August 20, 2012

Impulsive painting

Not sure where it came from, but I woke up with quite a bit of energy this morning. I felt like cleaning or organizing or something... that never happens!

I opened the cupboard under our sink where our cleaning supplies are, and I saw four cans of red spray paint that have been there for a couple of years. I bought them when I painted our shutters, and those were left over cans. When I saw those, I very impulsively decided that I was going to paint something with them.

My first victim (yes, first--meaning there were more) was the coffee table. Our coffee table was an ugly grayish brown color, very boring. I told Jerry I was going to paint it, and he really didn't like the idea. But he carried it outside for me, and even snapped a couple of pictures while I was painting...
You can see on the bottom left of the table what the color used to be; I think the red looks much better, don't you?!

Once I saw how good the table looked, and I still had two cans of paint left. I told Jerry to take the front door off the hinges, because I was going to paint it red. His eyes bugged out of his head, and he tried to talk me out of it.

I told him that we already look like hillbillies with all the crap in our yard (let's just say you can totally tell that we have kids), and having a spray painted door would just fit right in ;) 

As soon as I started spraying the door, I knew it was a mistake. The paint wasn't sticking to it like it did on the table, and it looked pink instead of red. Jerry was making fun of me, but I finished out the two cans of spray and the door looked horrible. I told him to get some paint from Lowe's, and he came home with a can of paint and a brush.

He painted the door with that, and it looks AWESOME. It's the same color red as the table (it was white before). It looked so good (and we still had paint left) so we painted the side door as well. Definitely my best idea ever ;)

Jerry was cutting the grass this afternoon, and he actually ran over a turtle! It was so small that he didn't see it until after he ran it over. Thankfully, it wasn't hurt at all. It was SO adorable that I wanted to keep it (but of course we didn't).
I believe this is a snapping turtle

Estelle was VERY curious about this little creature!

After dinner, Jerry and I decided to take the kids to the rec center so we could all go swimming. I've mentioned before how I hate swimming, but I've been trying to be more active on a daily basis, so I brought my suit and got in as well. I even jumped off the diving board--I'm sure I looked as graceful as a swan, too. Bahahaha!

I went to the shallowest part of the pool (3.5 feet deep) and started running in circles. Running in the water is hard! My legs got a really good workout. I don't know what possessed me to try and swim laps, but I was bored enough to give it a try.

I was shocked at how tough of a workout it was! My heart was racing faster than it does when I RUN, and I was totally out of breath. I kept going, pausing for a few seconds after each lap to catch my breath. I ended up swimming 20 lengths of the pool! I think that is 500 meters, which is much farther than I thought I could go.

And before someone mentions it, NO, there are no triathlons in my future. ;)


  1. Oh I think you could totally rock a Tri!!! Or.. at least .. have fun tri-ing!!! Lol

    I think the table looks great, you need to take pics of your doors!!

    1. Afterthought..

      Since y'all are working on donations for your awesome documentary..

      Set a donation goal, like $2,000 or something. Keep track of who is donating specifically for this, and if the goal is reached, you sign up for a tri!!

      You get the fun of training for something entirety new to you, we get to share in the experience through your blog, and you get closer to raising your film money!

      I can sense you are loving the idea!! :-)

  2. You should do a triathlon!

    I know you said you won't be, but if you like running tri'ing is tons of fun!

  3. Don't you love it when you impulsively do something like that with paint? We've got a project of painting the 90's gun metal fireplace surround silver but are petrified to do it. We bought a piece of brass to practice on first and the worst that could happen is we have to tile...which we don't know how to do.

  4. You are so right about the swimming being fantastic exercise! Years ago when I lost 80 lbs (which I have since gained back) I was swimming as my exercise and doing water aerobics. I love being in water. You've just reaffirmed my need to get back in there and to get my butt moving again! I want to see your red door!!! I bet it looks wonderful!

  5. Many people run in a pool when they are injured. They wear a belt that keeps them above water from the waist up in the deep end and run to keep their fitness level while an injury is healing.
    I started swimming with a few running friends. We could all go out and run two hours and think nothing of it but we couldn't even swim one lap without stopping the first time!!

  6. I spray painted a bunch of things, like Chelsea's bedroom set which was my sister's best friend's set, purchased in the late 60's! I'm into black furniture right now, so I've painted a buffet black and my living room tables, as well. Spray paint is so easy, on wood!

  7. Sounds like a creative day!

    Also, I saw on Facebook through the SparkPeople page, that your story was featured on the DailySpark blog!

  8. I love read doors! I saw a newly painted house today that was a light gray with light lavender doors and shutters. It was actually very cute!

    I think my heart stopped when I got to the turtle part! I love turtles and was so relived to hear the little guy was okay : )

  9. I was totally thinking triathlon!

  10. I love a red door. My friend did it and it looks awesome. And now he can just say "the one with the red door" since he's in an area where all the houses look the same. And I love painting furniture, just gives it a new lease on life. I've always wanted a brightly colored piece for a pop of color. Well done!! I love how he was thrilled with either idea yet he carried out the table and took off the door. Love it.

  11. I love red as an accent colour and I'm sure it looks great on your door! That turtle is super cute too :)

  12. I would LOVE to have a red front door!
    I wish we had somewhere to swim nearby, but we dont :( Awesome job on your swimming!

  13. Love the idea of a red front door! That turtle has to be the cutest thing, I'd find it hard not too keep him. Love that you went swimming anyways, I hate it too (I just don't like being wet) but am always glad when I do since it is such a workout.

  14. Yes 20 laps is 500 yds/meters. Go girl! I kinda get obsessed when other people swim, I love it! If it was 500m, it is 1/3 of a "swimmer's mile"! Amazing!

  15. A red door! Cool! I've been reading for awhile and figure I'd pop in and tell you that I love your blog and it's SO relatable! (Kinda like I'd written it myself!)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I need to do some shit around the house too.


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