult.

You all know how the story ends... I went on to lose about 110 pounds over the next year, and by the following August, I was at a "normal" weight. I continued to lose weight, and I had taken up running, so I was focused on becoming a better runner. My lowest weight was 127.5, but it had gotten back up as high as 156 at one point. For the past four years, my weight has certainly gone up and down, and at times, I struggled with feeling like a failure when the number was at the higher end of the range.

Recently, I was trying to think of a fun post to write for the five year anniversary since I started this journey, and it was like an opportunity fell right into my lap. Someone left a comment on my blog that said, "Are u ever weighing in again? U were so inspirational. Not sure why you don't admit to the number and allow as to join u even during those times. A lot of us lose and gain."  Now, I didn't get the impression that this person was trying to sound rude, and was probably genuinely curious, but regardless, the word that really struck me was "were".

I wasn't necessarily offended by this comment, because I don't write my blog with the sole purpose of inspiring others. My blog is simply an online journal about whatever I feel like writing about that day--usually how my day went. Sometimes I focus more on the weight loss part of my life, sometimes on the running, sometimes on my family, sometimes on my cats, and sometimes on something completely random.

It did make me stop and think for a minute, though. I "was" inspirational, because I got on a scale and posted a photo of it once a week? And now that I haven't been doing that, I'm no longer inspirational?

A few people have asked me why I stopped posting a weekly weigh-in. There are a few reasons: my weight hasn't changed by more than a couple of pounds over the past several months; I've not kept it a secret that my weight is up quite a bit; when I do post about a gain, most people are extremely supportive and encouraging, but there are always one or two people that cut me down and try to make me feel bad; and finally, it's humiliating to have my progress (or lack there-of) boil down to a single number on a scale.

I've written before that I love the show Extreme Weight Loss. But the one part of that show that I cannot stand to even watch is the initial weigh-in. The first season wasn't so bad, because the contestants weighed in without an audience--just the contestant and Chris Powell. But now, it's always in a very public place (not to mention on national television), and Chris Powell tells the contestant to take off his or her shirt for the weigh-in. I can see the shame and humiliation on their faces, and it makes me feel horrible for them. It's degrading to be put on display like that. When the show first aired, I remember thinking that Chris Powell looked very uncomfortable asking them to take off their shirts, so I am assuming it was the producers' idea. As the seasons progressed, however, he no longer seems uncomfortable with it, and he explains it away as having to "face reality".

Anyways, I'm getting away from the point. My weight is up--I have never hidden that fact. But do I need to humiliate myself on a scale week after week to be "inspirational"? No. Posting a gain once is hard. Consistently posting that I am over goal is embarrassing, and it makes me feel bad, when I really have no reason to feel that way. I am not expecting anyone to feel inspired by me, but if someone IS inspired, I hope that it's for more than just the fact that I weighed in publicly each week.

So, with that very long introduction, here are some current things I'm proud of that I've accomplished over the last five years--and they have nothing whatsoever to do with the scale!

1. I'm not afraid of flying anymore. After losing the weight, I felt like I could do pretty much anything--so I did one of the scariest things imaginable (to me) and went for a ride on a little two-seater open airplane. After that, I now jump at an opportunity to travel. I still need a little help from a glass of wine to board the plane, but the fear doesn't stop me like it used to ;)

2. I can run. Let me write that again: I CAN RUN. Five years ago, I couldn't run the length of my street, and since then, I've run 3 marathons, 8 half-marathons, and numerous shorter races. I've run a total of 4,403 miles in the last 5 years!

3. I set a good example for my kids. I go out and run several times a week, I step out of my comfort zone when necessary, and I have more confidence (something I want them to see). I ran a 5K race with them to show them that they CAN do it.

4. I live a fairly active lifestyle, without going overboard. In addition to the running, I go for walks with the family, or on my own, for no reason other than I enjoy it. Five years ago, I never would have gone for a walk without a good reason to. One of the things I wanted to do five years ago was to be able to get on the floor and play with my kids. I can do that now :)

5. I've gotten much closer with my family, particularly with my sister. There is an eight-year age difference between Jeanie and me, so we were never very close. I always felt intimidated by her, because she was the pretty, thin, confident one (with big boobs to boot!). We started to talk a lot while I was losing weight, and I realized we actually have quite a bit in common--especially now that she's started running as well. Being shy and introverted, I never really felt like I fit in with my family--but losing the weight gave me confidence, which has made me step out of my comfort zone. I'm still shy and introverted, but I handle it much better ;)

6. I'm no longer afraid of trying new physical activities. When Pete Thomas from The Biggest Loser invited me to try out his boot camp, I was definitely nervous, but there was no question in my mind that I could get through it--and I actually really enjoyed it. When I went to Minnesota for a race, my brother let my friend Renee and I use his kayaks. I'd never used a kayak in my life, and I certainly wouldn't have tried it before losing the weight, but I did it and it was fun! Going on an enormous inflatable water slide with my kids? Bring it!

7. My health numbers are great: my blood pressure is regularly about 90/60, my triglycerides and LDL cholesterol are low, my HDL is fantastic at 115, my blood glucose is totally normal, and my resting heart rate is great, at 52 bpm. Even with the extra pounds, my health is great.

While I was (and still am) proud of myself for losing the weight, there is much more to the story than the number on the scale. Of course I'd love to get back to my goal weight, and I am always working to get back to and stay at the weight where I feel the best (and run my fastest); but in the meantime, I'm proud of myself for my other accomplishments. It would be easy to just say "Screw it!" and eat my way back up to 253 pounds. In one way or another, I work hard every single day to be successful at my goals.

I can do a lot today that I couldn't do five years ago; and for that, I am proud. Today, I challenge anyone reading this to make a list of things you can do now that you couldn't do five years ago. Or a year ago. Or a month ago. Or last week! We don't have to wait until we are at our goal weights or have run a marathon to celebrate our success. Anything you can do now that you couldn't do before IS success!


  1. Laura in ILAugust 19, 2014

    Now, THAT was inspiring! The inspiration, for me, is seeing the struggle and watching you fight it every day. Thanks!

  2. Kim in Wellesley, MAAugust 19, 2014

    You are so awesome, Katie!!!

  3. Really GREAT post!

  4. I love this post. I agree that the nummer on the scale does not include all the non scale victories you listed. I om using body fat as a measure. I have been working out for three months without a weight chance but i am much stronger than before

  5. What a great post! I think you are inspiring in many ways - one of which is that you're not obsessing about the number on the scale. I know it's hard to ignore and you are very aware, but you're focusing on the good and everything that you've learned about yourself in the 5 year process. It's about SO MUCH more than just the food and the exercise. I'm 15 years older than you and still haven't figured it out, but I'm learning with everything that you share. Thank you and Congrats on the 5 year anniversary :)

  6. You're always inspiring, Katie!

  7. What a beautifully written post! I find that I look forward to your nightly posts. No matter the number on the scale, your last five years is truly an inspiration to anyone who reads your story. You were an inspiration, you ARE an inspiration!

    I've never understood why some people feel the need to project negativity. I wish you all the best and a huge congratulations on all of your accomplishments in the last five years!

  8. Something I can do today that I couldn't do last week is stand up paddleboarding. I went out yesterday for the first time on my new board and had a blast.

  9. Such awesomeness!!!! Thanks for your continued inspiration and congratulations on your 5 year anniversary!!! It is truly about so much more than the number on the scale and about living life. Thanks for sharing your life with all of us and inspiring us. :-)

  10. I have been very inspired by you. I have lost 27 lbs in 2 months and my goal is to run your 5k this next time you do it. I have a ways to go before I can start running but I'm on my way. And it IS inspiring to see that you keep working on it. That it's not all sunshine and rainbows.

  11. Here, here! Fantastic post! Your accomplishments are tremendous. Congratulations! And speaking as the nurse that I am, your numbers are PERFECT!! Keep up the great work!


  12. I don't usually comment, but I have an active weight loss blog on a weight loss site and I've been at goal for almost two years, and the word "inspiration" gets thrown around a lot with me as well. I lost about 30% of my body weight, and I regained 5 lbs trying to figure out my maintenance caloric intake. I cannot lose those 5 lbs again to save my life, and it's been months.

    Maintenance is the most frustrating, degrading, boring, beautiful thing to ever happen to me, and the struggle is something I wasn't prepared for. I used to post my weight on every blog post as well, and had to stop. It stressed me out, and I felt judged. Maybe if I'd kept posting that number, I'd have been motivated to lose it, but it feels dirty to use that motivation, very much like your Extreme Weight Loss example.

    The problem with WW (I do it too) is it's so number focused, and we imprint that goal number so deep in our consciousness, that when our scale doesn't match, it can be extremely unsettling, and I don't think it's easy to understand the gravity of having the numbers not match until you've lost the weight, seen the number, and then it flashes before your eyes and is gone again.

    That said, I know you can get back to your happy weight, and I look forward to you chronicling your progress. I recently read that where you are right now is a necessary step, and I think it's really true. We gain back weight for a reason, and until we learn the reason and process it, we can't move to the next step. And each challenge is just one more opportunity to overcome it and be that much more prepared for a lifetime of this awful, beautiful maintenance thing.

  13. Love this entry. You inspire me!

  14. Congrats on all you have achieved, Katie. You don't 'owe' anyone details you aren't comfortable with giving out. Try not to let the detractors get you down. We are not our numbers!

    -- Astor

  15. Well said, and WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!! Fantastic!!!!!

  16. Even though I am on a different journey toward health (recovering from anorexia) I resonate with so much of what you said. I am so proud of you for choosing to put your health first! It is not an easy thing to do, and I find you so commendable and respectable. <3

  17. Best post you have ever written, and that is saying something! You are amazing.

  18. Stephanie From BelgiumAugust 20, 2014

    I know that this is not why you wrote this but I wanted to say that without you I wouldn't have started to run, or do WW, or fight the pounds I put back, or signed up for a marathon-relay, or dreamt of running a marathon.
    You are SUCH an inspiration to me. And not only as a runner, or a person who lost weight, not even a mom, but as a kind and loving human being. What you did for Mark for example, was wonderful. Thank you Katie !

  19. I don't think you'd have many followers if all you had time to do was post a number. It is what you are doing now, that you couldn't or didn't do before that should be the inspiration. Does it matter that your weight is this and you ran with your boys? No, what we should see is that you are healthy enough to run with your boys and set an example for them of what you can do when you are leading a healthy life. What I have always admired about you is that you keep it real, and let's face it, those numbers on a scale are not always a true reflection of reality.

  20. I LOVE THIS POST! I disagree with your interpretation of the comment that started this whole thing
    "Are u ever weighing in again? U were so inspirational. Not sure why you don't admit to the number and allow as to join u even during those times. A lot of us lose and gain."
    I'm sorry... it pissed me off the second I read it on your blog a few days ago. I feel it WAS meant to be rude and I was annoyed you even gave her/him the time of day :( You are the most inspirational person ever on sooooooo many different levels. Being healthy is WAY more important then how much you weigh! This post was awesome and giving the fact that you are as active as you are and can do the things you can maybe this "goal weight" you are striving for is not the weight your body needs you to be? Maybe you are close to that now? I love ya Katie Girl......keep on keepin on :)

  21. Today is my birthday and this was the perfect blog to read to get my day started. Rather than focus on what I haven't accomplished yet, I'm going to take the time to list out all the things I'm proud of what I have done over the last 5 years. It makes me approach getting older in a different way - in another 5 years, what will I look back on and be proud of then?

  22. Hi Katie. I have never written a response to one of your posts but your blog today really spoke to me. I have never been one to "toot my own horn" but reading about everything you've accomplished after you lost your weight really resounded with me, and I wanted to share my story with you.
    In April of 2013 I was at an all-time low point in my life. I weighed 332 pounds, was in a loveless marriage, and had absolutely no direction in my life. I sat on my couch nightly with some bag of chips/ice cream/candy in my hand, mindlessly eating my life away. I'm not sure what clicked, but one day I woke up and decided I didn't want to be this person anymore. I started the Couch to 5k program. I'll tell you, I had to repeat weeks at a time, multiple times, but I got through it. Shortly after I began, I found your blog. Reading about your story and your struggles helped motivate me to stay with it. Long story short, a year and a half later I have run multiple 5k races, lost 95 pounds, and had the courage to seek a divorce and find my happiness. Since losing weight I can horseback ride again, have gone canoeing, zip lining, ridden on roller coasters, backpack camped in the wilderness and hiked I don't know how many miles. I struggle daily with my weight loss, as I still have several more pounds to lose, and am currently dealing with not being able to run due to an IT band injury, but I keep plugging on, knowing that you'll be around to encourage me and that I'm way better off now than I was before. So I just want to say thank you. Thank you for sharing your struggles, your triumphs, your life with all of us. You make a difference.

  23. Hi Katie, Happy Anniversary! Thank you for today's post. Your honesty about your journey is wonderful and inspiring. I read your blog every day. I too noticed that you were no longer posting your weigh-ns, but so what? You are so much more than a number on a scale. I too am a binge eater. I also have medical issues that added to my weight gain, and every day when I look at your pictures, I realize that it IS possible for me to live the life I want. I love how you posted today about what you have accomplished since your weight loss. It was inspirational. I love your posts about intuitive eating. Again, inspirational. The pictures of you and your family being active together-inspirational. So thanks. Have a great day, I look forward to continuing to read your blog-regardless of the content. Have a wonderful day!

  24. You ARE inspiring. Happy anniversary. This may have been my favorite post todate. Keep being you as YOU are who we want to read and connect with :)

  25. Katie, you are inspiring every day in the way you live your life and share your stories.

  26. Don't let anyone diminish your accomplishments. You ARE inspiring! There's a reason people keep reading and you said it best yourself:

    "In one way or another, I work hard every single day to be successful at my goals."

    How many people can honestly say that?

  27. I don't doubt that this post will garner many comments, saying the same thing, but I must write - you ARE inspiring. Following you every day, reading how you are with your family, your friends, your life - it inspires me. You share your workouts, your successes, your battles - so thank you! I too struggle SO MUCH with food, weight issues, etc. and just knowing that someone I admire struggles at times is inspiration. Thank you for at least inspiring me, every single day.

  28. Reading THIS is inspirational. Everyone enjoys seeing numbers go down on a scale, but I feel that is a personal thing and therefore a personal decision whether or not to share with others. I've read your story a couple of times now because it helps to motivate me and gives me hope that I can feel success and pride and confidence, too. Thank you!

  29. Katie, I just want to thank you so much for this post. I recently read your blog from the beginning and fell in love with your story. The ups, downs, positives, negatives, all of it has inspired me in some way. Your story is real and raw and honest and I appreciate so much you sharing that with all of us.

    I never, ever, ever wanted to run until I started reading your blog. Now I run on purpose, and I love it. I'm not great and I can't run very far yet, but I know I will be able to someday because you are proof of that! I am so glad I found your blog, and I am so excited for you that it's been five years! Congratulations!

  30. Good for you for realizing that being a certain weight is not all you have achieved in these last five years! I think you're still inspiring and that you do an excellent job giving tips and advice to newbie runners. You also dedicate a weekly post to people other than you who have kicked butt in the past week. I love your Motivational Monday posts. Screw the haters! You do you!

  31. The way I read the comment that person wrote about you "were" inspirational to them I don't think was necessarily saying they wanted to see you post scale pics every week. I think they were just referring to the fact it's obvious even from seeing the usual mostly face shots you post that you're weight is up and you've said it's up and that happens to all of us at time, but they were wanting to know what you were doing about it and to explain the struggle more. We all struggle and this was a very informative post about how that can happen. But I don't think they were just saying post scale pics and you'll be inspiring again so I don't think you should take it that way.

  32. Amanda NehlsAugust 20, 2014

    There never was any "were" or "was" you ARE inspiring to me and I'm sure so many countless other readers as well! I'm struggling myself right now with getting my weight down. I'm up 20 pounds from my lowest weight :( And it kills me to even think that, let alone write it out or say it out loud. I'm struggling so hard to get that weight back down but that's one of the main reasons why I love reading your blog every single day. You're an inspiration just knowing that other people go through the same thing as myself! I never get sick of your blog posts and I just want to say keep doing what you're doing! As long as you're happy and healthy, nothing else matters :)

  33. You were an ARE an inspiration. I've been feeling terrible about myself because I've gained about 30 pounds from my lowest. I can't tell you how important it was for me to read this. I've made a list, and I can do WAAAAYYYY more now than I could at 307! Being a great role model and being active with my kids is at the top of that list. THAT'S what's important, not the damn number. I've still lost 115 pounds, and that's something I need to be proud of. Thank you Katie for always being here, and inspiring others to keep going. *HUGS*

  34. Great idea Katie. My 5-year anniversary date is Dec. 14, 2009. That's when I started my journey, to lose weight and get healthy. Along the way I discovered your marvelous blog and I consider you not only an inspiration, but also as my surrogate daughter/friend! We all struggle. For me, it helps to know I am not alone in that struggle. In these last almost five years I have re-discovered living and have never been happier, except of course for my husband's cancer diagnosis, which tends to color my entire world these days. Still I stay positive and am so thankful that I am healthy now so that I can take good care of him. Congrats on your accomplishments of the last five years, and thanks for taking me along on your journey via your amazingly well written and entertaining blog!

  35. I don't weigh myself anymore. If you really think about it, about why we judge others or ourselves based on the earths gravitational pull, it seems extremely silly! My focus now is eating healthy, moving, and living a stress free life. If stepping on a scale is going to make me stressed or beat myself up why would i do that? If you eat healthy (I eat Paleo) and keep active (i lift weights) the HEALTHY body will come as a result. I feel as healthy as i've ever been and i'm 13lbs over my lowest weight. I COULD CARE LESS!
    Happy 5 years, Katie...keep living your life! :)

  36. I'm sorry people tear you down, intentionally or unintentionally. You ARE great and you ARE inspiring, and I absolutely love this list. That being said -- one of the reasons I started following you in the first place was the fact that you are crazy honest in your blog, and the fact that you post your weight even when you don't like it is super impressive to me. I totally understand why you haven't done Wednesday WIs in a while, but I think they're about more than the actual number you post -- it's inspiring to me to see you holding yourself accountable and focused on your goals. But it's also inspiring to see you showing the haters what's up with a post like this =)

  37. what a beautiful post, Katie. Keep moving, keep fighting to live the fullest and richest life possible filled with love, laughter, and surrounded by your friends and family- that is what this is all about! Thank you for sharing!

  38. I found your blog after reading the article in Runners World about the Ragnar Relay and the Fat to Fit group. I have found so much inspiration from you and your accomplishments and not only that - I have found home that I can do it too. I have lost 60 pounds and have about 75 more to go. Since reading your article I have been running 3-4 times a week and love thank you. Your accomplishments have not changed, whether you post weekly weigh ins or not, is your business. We don't need to see a number to be inspired.


  39. I'm new to your blog so I might be remembering things wrong or have missed something but...
    1) everyone is so much more than a number on a scale,
    2) you are healthy, strong, and fast (I'm a bit jealous),
    3) you look absolutely fantastic in all of your pictures, and
    4) I wasn't around for any of your weigh-ins and I still find your story (and Jerry's) amazing and inspiring.
    Thank you for being who you are and sharing your story and your life with others.

  40. Awesome post! Congrats on 5 years!!

  41. Even if inspirational isn't your goal with this blog, you totally are! (Not were, are!!) I found your blog a couple years ago and it has been really motivating for me to keep going. So congratulations on getting where you are (I watched your anniversary video and I can't believe that was you in the older photos!!) and if you don't feel like weighing "in public" will help you, then don't do it. You aren't hiding anything since you speak publicly on the blog about the ups and downs.

    I also HATE the weight loss shows when they make the contestants strip down. It's humiliating and damaging.

    ((Also this is totally random but I think you look a lot like Tatiana Maslany from Orphan Black.))

  42. Wonderful post.

  43. You ARE inspirational. You are not any less inspirational because you don't share what the scale shows. Don't let someone tell you otherwise. I love that you share your journey honestly with us. Thank you for sharing your struggles and successes with us. And it's your blog - you can choose what to share.

    Congrats on 5 years!!!!! And also congrats on 11 years of being married!!

  44. Katie, I can't tell you how HUGE it is that you have set a good example for your kids, and that since your weight loss you can now be active with them. My mom is without a doubt my best friend, but her weight kept her from doing many things with me that I now realize as an adult. Those moments with your kids on walks & runs, at the pool, etc. are INVALUABLE, not only for your relationship with them, but for their health as well. Congratulations on all you have and continue to accomplish.

  45. Couldn't put it better than any of your other fans who have posted first!

    It would be boring if the scales/numbers were everything to you, but the fact that they are not is what makes your blog special!

    Keep on keeping on, and being you!

    Cat in England

  46. Awesome post and you ARE inspiring! Your journey proves to us all that we can do it too! Seriously pat yourself on the bat because all that you've accomplished in these 5 years really is something to be proud of. (And we are proud of you too!)

  47. Great post and great idea to jot down the things we couldn't do in the past. Haters gonna hate....good thing there are more "lovers" and encouragers out there than there are haters! I really enjoy your blog. Thanks for your honesty!

  48. I have read your entire blog (totally consumed 3 years or so worth in about 3 months before I had caught up to "present" Katie, lol!), and I have to say that you have never been anything but inspirational to me. It doesn't have to do with numbers on a scale, or numbers on your Garmin, or you clothing size. What I have always been drawn to is that you are extremely authentic. You post nearly every day, which I've tried and tried to do on my own blog but never accomplish, and you post the good AND the bad. You don't just do a bunch of reviews for money and you don't hide when you struggle. One of my bucket list goals is definitely to shake your hand someday (or run a mile with you) and thank you for helping me get my butt in gear. the last 1.5 years I've lost 80 pounds - I can climb stairs without becoming breathless, I can do workout DVD's that I never would have dreamed of even attempting before, I can get on the floor and play with my 2.5 year old, I still can't run very well, but I can old-lady-shuffle-jog a 10k without stopping! :)

    I did all that during a time period where my dad passed away, my husband left me and my daughter for another woman, and I had to move and completely start over with another job in another city. I have slipped many times of course, but I always go back to the original's about determination, not motivation. :)

    Happy 5 years, I can't wait to read about the next 5! :D

  49. Obviously you have made a lot of positive changes in your life and accomplished something not many people have. Yet I think some of your readership is disappointed because it seems you probably still want to lose the extra weight but you aren't being transparent about it. If you stepped back and decided that your current weight is actually a healthy weight and you don't need to try to lose any more, that would be different. But if you have a goal of being in the 130s again and just avoid writing about it, it seems contrary to some of your initial statments. For example, from one of your first posts on this blog: ".. I am currently sitting at 139 ish pounds, and seeing that gain is scary. I've decided to create this maintenance blog to help me have some accountability and finally get down to my ultimate goal."

    A lot of people might say forget the scale and just aim for health. (Me being one of them). Congrats on what you've accomplished.

  50. Hi Katie continue to be an inspiration to me. You should never forget that it's not just the number staring you in the face from your friend, the scale. It's the smile you bring to those around you. Continued success to you, my friend.

  51. Great post! Your writing keeps me coming back, whether the topic of the day is about weight loss, maintenance, cats, etc..

  52. What can I do now that I couldn't do before??? The list would be long but the main one would be running. 3 years ago I started my weight loss journey. 2 years ago I ran my 1st race; a 5k. I was a slow as molasses but I loved every minute of it. Since then I've run 5 more 5k's and 2 half's. This year on my "anniversary" I'm going to run a 10k. It will be the same local race where I ran my first race 2 years go. Amazing thing is my 10k time this year should be pretty close to my 5k time 2 years ago! I love seeing how far I've come.

    And I love your blog. You're so down to earth about losing weight and maintenance. It's all so hard; it's a day to day struggle and I think that's why people love your blog so much. You show us that everyone has those day to day struggles. Thank you for that.

  53. Katie, post your weight or don't - I don't care! There is SO MUCH MORE to life than a scale readout I will continue to find you inspiring until the day you give up and hide under your bed. :-)

  54. I think the comment, like most comments, is more about the person MAKING the comment, than about the subject matter---In this instance, the commenter probably drew inspiration from your weight loss while working on their own weight loss. Perhaps they accomplished that, and no longer need that particular inspiration--- thus the "were". It's not that you have changed, or that your life's journey is any more or less valuable as inspiration, it's about what THAT person needed at that particular point. My story is quite similar in many ways to yours---except I am maybe a year further down the line. I lost a lot of weight. I maintained. Something life-changing occurred and I no longer focused so intently on maintenance ("life is too short to NOT eat this thing, or to care so MUCH about diet/exercise to the detriment of all the OTHER important things in life". I wondered what your results would be, when you experienced the heartache and heartbreak of losing Mark, and yours are similar to what mine were. Anyway---long comment to just say that many of us have had similar experiences: and I know I'm always curious to see how other people deal with them, particularly if they have the same goals as I do: to get back to my WW weight, safely and efficiently, while maintaining a high quality of life. You are awesome, Katie. What you did for Mark and for the rest of us by sharing that story is something I'll remember long after I forget what you weighed at any point in your life. Take care.

  55. What a fantastic post! Thank you for yet another good one. You inspire me with your running. I have done a few 5k's and will be doing my first 10k in September. I so understand your love/hate relationship with running! 😊
    Carry on with your inspirational self!

  56. Congratulations on your 5 year anniversary :) you are very inspiring

  57. Bravo! Well said! :)

  58. Beautiful! Weight loss isn't something that's ever really "done". It's a constant work in progress.


I used to publish ALL comments (even the mean ones) but I recently chose not to publish those. I always welcome constructive comments/criticism, but there is no need for unnecessary rudeness/hate. But please--I love reading what you have to say! (This comment form is super finicky, so I apologize if you're unable to comment)