March 20, 2013

Helpful husband

A couple of days ago, I spent a couple of hours going through the boys' closets and dressers, pulling out clothes that were too small, or stained, or torn. I threw away the stuff that was stained and torn, but we had a ton of items that were nice enough to donate, so I folded them all neatly and put them in a hamper next to the door. I meant to ask one of my friends if she wanted them, but I got busy and forgot.

This morning, when I was getting the kids ready for school, they were putting on clothes that were too small--stuff I knew that I put in the basket. I looked by the door, and the basket was gone. I asked Jerry if he knew what happened to it, and he said, "Yeah, I put them away."

He was trying to be nice and put away what he thought was clean laundry that I hadn't gotten around to! I tried not to get irritated, because he was just trying to help, but why would I take the time to nicely fold all those clothes only to let them sit in a basket?! I never do that with our laundry. So, this morning, I had to go through the closets and dressers (again) and pull out all the clothes that were too small (again). I did find the whole story kind of funny, though!

Last night, after the kids were in bed for about 15 minutes, Noah came out into the living room and told me that he changed his mind and he didn't want to do his special day tomorrow (today). I asked him why not, and he told me that he didn't want his teacher to be mad at him for skipping school.

Noah is definitely a worrier, and very sensitive, just like his mom ;)  I said, "Well, what if you wake up in the morning, and you're not feeling very well? I can't send you to school like that!" and he said, "No, that would by lying."  (Again, mother of the year, here).

I said, "Well, what if I make you an appointment for something? Like, I'll make an appointment for you to get your hair cut. Then you have a reason to stay home." But he didn't feel right about that either.

Finally, I just said, "What if I get permission from your teacher first?" and he liked that idea. He wanted me to e-mail her and ask her if he could miss school on Monday. I sent her a message, and she thought it was cute that Noah was so concerned about it. So we didn't do Noah's special day today; we'll do it on Monday instead.

Thanks for the tips about Red Robin, by the way! I had no idea you could substitute fruit for the fries, or lettuce for the buns on their burgers. I still don't think the food is worth the amount of PointsPlus I'd have to spend on it, but at least there are options.

Today was Wednesday Weigh-in:
I was 131.5, same as last week. Since I'm in maintenance, meaning trying to maintain, I'm happy with that! :)  This week is going to be a challenge--Saturday and Sunday, I'll be in Dayton to get my RRCA running coach certification. They will be providing breakfast, lunch, and snacks, but I have no idea what those will be. Then Monday, I'm going out for Noah's special day, most likely to Red Robin. It'll be tough, but hopefully I'll manage to get through the week without a (large) gain!

I've gotten quite a bit of walking in on the treadmill lately. I'm SO HOOKED on Sons of Anarchy, and I promised myself I wouldn't watch it unless it was while I was on the treadmill, so I've been walking a lot. I just started season three, and I can tell this season is going to be the best so far!


  1. I had to laugh at hubby's sweet but misguided "help." The Mr just put away dishes and tomorrow morning I will open the cabinets and rearrange everything he put in the wrong place. You'd think after 17 years in the same house he'd know where everything went but dudes aren't wired the same way we are. It's like put stuff in a cupboard and slam the door before it falls.

    Aww, what a sweet kid you have there. Most kids would be all "hells yeah I'm playing hooky!" (Well, maybe in their head since "hells yeah" might not be appropriate to say to your mom at that age.)

  2. Awww Noah sounds so precious :) I feel like I would have done the same thing when I was younger. Now? Well, not so much ;)

  3. I love a kid with a conscious, you don't find that much anymore. You must be doing something right with those boys. :)

    1. I think I meant conscience. Darn homophones!

  4. I just started SOA and I've totally been thinking that I need to get a stationary bike so that I'm doing something while watching TV. Or even one of those bike trainers for my actual bike. I think I'll be searching used sites now. :)

  5. My daughter is the same way, such a worrier! I have to fight with her to stay home when she is sick. Guess that's better than fighting with her to go :) So many people told me Season 3 was the worst and don't even bother.....I LOVED IT!!! So far out of the 4 it was my favorite :) I think the hubby and I watched the whole season in a few days because I just had to know what was next. I am holding off on Season 5 so it's a little closer to summer, but I am not sure I can hold out that long. LOL.

    1. I hear 5 is the best yet... I need to watch it - then i am caught up completely! We ran thru each season as well- we stayed up entirely too late most of January and February watching it!

  6. Haha, Noah sounds just like me, I hated to miss school. One time I went to school for two days with a 104.5 F fever. I didn't want to tell my mom though, so it wasn't until I barfed all over the place on that second night that she caught on. Turns out I had whooping cough even though I got vaccinated. Oops!

  7. One of my kids NEVER missed school and never wanted to be late, which meant that she had to be there way early! My other one would miss for any reason! I always took my kids to school and had one dragging his feet and one counting down minutes and seconds until we had to leave!
    All those Red Robin tips were of interest to me too! My daughter has been studying abroad this semester and will be home in a few weeks; the last time we talked, she informed me that we have to go to Red Robin as soon as possible after she is back!! My first thought was the points that will be consumed!!

  8. Such a sweet boy!!!
    So, since you have talked so much about SOA I decided to give it a try while walking on the treadmill. I wasn't so sure after the first episode, but I decided to give it a couple more. After the third one I'm hooked! I love it!

  9. Aw, such wonderful stories about your family - looking forward to having one of my own someday! For now, I'll enjoy the single life and work toward completing a few goals in the meantime. ;)

    Btw, have fun in Dayton! I grew up there, but live near Cincy now. Too bad the weather will still be a bit cold. There are quite a few lovely parks about. But I pray your travels and the running coach certification program all goes smoothly!

  10. Your laundry story makes me laugh. Nick did some last week when I had strep and he put my 7 yo's shirts & socks in my dresser. He kept commenting you have so man clothes! Uh-not really dude.

    Keep up the good work lady-I've followed you since you had like 100 followers. You make me smile every single day.

  11. I am all caught up on Sons and I can tell you that the best is yet to come. I love love love that show! Have they introduced the guy with the hand problem yet? Ha ha ha! I love him!

  12. I was the same as Noah when I was younger. I hated to miss school and I actually enjoyed school even when most people hated going.

    Now I'm the opposite. I've taken as many online college classes as possible, but now I'm having to take a class in an actual classroom. It is 3 hours long. We just started; I don't know how I'm going to survive.

  13. I wanted SO BADLY to sign up for that certification. It sold out SO QUICKLY though.

  14. Jerry makes me laugh without even trying. That story was hilarious, but I'm sure somewhat frustrating for you, having to do all the sorting all over again.

  15. Ha! I'm exactly the same way. I could be too sick to stand up, and I still feel guilty about calling into work. I even feel guilty requesting personal days in advance. It's so silly. :)

  16. I think they get the kids so worked up about missing school that they think it's a bad thing. I'm pretty lenient about that though just as long as they get their work done!

    I don't think I've eaten at Red Robin since I changed my way of eating. I've heard it's a hard one though. I looked it up once and I think it was on the livestrong site that it said it wasn't worth eating at. I thought that was funny.

  17. I wish I could get annoyed with Charlie for "helping."

  18. Haha, helpful husband cracked me up.

    Awesome stuff on your maintenace. You inspire me :)


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