September 18, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

(I don't plan on making Wordless Wednesday a regular thing; I just thought it would be fun to post my day in pictures rather than words! Next week, I'll go back to my Wednesday Weigh-ins.)


  1. I really miss your Wednesday weigh-in.

  2. I much prefer to read what you have to say.

  3. Happy couple!

  4. this was cute... but i look forward to READING your blog everyday

  5. Cute post!!! You write in your blog just about every single day...I'm surprised people are disappointed bc you didn't write for ONE day. Lighten up peeps! :)

  6. I agree wit Alana! It was very cute, and sometimes photos say what words can't :)

  7. I thought this was a great post! Amazing how much you were able to convey with just pictures. I AM disappointed you didn't circle the neighborhood until you hit 5.00 miles like most anal runners. ;)

    1. If I were running, I would have! But it was just a leisurely walk. And the app was really inaccurate!

  8. I think it's fun to do a post just in pictures. Very nice!

  9. I think the pics are cool as well....however I do miss the stories that accompany them because you always have entertaining stories :) and btw I am lmao at Thomas' anal runners comment! Draftlover

  10. Loved this post! Cute idea :)

  11. What app did you use for tracking your walk in the pic above?

    1. It's Map My Walk, but it was very inaccurate! We really only walked about four miles.

  12. I actually kind of dig this, it's nice to see random images and get an idea about what you do during the day :)

  13. Cute, but I definitely miss your words!

  14. Looks like a fun day. I loved In Cold Blood. How was World War Z? Hard to go wrong with pretty Brad.

  15. Because your blog is based on your daily activities and experiences you should be able to express this any way you please. This was kind of fun seeing how your day went and putting it into my own words. You & Jerry are such a cute couple!

  16. I liked it. And those of us who read your blog daily know what is happening by looking at the pictures. I want Coldstone now lol :) Hope you had fun with the hubby. Looks like a very relaxing day!

  17. I liked this post! I like reading what you have to say, but I also enjoy something different. :)


I used to publish ALL comments (even the mean ones) but I recently chose not to publish those. I always welcome constructive comments/criticism, but there is no need for unnecessary rudeness/hate. But please--I love reading what you have to say! (This comment form is super finicky, so I apologize if you're unable to comment)