January 10, 2013

The Today Show aired!

Reality hit hard yesterday when I got home! Jerry and I got home at around 4:30, and we had to unpack, spend time with the boys, and get them back on schedule at home. We had no groceries, so I had to run to the store while Jerry helped them with homework.

Since yesterday was my Wednesday Weigh-In, I got on the scale before hopping in the shower. I was really worried that I'd gained a ton of weight in Florida. I had counted my PointsPlus all week long, but I definitely splurged on alcohol and dining out. I had no idea what my weight was going to be. My jeans still fit well, so I hoped the damage wasn't too bad. I got on the scale, and was pleasantly surprised:

I couldn't believe I spent an entire week in Florida and I actually LOST a pound!! I was thrilled when I saw that I hadn't gained.

I woke up at 3:45 this morning for my interview at the local news station in Detroit. My mom picked me up at 4:30 and drove us there. I invited her to come along, since Jerry already got to see the behind-the-scenes stuff in Florida.

We arrived at the station and waited around for about 15 minutes before I was taken to the green room. I was pretty nervous, because I'd never done a live interview before. When I was taken to the studio, I met the news anchors, who were extremely friendly and welcoming--a relief! They chatted with me a little before my segment.

I was clueless as to what was going on, so I just did what I was told and the whole thing was over with in the blink of an eye! I answered a few questions, and actually felt pretty comfortable because they were so friendly. Then it was over!

Unfortunately, I don't think it's up on their website yet, so I can't link to the video. But here are a couple of pictures I took of the TV ;)

That was on at 6:20 ish. A couple of hours later, the Today Show aired the piece about my From Fat to Finish Line team. It was AMAZING. I knew everything they'd filmed, but I still cried when I saw it. It's always nerve-wracking when you don't know what the editing is going to look like. I thought the Today Show did a terrific job! They used some footage that Angela gave them from the race, which makes me even more excited to see the film!

Here is the Today Show piece, if you missed it and would like to see it.

I'm still in disbelief about the whole Ragnar Relay experience. It was SO amazing, and I'll probably be writing about it for days to come. I wanted to write a few 'thank yous' to people who helped make this happen...

*First, there's Jerry. He's been SUPER supportive of this whole project, and was just as excited as I was about it.

*My mom, who helped with whatever I needed, particularly with watching my kids (and cats) while I was in Florida.

*Angela, the film producer, who has been working her butt off for a YEAR on this thing, and it's only the beginning for her. Now she has the job of editing down a ton of footage into a two-hour movie. She's been amazing, and I've never seen someone so passionate about her job.

*Angelina, at Race Junkie on Etsy, who made my super fun pink tutu to wear during the race. It's safe to say that it was a hit! I got lots of compliments on it.

*Jenn, at Viva la Glitter, who made glitter nail polish not just for me, but for my entire team! I'm so bummed that I forgot to put it on my fingers for the race, but you can see that I'm sporting it on my toes in the scale picture above. Love it!

*My entire Ragnar team, of course. Nobody backed out at the last minute, everybody did his/her part, and made the experience fantastic and so fun!

*And finally, all of YOU, my dear readers! If it weren't for all of you reading this blog, this whole thing never would have happened, and for that, I'm very grateful.

A couple of people have asked if my team plans to run another Ragnar, and the answer is YES. My entire team is on board to run Ragnar Relay Tennessee 2014. We're even bringing the camera crew along, but they are leaving the cameras at home because they are going to RUN IT on their own team!! They thought it looked fun while they were filming us, so they plan to run it next time. Also, some of the spouses of my teammates decided to run it as well. Awesome, right?


  1. Wow! I'm so happy for you! What an experience!

  2. Congrats on the race as well as not gaining on vacation! My niece Facebooked me today and said "That woman about the cookie blog is on the Today show" - it's pretty cool and so is she (she's 21 years old). I watched it online and then had also DVR'd it so I watched it again when I got home. Can't wait to see Fat to Finish!

    Keep up the good work - you really are an inspiration!

  3. i saw you on the today show today. last month a friend shared your website and story with me. she isn't a runner but finds a lot of inspiration here and said that she loves that you are funny and honest. we both stuggle with our weight. and in two very different reasons. so i check in here from time to time and this am when i turned on the tv and you were there, well needless to say i had tears watching your team finish and all the love and enthusiam shown. i run occassionally, my husband runs marathons this last year we traveled to boston.

    so i am hoping that coming here gets me back to my slow jog and back to a healthier me.

    thanks for the real here. i love it.

  4. Just watched the today show piece. You inspire me!

  5. Congrats Katie! So excited to see the film. Good job on losing a pound while on vacation. Now if we could all run a Ragnar every time we go on vacation... :)

  6. Congrats on the race and being on the Today show!

  7. Congrats Katie! The Today Show piece was inspiring and well done. As a nurse practitioner I see many patients on a daily basis who struggle with obesity, and I have sent quite a few of them to your blog for inspiration. I always tell them what I have heard you say many times...weight loss is not a sprint but rather a marathon...and I try to reiterate that even small successes (ie, weight loss of 5-10 lbs, walking a few more blocks each day, etc) can make a difference! You are truly inspiring to many people. Way to go on the 1 lb. weight loss....I wish my vacations ended up like that :).

  8. Your Today show segment was wonderful! I agree that their did a great job editing it. You all looked so comfortable in front of the camera and looked like you were having a wonderful time. Congratulations girl!

  9. Just wanted to say congratulations! Such an amazing accomplishment and such an amazing story. You did great on The Today Show!

  10. Katie-
    You are an inspiration. I read your blog and look forward to reading it every day. I am also on a mission to lose 100+ pounds. I just turned 30 in September and I have vowed that 2013 is going to be my year and I have already started off on the right track and have lost 6 pounds since 1/2/13. Your Today Show segment was amazing and I sat here and cried during the whole video. That is what I want for myself. I want to be that success story of losing 100+ pounds, getting into shape and getting my life BACK! And I would love to become a runner and actually like it but I know that will come in time. Thank you for putting yourself out there for the world to see because you are an inspiration! Congrats on everything you have accomplished. :)

  11. AAAHHH it is SO COOL to see you on TV!! Congrats on everything. You look so happy at the finish line =)

  12. I DVR'd The Today Show today and couldn't wait to get home to see it! I teared up watching it and thinking about all that each of you have accomplished. You are all truly an inpsiration. Congratulations!

  13. AAAHHH it is SO COOL to see you on TV!! Congrats on everything. You look so happy at the finish line =)

  14. Well done on both the Lifetime and the Ragnar! You looks fabulous on the Today show!!! Thanks for being an inspiration! :)

  15. I'm such a fan of your blog. I'm not sure if I've ever commented, but I think you are so amazing and inspiring! I teared up watching this.. you should be so proud of yourself. Also, I live in TN so if you need a volunteer for your Ragnar team in 2014.. I'm in! :)

  16. I have watched the Today Show clip twice and cried both times! I love it. I see why you like Rik so much too! You can tell from his interview that he is a stellar guy! Great job to the whole team!!

  17. Like everyone else I think you are so amazing. Love reading your blog and seeing you on tv today. You are turning into quite a celebrity! Keep up the good work - you inspire so many people!

  18. The Today Show piece was TERRIFIC! Great job with all your interviews. The joy of your team is so evident. You look fantastic!! What an inspiring piece....and I love how Rik said, "Just get off the couch and walk around the block today. Just do that." It all starts with a step, followed by another. Thank you for being such an inspiration!!

  19. Katie - It was exciting to see you and your team on the Today Show. I loved reading about your Ragnar Relay adventure. What an accomplishment! I am avid fan of your blog and find you inspiring, down to earth and funny. Keep on running and writing. All the best, Elizabeth

  20. OMG you're coming to TN!! That's where I live. I'd love to meet you. Maybe I'll come & cheer you on!!

  21. Katie, I'm from New Jersey and I saw you on Today show in the morning. Since then, i can't stop read your blog! You are really a inspiration! Congratulations...Amanda

  22. The Today Show piece is so inspiring! You truly amaze me!

  23. I cried watching your Today segment as well, it was so inspiring and beautiful! That last picture you just posted is amazing. I'm so happy for you!

  24. You are inspiring and what an amazing experience! I also wanted to let you know that I love, love, love that dress you are wearing!!! You look great!

  25. The video was amazing and brought tears to my eyes. All 12 of you are amazing and such an inspiration!!

    Thank you for sharing all your triumphs and struggles Katie. It gives me hope that I can do it too!

  26. I haven't watched the Today show in awhile, but had it on today while I was getting ready. I was so excited when this segment came on & I saw you (and everyone else) on the screen! I thought it was a great clip & I cannot wait to see the documentary!

  27. I'm a teacher and have been pretty open with my classes about my weight loss and how I workout. I made one of my classes watch the segment today! lol! They liked it! They thought you guys were inspirational! Good job!

  28. The Today Show piece was amazing, so inpsiring. I didn't get to see it when it aired, so I'm glad you posted it.

  29. How exciting! can't wait to see the clip!

  30. Congrats on your relay! Spark has the Today show interview up too! That's where I saw it earlier today! You all are awesome!

  31. I hope you can ride this emotional high for a good long while :) You totally deserve it!! The Today Show segment was awesome and you did so well. I'm just thrilled for you :)

  32. LoveAnAnimalJanuary 11, 2013

    A lump was in my throat watching the Today segment. What a special and forever lasting experience this was for you and the entire team! Though it's doubtful that I myself will ever have such an amazing experience, I glad that you give me the opportunity to live vicariously through you. : ) Thanks for sharing your life with us Katie. You're a special person.

  33. I am so glad I decided to read your blog just now. I've been reading for about a year now and I always love reading what you write. I have been having a horrible day and I was honestly thinking seriously about going into the kitchen and bingeing on something. I was starting to feel like "what's the point, I've lost 50lbs but I'm still fat and ugly." I was seriously just about to get up and go eat whatever crap I could find. Something made me come here first. Watching the link for your interview gave me the kick in the butt I needed. THANK YOU! :-) What did you do on days like this? When you feel like you're swimming upstream? Wow, I didn't realize how frustrated I had become. Sorry for this long blurb. Thank you for blogging Katie!

  34. I just can't get enough of you Katie, I love you like I love cake ... and I lOVE cake :)

  35. Katie, you are AWESOME! The Today Show bit actually made me cry - thanks for ruining my makeup this morning! Ha! I look forward as I work on my goal to shed some pounds. Thanks for the inspiration and keep rockin'!

  36. So cool! Such and inspiration. That is great the spouses are going to run. You did GREAT on camera!

  37. Congrats! Loved the Today show segment and your red dress! Thanks for inspiring us all to get off the couch :)

  38. Congrats on everything! What a great ending to a trip, losing 1lb! :)
    I went to record the Today show since I work during the day and there was a Today Show 1, 2 & 3! I have no idea if that's a canadian thing or what, but I recorded all 3 just in case, but now I'm just going to watch your link to save me some time of fast forwarding through all three lol

    By the way, I like that you're wearing your hair curly for the local TV show. I guess you've warmed up to it :)

  39. I cried happy tears for you guys too :)

  40. That video is awesome! Congrats to all of you!!

  41. Katie, the Today Show segment was awesome! Can't wait to see the video when it comes out!!

  42. Wow! You are incredible inspiring! AND you look happy & beautiful.

  43. I Tivo-ed the Today show and saw the Ragnar segment. You looked gorgeous and everyone looked wonderful. Great, great job on the race and everything. You are a wonder!!!

  44. I love that orange dress! And the Today show segment was awesome!

  45. Congrats! You looked great -- so fun to watch. Inspiring!

  46. I completely teared up watching your clip on the Today Show. All of you are amazing!!

    That red dress is so pretty on you!

  47. I loved your Today Show clip!!! You look so amazing Katie--- it was soooo motivational to watch, which has made me want to sign up for my 1st 5k! Small success first right?!?! Congrats!

  48. April BrownJanuary 11, 2013

    Wow! On so many levels, WOW! Great job on all that you have accomplished and all that you have brought out in others! I enjoyed the Today show segment as well. I live in TN and am curious...Would you ever consider getting a team together consisting of your readers? I have lost 89 lbs and ran a Marathon last year and would love something like the Ragnar. Is the TN one the one that starts in Chattanooga and goes to Nashville? Keep me in mind....abrownie76@live.com

  49. Cried as I saw y'all cross that finish line! So absolutely inspiring! Going out to buy new walking/running shoes this weekend!! Congratulations on changing your lives as well as all the others you have touched along the way!

  50. I have to reiterate... WOW! I cried both times I saw the Today Show segment. Can't wait for Fat to Finish documentary! I think I will need a box of tissues next to me!

  51. Katie, You Rock!! What an awesome team and a fun experience! Seeing your pictures in Key west makes me want to go back there so badly. I bet you never thought when you started your weightloss journey, that you'd have such a huge effect on so many other people!! You're a great inspiration, and I love reading your blog! (been reading since right around your first ragnar) Thanks for sharing!

  52. Wow! Loved the segment on the today show, you are ALL such an inspiration for others. Way to go Katie!!

  53. I'm so glad Ragnar was such a success! The Today show segment was inspiring and quite a long feature. You are becoming a celebrity and you deserve it. I really enjoyed your blog about your experience in Key West: wonderful writing. Loved the dress you wore on the Morning show!

    When is 'Fat to Finish' coming out?

  54. Awesome! I've been reading this blog for about 6 months. Hearing about your Ragnar, From Fat to Finish, and Today Show experiences lately has been really fun. I have also just become a runner over the past two years. I shared your blog and the Today Show video with my mom who is struggling with her weight and is reluctant to exercise vigorously. Thanks for sharing your journey with others as it is very motivational! Best wishes!

  55. WOW! AWESOME!!!! You can totally feel the love between you guys! Thanks for being an awesome inspiration! I am down 30lbs, with a few more to go, and I thank YOU for the boost to help keep me going.
    Best Wishes to all of you!!

  56. What an amazing piece they did on you and your fellow teammates. I am still trying to shake the lump from my throat. I hope to get the chance to see you at a race real soon. :-)

  57. Such an amazing group of people! I feel like I know you from reading your blog and I loved watching the clip and thinking, hey, I know her (kinda) lol. Congrats on such an awesome experience and even more to come! I'm down 55 lbs from running. Maybe next time I can be on a team like yours too! :)

  58. You are so inspiring! Your Today show piece was awesome! If you get a chance you have to do the Wasatch Back Ragnar in Park City Utah. There is nothing like it, I promise.

  59. Gives me a lump in the throat to watch the video… y’all are so amazing. It’s great to hear it is not easy and a lot of work. I like how they played “everyday people” too.

  60. The video gave me chills! You are all so inspiring! The Today show did a great job of showing that you are just regular people who did what you needed to do for yourselves and your health. I want to be a story like that. Thank you, Katie and the whole Fat to Finish team!!

  61. The video made me tear up! it was great. I've been following your blog for about six months but this is the first time I comment. It really is one of my favorite blogs, definitely my favorite inspiring blog. You are so great!!

  62. Maria from CAJanuary 11, 2013

    I came across your profile once before through another runner's blog. I remember thinking how inspired I was when I read it but I couldn't find your blog again, but knew "cookies" was part of the name. Yesterday morning while I was brushing my teeth I heard them talking about a blog on the Today show. When they said "Runs For Cookies" I ran out to the TV and there you were! Where you began is where I am today. I've made 5K's my monthly goal (but haven't finished one yet) with the hopes it will motivate me to exercise and shed some poundage. Thank you for sharing your journey! It's truly inspiring! And your toes look great, by the way. Especially for a runner!

  63. Awesome! I was so glad to be able to see this. So proud of you and the other runners. You are so inspiring. Love your blog and your honesty. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

  64. Your Today show piece was great, you all are so inspiring! And you are adorable! I have only been a blog reader for about 6 months but I find you so inspiring and relatable, I hope that piece brings you tons more readers, so every one can see how awesome you are!!!

  65. WOW! what a testimony to all your guys' hard work, and your commitment to each other. thanks so much for sharing :).

  66. So happy for you! You have been such an amazing inspiration to me. I will always be grateful to you and your amazing blog for getting me out running on days when I did not want to. Your Today show clip was awesome. LOVED your fun pink tutu as well. Way to go Katie!!!

  67. Katie,

    You and your entire team are amazing!! The Today show did a fabulous job. I can't wait for the full length film. :)

    You are truly living life large!

    Michelle Christine

  68. The Today Show did a great job and it was great hearing your voice after reading your words for so long!

    I truly hope to start running again and when, not if, I do, you're my biggest inspiration. :)

  69. This has me grinning from ear to ear. Congratulations - to all!

  70. Tears in my eyes. Proud as hell. Honored to "know" you, girl! Congrats to you and your whole team!

  71. I thought I commented yesterday, but I guess not...

    It was awesome!!!! I don't even want to delete it from my DVR, lol! Thanks to you and your whole team for all the time, money, and immense amount hard work you put in to be so inspiring to us all!

  72. I LOVE that overhead shot!

  73. I have been a follower for awhile, having lost 72 lbs with WW back in 2007-2008. I have since gained it back and am back on WW as of Jan 1.

    I loved the Today show segment about your team!! So inspirational!!

  74. The video made me emotional, I wasn't prepared for that. You guys rocked that race. Very cool.

  75. That's fantastic!!! Congrats!!!

  76. First of all wow. I've been following you for a while but this is the first time I've read these posts. I was also wondering if you did run the second Ragnar? I havent come across it on your blog and was wondering if you could link to it. Thanks :)

    1. I've run three Ragnars: Great River in 2010, Florida Keys in 2013, and then SoCal in 2014. The links can be found on my races page (under the Running tab on my blog) :)

  77. First of all wow. I've been following you for a while and have seen the film but haven't read this posts before. I was wondering if you all did run the second Ragnar? I haven't come across it on your blog and was hoping you could link to it. Thanks :)


I used to publish ALL comments (even the mean ones) but I recently chose not to publish those. I always welcome constructive comments/criticism, but there is no need for unnecessary rudeness/hate. But please--I love reading what you have to say! (This comment form is super finicky, so I apologize if you're unable to comment)