May 6, 2012

Reader Questions & Answers #12

On Sundays, I will answer some readers' questions in a post. If you have a question that you would like me to answer here on the blog, just send me an e-mail with the subject "Q&A", and I may include them in a future Q&A post. They don't have to be about weight loss or running--anything is game!  (Remember, I'm not a doctor or dietician, or any sort of medical professional--I can only answer questions from my own experience).

Q. How do you battle temptations at the grocery store? I love that you don't keep binge food in the house, but I can't seem to stop buying the junk!

A. I wouldn't say that I don't keep binge foods in the house, because sometimes I will buy them with good intentions--and I try to refrain from binge eating. But for the most part, I do know what foods are nearly impossible for me to eat just one portion at a time, and I very rarely buy them. A short list of those foods: graham crackers, ice cream, regular sized chocolate chips (mini ones are okay), Reese's PB Puff's cereal, candy or cookies of almost any kind... there are more, but these are big ones that come to mind right away.

Reese's PB Puffs are like crack to me!
I know that some people have no problem eating junk food in moderation. I can do it with SOME foods, but the foods I listed above are the ones I really have a hard time with. So how do I battle the temptation of buying them at the grocery store? I actually don't have a very hard time with this. Once the food is home, it's VERY hard not to eat it. But at the grocery store, I just completely avoid the foods that I know will be a temptation to me. 

A lot of the foods actually have bad memories attached to them--which probably sounds ridiculous, I know. But I can remember eating entire packages of Oreos in the past, and the thought of buying a package of Oreos now fills me with dread--it makes me feel depressed because it reminds me of when I was fat. There are certain flavors and brands of ice cream I can't eat for the same reason. Fast food does the same thing--I can't eat at McDonald's or Wendy's, regardless of what I order, because it gives me a bad feeling inside. I wish I could somehow create that bad feeling for all of my problem foods! ;)

If you have a hard time with buying binge foods, maybe you could send your spouse or friend to the store with a list? When I wasn't able to drive after my surgery, I ate like an angel, because I had to rely on other people to do the shopping for me ;) Of course, that only works if your spouse doesn't buy the junk as well!

Q. Did you have difficulty getting pregnant when you were overweight?
A. Not at all! I know that this is actually a really common issue for obese women to have, but fortunately, I didn't have any trouble getting pregnant. I got pregnant on the first try with both of my boys!

Funny story: When I was working at Curves and Noah was about 9 months old, I told my boss (and friend) Del that I was thinking about getting pregnant again when Noah was about a year old. She told me that I should start trying right away, because it would probably take a few months. She had three kids and said that it took a little longer to get pregnant between each of them. So, because she was older and wiser, I decided to listen to her ;) Three weeks later, she got an earful on the phone when I had a positive pregnancy test!

Two days before I delivered Noah
(who was 8 lbs, 8 oz)
While I had no trouble getting pregnant, I had VERY difficult pregnancies. With Noah, I had a condition called Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP). ICP is a condition during pregnancy that affects your liver; and the main symptom is severe itching. It basically makes your BLOOD itch, so everywhere that your blood flows itches like crazy.

I would spend hours in a bathtub filled with cold water to try and numb my skin and lessen the severity of the itching. I was extremely sleep deprived because I was itching so badly, and I remember hallucinating one night--I kept begging Jerry to cut off my feet, and I was completely serious! It was awful. My doctor induced labor 14 days early because of the condition, and the symptoms went away within two days.

I was terrified of getting pregnant again, for fear of having the ICP. Thankfully, I didn't have ICP with Eli; but early in the pregnancy, my pubic bone became dislocated. I had such severe pain (right where you can feel your pubic bone in front) that I had a hard time walking. Again, my labor was induced early--10 days early this time, because Eli was huge.

Even being 10 days early, he was 9 lbs. 10 oz. After Eli's birth, it became much worse. I was so uncomfortable at the hospital that I checked out at 1:00 in the morning to go home. I had to use a walker for a few weeks in order to move around. The only way I could sleep or lie down was with my legs completely straight and closed tightly together. I couldn't lift my legs to even put my pants on. I needed help to do everything. The pain eventually went away, but it took a long time. 

After that experience with the pubic bone, I decided that I just couldn't go through that again--and Jerry and I decided that he would get a vasectomy, just in case I ever forgot about the pain and decided I wanted another baby! ;)

This e-mail wasn't a question, but I thought it was something I should post:

I have been reading about your breakfast of oatmeal for a while and that you use milk when cooking your oats. I tried it today for the first time. (The thought of hot milk just didn't sound great to me). Needless to say I have REALLY  been missing out. Keep telling everyone about oats and milk because it really made all the difference. Yum!!!

I absolutely agree! Oatmeal is completely different when you cook it in milk rather than water. The flavor and texture are great! I like cow's milk best, but almond milk works too.

And now a question for all of you...

Do you have any foods that you associate with bad memories, for some reason or another? I know my dad won't eat onion soup because he had the flu one time when he ate it (and subsequently threw it up). I can't eat Turkey Hill Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream, because that is what I ate before I fainted and broke my jaw.


  1. I have a hard time drinking apple juice. When I was pregnant with my oldest, the only thing I could drink without throwing up was apple juice in mineral water. I can drink the juice sometimes now (3 years later), but the thought of drinking it with mineral water makes me gag.

  2. I can't eat egg rolls. When I was about 10 years old (26 years ago!), we took a train to visit my grandparents in Florida. I ate part of a shrimp egg roll and immediately, even at 10, knew something was "off" with the taste. I ate about 2 more bites and that was it. I was violently ill the rest of the train ride and the rest of the next day. The shrimp was bad or something. Ugh.

    To this day, I cannot even stand the thought of an egg roll. I've even tried to have just a veggie or chicken one - nope, can't do it.

    I've always sort of wished this could have happened with a Snickers bar, or ice cream, or Cheeto Puffs or something. lol

  3. I can't eat Fruit leather, it was the only food that made me vomit when I was pregnant with Dylan. I also can't eat Jelly Beans, I got the flu after eating them.

  4. I can't eat Garrett popcorn - it's a Chicago thing, cheese and caramel popcorn mixed. I loved it, and one of my last really big binges before I started to eat better was a jumbo bag all by myself. As I finished it, I felt absolutely disgusted with myself, complete self-loathing. Now, even the thought of it makes my stomach turn.

    1. One of Oprah's favorite things! I don't think I could eat the 2 flavors mixed together.

  5. It took me 15 years to eat Fettuccine Alfredo again because I was sick one night after we went out to dinner and just the smell of it put me back to the moment I threw it all up.

  6. I got the stomach flu from undercooked meatloaf. I can eat meatloaf.. tentatively. But I don't see myself making it for a while!

  7. I threw up a Wendy's Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger in high school at my first job. I worked at Carlton Cards and we had some new candles next to the register that made the nausea worse! I could feel the vomit coming and tried to run to the bathroom to throw up, but only made it just inside the door of the back room. I puked in front of my coworker, my boss, and the district manager! I was so embarrassed! I haven't eaten one since!

  8. AnonymousMay 06, 2012

    Oh goodness, there are quite a few foods I can't eat due to bad memories. Got sick on cheez-its once, so none of those (or goldfish, because they taste so similar).

    No hot chocolate. In elementary school, I got really sick (as in, feverish, not nauseous) after drinking hot chocolate, and the smell of it still makes me dizzy. I even had fancy European drinking chocolate in Spain a few years ago and felt ill afterwords :( I don't know if it's a real thing or just a coincidence, because I'm fine with regular chocolate!

    1. AnonymousMay 09, 2012

      I had to LOL at the Goldfish cracker comment. I used to eat them all of the time and one time I had eaten some and drank the first sip out of a soda and the carbonation went straight to my stomach and up came the Goldfish crackers. I threw them up all over a tree. Yuk! They taste awful coming back up.

  9. Scallops and apple juice (not together of course), but I can't eat scallops b/c of food poisoning once and vommed, and when I had appendicitis I had to drink barium diluted with 8 cups of apple juice. Hideous experience to say the least.

    But in terms of food and bad memories, I also have that problem. Ice cream is a real trigger food for me, and while I enjoy a cone from a store every now and then, the thought of scooping and eating my own ice cream makes me sick to my stomach b/c it always reminds me of the number of times I've eaten the whole pint, half gallon, etc in a single sitting alone. UGG.

  10. I avoid most anything that I crave very early on in my pregnancies. With my 2nd I had to have those uncle ben's rice bowls (do they even make those anymore?) For weeks that was all I could eat. Then one day the smell was more than I could handle. I gave my stash of rice bowls to the neighbor and I've never had one again. This pregnancy, I'm pretty sure I'll never have a Panera bread bowl/soup again. Ugh.

  11. Since Charlie and I were together for almost 5 years, we decided to not wait to have kids. We got married in Sept. and I took a pregnancy test on New Year's Eve to find out we were pregnant with Charlie. Then I was a week late when Charlie was 13 months old. It only took one time to get pregnant with Chelsea, and I wasn't trying! I had pregnancy-induced hypertension and wound up on bed rest taking multiple 24 hour urine tests (where you collect your urine and keep it in the fridge until you drop it off at the lab!) to make sure I didn't go into kidney failure. Charlie came 5 weeks early- my water broke while collecting urine! He was a peanut at 5lbs 8oz. Same thing with Chelsea, but she was on time and 8lbs 4oz. So, after having 2 difficult but successful pregnancies and a boy and a girl I had my tubes tied. I was very fertile (like my mom) so I didn't want to take any chances!!

    There were foods that I couldn't stomach after I had the kids, like salad, because I ate so much of it when I was pregnant. I can eat it now. But I do have a MOVIE I can't watch because I had a severe panic attack in the middle of the night, when I was obese, and it was on the tv. It was 'Twins' with Danny Devito and Arnold Schwarzenegger. That panic attack was one of the catalysts to my getting fit and healthy!

  12. Mac n cheese. I used to love it with orange juice. Pregnancy was rough and I threw it up one too many times. NEVER again!

    I totally relate to the binge foods. Reese's PB Puff's are a form of dessert that I can't seem to stop eating. So I refrain from buying it so I eliminate the temptation. Also bagels toasted with fruit cream cheese yum!

  13. SmileyBooMay 06, 2012

    I used to have bad bad binges, and once ate a whole bag of Reece's PB puffs while house sitting for a friend...I felt so guilty I ran 6 miles...HORRIBLE IDEA!! I never ever want to eat them again. They sound good I just can't. It makes me feel so guilty.
    I also cannot eat gorgonzola cheese, I just got shivers thinking of it. Blech.

  14. I have several foods I've eaten shortly before throwing up and will never eat them again: Capn Crunch Crunchberries, Lil Smokies and Mr Melon candies (all from when I was a kid) and Hamburger Helper from a few years back. I don't even know what kind of Hamburger Helper it was, but now I can't eat any kind at all. It somehow never happened after eating Oreos or chocolate candy of some kind, which is unfortunate! ;)

  15. A chiropractor can fix the pubic bone problem right away! I had it with my pregnancies nd I couldn't walk or get dressed and as soon as I went to Chiro it was almost completely pain free after the first visit

    1. I tried that, and unfortunately, it didn't help me :(

  16. Root beer! When I was a kid, my family was going on some sort of road trip in the car, and I got really car sick. My mom thought that some ginger ale would settle my stomach, but when we stopped to get some, the machine was out of ginger ale. She bought root beer instead. I drank it and instantly got sick all over my sticker book (which I had a real attachment to back then!). To this day, I cannot drink root beer. But, I don't drink much pop anyway, so it's not a big loss.

  17. I cannot eat canned chicken noodle soup. It was the first year I lived on my own and I was in Germany while the rest of my family was in the US. I wasnt feeling well so I thought I should eat some chicken noodle soup. It came up instantly and from that point on, no more chicken noodle soup. The smell alone makes me gag!

    When I pregnant with Tyler, the morning sickness (all day sickness really) was horrendous. The only thing I could eat was Yogurt and that was only because it tasted halfway decent coming back up. (I lost 10 lbs during my first trimester and the vomiting didnt stop until I was 18 weeks!).

    I dont think I'm that overweight but my BMI puts me in the obese category (30.7). I've had two miscarriages and when I was pregnant, I got pre-eclampsia. So I was induced with Tyler 3 weeks early. We're continuing to try but we will see what happens.

  18. For a long time (since childhood) I had a problem eating ham...because once in band camp (naw, just kidding). No-once on a family picnic, we had ham sandwiches and there was a dead possum spotted right about the time we ate, and for some reason I associated the 2 things together and could only think of dead possum when I saw ham (especially sandwich ham).

  19. I have a really difficult time making hamburger casserole (basically shepherds pie) and have actually only made it a handful of times since 1993. I used to make it all the time and my brother would always want the leftovers because he loved it so much. He passed away in 1993 and ever since, I get an intense sadness when I make the dish, knowing how much he loved it. Sorry, I know this is a downer and probably not what was intended by the question.

  20. I love your Sunday posts! I like to see other people's questions that I haven't thought of. My husband says I'm a weirdo because I don't like pasta (the only kind I like is Lasagna, maybe because it's covered in cheese?) Besides that there's not really anything I can't stand. I don't buy oreo's because I have binged so many times with them but I still like them. For the record my "crack" foods are: Soft cookies (especially with buttercream frosting), most cookies, cupcakes with buttercream frosting, and potato chips of almost any kind! Yep, that's pretty much it! SO glad I found sparkpeople!

  21. Try chocolate cheerios and peanut butter cheerios mixed together. Just like crack but slightly healthier.

  22. The Reeces Puffs crack me up! The lady at the grocery store asked my 4 year old if she loooooved the puffs and my daughter said, "no, I don't eat them they are for my daddy." They are like crack to him too!

  23. does tequila count as a food? ugh. I think it was summer, 1989 and I still can't stand the smell or taste...
    and a more recent one is fried eggs with a salad of mixed greens w/ craisins & goat cheese because I got a baaaad stomach virus just hours after consuming. yuck. wish I had the same physical response with several sweets:)

  24. Crack foods.... Swiss cake rolls, cupcakes with buttercream frosting and double stuff Oreos.
    Bad associations... Apple flavored stuff

  25. Kiwis for me. I can't touch them. Just the thought of or sight of kiwis makes my stomach start churning. My dad once brought home a crate of super ripe kiwis that he got for a great deal and I ate so many of them that I puked a ton, and haven't been able to touch them since then.

  26. My roommates a long time ago made this not-so-great cheese dip with Campbell's nacho cheese in a can. I had a stomach bug and it sat in my stomach for hours before I actually threw it up. I can't stand to even smell canned cheese now.

    1. This is probably a good idea. Reading about all these foods that made people sick and throw up, is making me sick too. Maybe I will associate it with these same foods and won't crave them so much anymore! I was going to make nachos for supper--but now it doesn't sound so good! I can just feel that cheese dip churning around in my stomach for hours before finally making a re-appearance! OH!

  27. I had a hard time eating BBQ sauce for the longest time because when I was little eating chicken nuggets at BBQ sauce at McDonald's I saw a little boy who was about 4 and didn't have any feet. I have no idea what happened but he couldn't walk so his dad was holding him while his family played on the playground part. So every time I would eat BBQ sauce I would think about that little boy.

    1. AnonymousMay 09, 2012

      I have a friend that can not eat applesauce because she saw a set of conjoined twins on Oprah one time when she was eating applesauce. Something about seeing 2 people conjoined at the head turned her stomach and up came the applesauce. YUK

  28. I cant eat Taco Bell after a food poisoning incident in college....bad experience as we were camping at the time...cant say i really miss Taco Bell.....

    And i also had an easy time getting pregnant. All 3 times the first month trying. And like you, when we started talking about #2, i had a couple of friends experiencing secondary infertility...where they got pregnant fine with #1, then couldnt get pregnant i told my husband we HAD to start trying...immediately. i didnt expect it to happen so fast. But i have a TON of sympathy for people who struggle. I cant imagine how hard it is.

  29. I LOVE those Reese's PB Puffs. It's weird because I don't like sugary stuff, but I love those things.

    I can't drink Vernor's because my mom always gave it to me when I had the flu. I also got sick after eating too many Bugles when I was a kid, so I can't eat those either.

    I've always made my oatmeal in milk. I made it with water once when I was out of milk, and blecch... never again.

    1. I know someone who got sick on Bugles (in front of me) as a kid so I cannot eat them either! Haha.

  30. I can't eat taco bell crunch wraps, got food poisoning and it didn't end well if you know what I mean.

    1. So last night taco bell was ruined for me and my boys... If you know what I mean... :/ we are home sick today.

  31. I loooove Hint of Lime Tostito chips, but Matt hates them because of a memory of his own from childhood. When he was little he was eating fruit loops, and even though they are sugar coated, but when you're a kid things can never be too sugary, so he tried to sneak some sugar to put on his cereal. He didn't find out it was actually salt until after the first bite. He might have even continued eating it that way because he was too afraid to admit to his mom what he did, so to this day, anything that is fruity and salty at the same time makes him ill.

  32. I can't drink energy drinks- I tried 1 in high school, and after 1 sip, hated it and felt nauseous. Later that same day I came down with an awful stomach bug which was probably a coincidence, but the smell of energy drinks still makes my stomach churn.

    Steak au poivre as well. I ate that last year and I think it gave me food poisioning- I didn't get sick, but I was nauseous all night. It took a few months before I could eat steak again, and I still could never eat it in a cream sauce. I'm practically gagging typing this!

  33. Well I guess I am one of the "lucky" ones who cannot eat a sugary sweet food because of an association! When I was a kid, my aunt made a chocolate cake (without frosting for some reason-oh, the horror) and I ate some. I got a stomach bug soon after (coincidence) so I have a tough time eating chocolate cake. Really most cake because I think most seem dry and that reminds me of that frosting-less cake! Too bad it didn't happen with donuts, muffins, cookies and brownies too!

  34. I avoid Ben and Jerry's ice cream because when I was at my heaviest, I would sit and eat it by the tub! Every time I see it at the supermarket it brings back memories of being obese, but more than that it brings back memories of being unhappy.

    On a funnier note, I can't have margaritas after having waaaayyy too many about five years ago and throwing up pretty much everywhere! We went to Disney a couple years ago and they serve these pretty frozen margaritas - I thought I would be ok, but one sip and yuck! Had to throw it away!

  35. AnonymousMay 07, 2012

    When I was a kid, I got sick coming home from the doctor and had been given some sort of cough syrup there- the nasty stuff. I puked it all up in the backseat of my parent's car.
    Another time, it was spaghetti. I had loved spaghetti, but I bet it was about 10 years before I ate it again.

    My trigger or binge foods are DingDongs, Swiss Cake Rolls, Lay's chips, french crullers, chocolate chips, Reeses Puff Cereal (been known to label box as 'MOMs only, DO NOT EAT!'), and cake of any kind.
    My earliest binge is from childhood. My dad makes the most awesome cookies, and would make huge batches and we'd freeze some, take some to family, etc. Well, they are even better frozen, so I ate a ton of them whenever I could. I only get them a few times a year, and even though I can make them, I don't because I will eat them.

    One more food I get queasy from is beef stroganoff or fettuccine alfredo. I was emergently transferred in pre-term labor to a larger hospital and that night the first meal I ordered was stroganoff. I was hungry, stressed, and crying a lot out of fear. It came and it had pinkish sauce to it, and a ton of water on the plate. It was so disgusting. I can eat homemade stroganoff, or from Noodles, but not anything with a pinkish sauce. Alfredo smells like this did, so that is hard to eat.

    And the smell of ketchup is enough to make me gag, although fries dipped in it are ok.

  36. Any junk food I can bring home is bad for me. Last fall while visiting family in Oregon, I was having family problems and binged in my rental car nonstop. Usually fast food or stuff from grocery stores. The fast food isn't too bad of a reminder, but the time or two I had it this year was late at night and I woke up depressed. Might be some connection there. I would buy a 4 pack of cupcakes from the grocery store bakery and eat them myself, then be sad I didn't buy more. It was a rough place. Frozen pizzas, frozen fried foods, usually don't appeal to me anymore. I would say cookies, but I can eat them in moderation. If I try... haha! I too have memories of devouring cookies and having them in the house makes me a little tense.

  37. I can have junk food in the house for the most part and avoid it, but if I take just one bite of something.. it usually spirals out of control. I Can avoid the bag of chips in the cupboard for weeks then one night I'll decide to have a handful and before I know it the bag is gone! :(

  38. I am glad I've never had Reese's Puffs because they sound highly addicting, based on all the comments!

    Bad memories: Cheeze-its, PFChangs, stromboli's (not sure if it was a stomach bug or the food, but each resulted in vomiting. :P )

    Triggers: Stacy's naked Pita Chips -- I cannot have them in the house or the whole bag disappears! They are soooo good! My kids love them, too, so I used to give and buy them, but I cannot resist the temptation. Now I buy them for Girl Scout meetings or other events so my kids can have them but I won't eat them all!

  39. I can't eat Cheese puffs. When I was pregnant I craved them so much, I ate the whole bag, then threw it up. On the plus side it was the only time I got sick when I was pregnant.

  40. Hi Katie!! Its me Kristina (OD) :) FYI- Resees puffs are like crack for me too!!!

  41. OMG--You really had some problematic pregnancies! I had a friend who was itching like that in her pregnancy, but that was almost 40 years ago. Doctors probably didn't know what was cauing it back then. I too had no problem getting pregnant while obese. In fact, my third son was an unplanned surprise and I was heavier when I got pregnant with him than I was the first two times, and OLDER (I was 35). You really couldn't even tell I was pregnant because I was so fat. At least you actually "SHOWED"!

    I agree with the "binge" foods. I have found, usually, if I keep those things in a cupboard where I can't see them I do okay. But if they're sitting out on the table or out somewhere on the counter and I pass by them all the time--I'm eating whatever it is! It's really best just NOT to have that stuff in my house. I know it's silly, but I'm always relieved when they're gone. So why do I buy them?

    I'm having a hysterectomy later this month and hubby will probably be doing the grocery shopping. He loves to eat, but never buys the BAD stuff. How crazy is he? He is very frugal, maybe that's why he doesn't want to buy junk. We stopped at a QT on our way home from vacation Saturday. I don't know if you have QT Convenience Stores in your area, we don't. But when we travel and see one, we always stop at least once, and they are amazing. You would not believe the variety of junk food that is available at a QT. We went to one last summer and hubby had some kind of long fried (or grilled on one of those roller things) roll stuffed with meat. He has been raving about it ever since. So when we stopped Sat., we had just eaten and were FULL. But if I let myself, I would have still bought all kinds of tasty things. Instead I got a 210-calorie Good Humor Ice Cream Bar, and we split it. I kept telling him to get one of those meat rolls, and he could eat it later when he got hungry, but he wouldn't do it. No wonder he doesn't have (much of) a weight problem!

  42. Oh--trigger foods--that was the quetion wasn't it? I LOVE those Pepperidge Farm Cracker chips. Simply delicious--just the plain ones. I don't really like the cheese and other flavored ones as much. This is how bad I am--my regular grocery store does not carry them, so I make a special stop at a store that I know DOES carry them just to buy them. Even then, I'm okay until I actually OPEN the bag. Then I can't stay out of them. YUM! It is better NOT to have them around, but for some reason I can't stop buying them!

  43. Peanut brittle. When I was little, my family had a gathering of friends at our house close to the holidays. One of the kids ate some peanut brittle, but apparently didn't like it and spit it out on my stairway. Seeing that peanut-brittle goo on my stairway is a memory that has never left me and even the smell of it makes me a bit nauseous. Have to say that it did not curb my love of peanut butter though!

  44. AnonymousMay 07, 2012

    Years ago I got the stomach flu after eating artichokes. It was 20 years before I could even make myself try them again! Then I was fine with them! Also I should tell you how much your blog means to me. I had 55 pounds to lose and it seemed insurmountable to me. To make a long story short, I have lost 33 pounds and I can relate to so many things you talk about on your blog and they have opened my eyes and helped me along the way. I could blab on and on but please take this to heart - you made a difference in my life and I thank you. :)

  45. Trigger foods for me are: chips, crackers.

    I used to have huge problems if there was any type of donuts or pastries near me, but after having my gall bladder out, I can't eat them, unless I want to be sick for about 1-2 hours.

    Bad association: Ice cream cake (can't even look at someone eating it, or I get ill. In fact, I cant' even look at someone with oreo's and ice cream together).

    Eggs. Can't.Eat.Them. I will be fine for about 45-60 min. and then I projectile vomit (among other things) and feel like I semi hit me.

  46. AnonymousMay 07, 2012

    I won't eat goulash because I got sick with Labyrinthitis (vertigo that sticks around for a long time)right afterwards. I also won't eat salami sandwiches because they made me sick when I was pregnant.

  47. Well now I am going to have to try the Reeses cereal. Not that I need a new binge food.....


  48. PICKLES! I got food poisoning off of fried pickles in high school, and now just the smell of them makes me so sick. I'm also the same way with fast food and several desserts, simply because I relate them to my old lifestyle. My friends call me a "food snob" and maybe I am haha

  49. I had ICP with my last pregnant, my bile acid levels were so high they indued me at 36 weeks. They jumped almost 80 points in 48 hours. I am afraid to get pregnant again, Pre-e with my first and ICP with my second...I will pass on a third! I think I remember telling my husband to cut off my limbs also and a lot of nights I just wanted to die. It was that bad...

    The thought of beef jerky makes me sick and when I was pregnant I ate eggs with toast and jelly. It took me three years to eat eggs and jelly again.

  50. AnonymousMay 09, 2012

    Oh boy this is a sensitive subject for me because I have such a weak stomach to began with.
    Goldfish crackers-taste awful coming up
    Bread pudding- my dad was cutting BP one time and I was beside him and he dropped the knife and when he caught it, it sliced his thumb almost completely off. And finally chicken wings-someone brought a store made CW platter to a party one time and EVERYONE there got food poisoning from it on Christmas.

  51. Cow's Milk - I can taste the fat in it, and it seems too thick. So that's just urgh!!

    Gluten and Pineapple - because of so much pain.

  52. 7 Up and Gatorade. My mom gave those to me when I had the stomach flu as a kid and now both remind me of vomiting. Ew.

  53. I can't eat certain flavors of Special K cereal anymore because back in high school (now sophomore in college) I had bulimia and cereal was my binge/purge food of choice. I'm much better about it now (which is great because I LOVE Special K) but I can't have too much of certain flavors without feeling sick.


I used to publish ALL comments (even the mean ones) but I recently chose not to publish those. I always welcome constructive comments/criticism, but there is no need for unnecessary rudeness/hate. But please--I love reading what you have to say! (This comment form is super finicky, so I apologize if you're unable to comment)