October 2, 2013

A great weigh-in!

I was very happy when I got on the scale this morning for my Wednesday Weigh-in, and saw that staying on track all week had definitely paid off....

Down 4.5 from last week--I'll take that! My next weigh-in will be the day before I leave for Illinois. I would have loved to be back down to goal for the marathon, but considering I had such a big loss this week, I'll be happy even if I just maintain next week.

When I scheduled a dentist appointment for this morning, I purposely chose a Wednesday because it's my rest day and I knew I wouldn't have to run. I was really excited when I woke up this morning, because I had plans of just staying in my pajamas all morning, sipping tea, maybe reading some of my book. Then I remembered I had a dentist appointment at 9:00--so much for a relaxing morning off! ;)

When I got my teeth cleaned a few weeks ago, they told me that one of my bottom molars is getting a crack in it from the way my teeth bite together. The alignment of my teeth shifted a little when my jaw was reconstructed, and even though everything felt fine to me, there was an issue with the way my molars came together. When my hygienist said that there was a "crack", it scared me to death. That sounds extremely painful and I was just picturing my tooth falling apart. But the dentist told me it was just a filling, and I would be fine.

I asked if he could do it without numbing me, because I hate that feeling of being numb for hours afterward. I've have several fillings without being numbed, but he said it was a little deeper than a typical filling; I still wanted to try it. He said if it was too painful, I could just wave my hand and he'd stop. The anticipation was SO nerve racking! My hand was shaking, and I was ready to wave it, but it wasn't bad at all. After having a broken jaw and a couple of jaw surgeries, I don't know why I was so nervous about a filling! I just hope I never have to have a root canal or a crown or something--that is terrifying to me.

Are any of my readers running the Detroit Free Press half or full marathon on the 20th? I would have loved to do the half this year, but since it's a week out from the Chicago Marathon, I decided to be a spectator in Detroit. I'm going to make signs and bring cowbells, and all that good stuff. I've never gone to a race just to be a cheerleader, but I think it will be so fun! Let me know if you'll be there, and maybe I'll see you :)  I even started working on my signs today...

I can't believe it's been almost a year since I ran the Detroit Free Presss Marathon with Rik! It seems like just yesterday. I remember thinking what a fun atmosphere it was, and how great it would be to go just be a spectator instead of a runner. Maybe next year I'll be a volunteer--that's something else I'd like to do at a race.

Tomorrow is my very last double-digit training run for the marathon :)


  1. I will be running the 1/2 & cant wait!!!! i just did the Detroit women 1/2 marathon on belle isle and would recomend it for next Sept!

  2. What a great loss, well done!

    I'm not taking part in any runs but I am working my way through C25K! Week 3 this week and the second run is tomorrow. It's killer but I love it!

    Alana Gets Healthy

  3. Congratulations on a great weigh in this week!

    I will be running the Detroit 1/2 and I am so excited. This will be my second time running it. I am coming up from Memphis and look forward to running this race with family and friends!

  4. I'm running the 5k at the Detroit marathon. I hope to RUN the whole thing!

  5. Great job on the 4 pound loss! You must be something right! :)

  6. Awesome loss this week!! Other than that pesky dentist appointment it sounds like you had a great day :)

  7. Wow that's an awesome loss.

  8. I just spent the last month reading every single one of your posts since the beginning of this blog. I've found a lot of comparisons and motivation. Thanks!

    I saw where you were looking at getting together with some people in Chicago, and have a few ideas! There's a fabulous pizza place called Flo & Santos, and it's reasonable priced. Chicago restaurants, particularly in the touristy can be pricey and booked on a normal weekend...on marathon weekend it will be even worse. I highly suggest reservations. (I used to live in Chicago and now live in one of the suburbs, so if you have particular questions, I have answers!)

  9. I had to giggle at the sign Katie, that's what my husband constantly says while I'm running - "C'mon, the faster you run, the sooner you're done" lol. I simply growl in return mainly because I find it annoying that he can have a full blown conversation while running while I can barely gasp for breath - a situation he takes full advantage of - he can drone on and on and I can't tell him to shut up lol.

    Well done with the weigh in :)

  10. I'm running the Detroit half this year for the first time. I've run the full and the relay there too. Detroits half will be #20 for me! I'm also volunteering for Kona Running at the expo on Friday at their booth. Why wait until next year to volunteer? There are plenty of races to volunteer at.

  11. Way to go! Staying on track does pay off. I am a WW member as well who has gone off track the past few weeks and look to you for motivation. Thanks for giving it to me! I read your blog everyday as you are so very real and honest!

  12. One other thing...I run as well, though not as much as you. I am doing the Twin Cities 10 mile race this weekend and notice I overeat when I am training. How do you stay on track when you run so much? Do you automatically incorporate more food (points) into your daily eating regime? Also, do you feel like you have a better run when you have eaten more? Good luck at the marathon!

    1. Thanks! The more I run, the more I eat. I earn activity PointsPlus based on how long I exercise, and I always eat all of my activity PP. I get 26 PP per day, plus 49 weekly PP, and last week I earned 83 PP from running... so that's roughly 45 PP per day on average, almost double my minimum allowed. I find that as long as I eat all my PP, I feel satisfied (not hungry).

      I haven't really noticed a correlation between the amount I eat and how good my run is--that's a good question! :)

  13. Hey Katie, what is the name of the app you use for the weight tracker? Great job on the weigh in BTW;)

    1. Thanks! The app is the Weight Watchers app (you have to be an e-tools subscriber to get it).

  14. awesome weigh in. i had braces from the time i was 24 until 26 and since then novacaine never really takes for me. so we just do it quickly (the worst was when they were grinding my teeth down for crowns, which was the reason why i had the braces in the first place, my molars didnt line up and i was causing excessive wear and tear). my dentist would do a count, like ok we need to do this for 5 seconds, then just count down, overall its not FUN but its bearable. but i could not imagine having my jaw broke. i think ill skip that.

  15. The Detroit Free Press run is on my wedding day! Good luck to all the runners!

  16. That is one of my favorite sayings when I am starting to hurt during a race. I just repeat to myself "the faster I run, the sooner I'm done"

  17. I've got a crown just recently and it really wasn't too bad. The anticipation was worse than the actual procedure, although I would recommend getting novacaine for that. I'm not a fan of being numb either, it's a control thing for me I think. Great job on the weight loss!

  18. I'm running the 1/2 at Detroit this year. I'm really excited, but really nervous. I just ran a half two weeks ago and I've never run races this close together. I'm worried that with the rest I took after the last race I won't be ready for the Free Press. It's all mental, I know!

    Why not volunteer this year? Volunteering looks really fun, I tried to get my family involved but they aren't early risers!

  19. I don't get numbed for fillings or for crowns. I hate being numb for hours afterwards, and I don't really think it hurts that bad. But then again, I've been told I have a higher pain tolerance than most people.

  20. I have lost 30 pounds this summer. For the last two days I went off the diet and pretty much ate what I wanted. Im disappointed in myself for doing that. Any advice how I can let this go and continue on?

    1. It's really hard to get back on track, but it sucks to have to RE lose the weight... I know! ;) I would just make sure that the changes you make aren't TOO difficult (like eating too few calories) because that makes it nearly impossible to stick with long term. Also, a couple of days of bad eating aren't going to ruin all the hard work you did all summer... so just write it off and get back on track now!

  21. Congratulations on the weight-loss!
