April 4, 2012


Thank you for all the nice comments on my last post about my one-year blog anniversary. I really wish I'd had something planned, or at least wrote out a better anniversary post--but it didn't even occur to me that it was my blog anniversary until 9 pm!

I had a 5-mile easy run on the schedule this morning. Jessica and I only do our long runs and our semi-long runs together, so I was on my own. I feel like I've gotten kind of spoiled by having company on my runs, because I kept procrastinating heading out the door. I kept thinking about how boring my run was going to be.

My mom came over before I headed out, so that I could show her how to respond to comments on SparkPeople. If you wrote her a comment and don't get a response, it's not personal ;)  She's just not very tech-saavy!

After she left, it was about 9:00, so I left for my run. I ran a route that I don't normally run (it's on a fairly busy road with just a rocky, gravely shoulder). That was definitely a workout on my ankles. I had to watch my steps carefully while on the gravel when cars were passing. Then as soon as I hopped back onto the concrete, another car would come.

My legs felt pretty heavy, and I went slower than I normally do when I run alone. I'm sure I'm still fatigued from Monday's 16-mile run. But I finished out the 5 miles and I was still almost a half mile from home, so I just kept running home. And you better believe I'm going to count that extra half-mile toward my 4-mile run on Friday, so I only have to run 3.5 ;)

I have to admit, I was pretty bored running by myself. I ran solo for a year and a half, and I never knew what I was missing by not having a running partner. Now that I do my long runs with Jess, running by myself makes the time pass so slowly! I brought my iPod today, but I never really "hear" what I'm listening to. I know that doesn't make much sense, but I basically have the earbuds in and then space out and don't really listen to it. So it's kind of pointless to even bring it with me.

I've tried audio books (Why do I still want to call them "books on tape"? Geez, I'm old), but I never remember what I've heard. I like podcasts, but it has to be really interesting for me to pay attention. Do any of you have a favorite podcast?

I went grocery shopping today, and somehow marshmallow fluff made its way into my cart. I haven't been able to keep that in the house because I binge on it. It's been a long time since I had it, so I am going to try to eat it in moderation. I LOVE Fluffernutter sandwiches! A Fluffernutter is peanut butter and marshmallow fluff on bread. I like to make them with toasted waffles, too--it gets a little melty and tastes completely orgasmic that way! Which is why I didn't buy waffles ;)  One thing at a time!

I made half a Fluffernutter for lunch, and I definitely have missed this sandwich! And for the first time in a long time, I haven't felt like bingeing after lunch. Whenever I eat things that I feel like I "should" eat, rather than what I really want, I just don't feel satisfied--which leads to a binge. So by eating the Fluffernutter, I was satisfied mentally and physically... and no binge. This isn't anything new to me, but I always tend to forget how important it is to listen to MY BODY rather than all the nutrition info that we hear thousands of times a day.

I hope that as long as I don't have graham crackers or waffles in the house along with my Fluff, I'll be okay ;)


  1. Fluff and Nutella or PB & Co's Dark Chocolate Dreams makes a nice combo, as well, just sayin'. I need to buy some for a new Tastefully Simple dip I bought at my niece's party a couple of weeks ago. It's lemon and even though there's no chocolate involved what-so-ever, it's delicious!

    1. What is this lemon dip you speak of? It sounds delicious!!!!

    2. It's called Lemonade Fruit Dip Mix from TS. You just add cream cheese and the Fluff. If you are interested in buying it, I'm going to be holding a fundraising party/catalog party for our Relay For Life team next month. I'll post about it in my blog when we confirm the details.

    3. Oh yes! Please let me know. It sounds delicious. I'd love to order some to try, especially if it is for a good cause!

  2. I'm really looking forward to the day when I can enjoy things in moderation again. I'm still in the enjoy-a-treat-spiral-into-a-binge stage. It's kind of a constant battle that I'm trying to work through. Thanks for showing that it's not only worth it to stick to it but that it's possible!

  3. I love Dan Savage's podcast, I think its Savage Love like his column. Its not for everyone, he's VERY open about sex stuff.

    1. I've listened to his podcast before--forgot about it! I think I'll add it to my iPod again.

  4. Lei loves fluff, pb + nutella. Too much for me!

  5. I love Fluff, and they don't sell it in California! Fluffernutters were totally my childhood favorite. Especially with raspberry Fluff!

    I'm also totally the same way - I tend to be better with allowing myself to have the things I crave than trying to avoid them altogether (and then a binge).

    1. I'd be happy to be your Fluff dealer, Mary, if you'd like! ;)

  6. I do the exact same thing you do with music. I have an entire playlist, but I don't hear a word that is sung. I run alone all the time though. I usually just think, it is my "ME" time.

  7. My favorite pod cast to listen to while running is "Snap Judgment" from NPR, it's all about people telling their stories, it's very interesting, in my opinion.

  8. Fave podcasts (I always listen while running!): This American Life, Radiolab, Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, Planet Money, The Dinner Party.

  9. ooh, i haven't had a fluffernutter sandwich in almost a year. i cannot have that in my house. once i lose my last 40lbs i might try to buy it again. it is seriously the most unhealthy, un-nutritious thing you can eat and it is HEAVEN! LOL!! Maybe someday once get a handle on my binges i can buy it again. However i learned last week that i'm not over my nut butter weakness...maybe someday...SIGH!

  10. I've actually never had a fluffernutter sandwich. I think its better that way, otherwise I might try to eat them nonstop ;)

  11. I have never had a fluffernutter sandwich...or even purchased marshmallow fluff. But I have a feeling this is a good thing.
    I will tell you the weirdest PB sandwich we eat. PB & Dill pickles. My Dad used to make these when I was a kid. Weird, but it has that yummy sweet/salty combo.

  12. I'm so impressed with your pace. I'd love to get under 10:00. How do you recommend increasing my speed?

    1. Speedwork! I like to do intervals--where you run fast for a set distance (or time) and then recover by walking or jogging lightly for a set distance or time. I do 1/4 mile intervals--1/4 mile fast, 1/4 mile slow. I find that intervals actually make the time pass pretty quickly, too!

  13. I'm so impressed with your pace. I'd love to get under 10:00. How do you recommend increasing my speed?

  14. Fluff is soooo good! I wish I could go buy some right now! I brought back a jar of almond butter to Japan with me and I'm afraid to open it because i know I'll just start eating it all the time! I run alone, because I don't have any friends who run, and I can't imagine holding a convo while working out! Maybe I'm missing out on something though!

  15. Fluffernutter sounds yummy! I'm staying away from it. :)

  16. My hubby and son both LOVE fluff. I make a killer peanut butter pie with cream cheese, fluff, and pb in an oreo crust. You serve it with fudge and whip cream of course.

    I completely agree with you about eating what you crave - in moderation of course.

    I SO wish I had a running partner. I was just thinking that the other day when I read about your long run. :)

    1. That pie sounds dangerous... in a good way!

  17. I swear we are like long lost twin sisters or something. I haven't bought Fluff in forever because I will just eat it and eat it. I am getting better about that though. This week we've had some little Lindt chocolate bunnies that my MIL gave us, and I've had a couple. In the past I would have eaten them until they were just gone. I find I am the same way now if I let myself have something I want. Today I really wanted grape nuts cereal for lunch with a banana and so that's what I had. I felt like if I had a salad or something today that I would have just kept looking for something else to eat.

    1. That's EXACTLY what I'm talking about! Eating a salad because I "should" rather than eating what really sounds good to me just makes me keep eating and eating to feel satisfied.

    2. I think it totally makes sense to eat this way, because I find that I stay within my calories when I eat what I want vs trying to eat "perfectly" I have what some people would probably consider strange meals...I'll eat eggs for lunch with fruit and a piece of cheese. Once I even ate tuna on a bagel for breakfast. I had made some for my son's lunch and it just looked good, so I had the rest for breakfast. If I am craving chocolate, sometimes I just have some dark chocolate dreams pb on a piece of bread and then I feel fine. When I constantly deny myself, it just makes me want to binge. I still keep certain things away that are my bad trigger foods (like ice cream) and certain candies. I am trying to do the whole eating intuitively thing and then still track and I find most of the time I am ok about staying in my calorie range.

  18. I LOVE FLUFFENUTTERS! I haven't had one since I was a kid and now I feel all left out LOL! My husband has never had a fluffenutter sandwich and I need to change this!! Do you say fluffeRnutter? I always say it without the "R". Kinda like Fluffehnutter HAHAHAHA WHAT A WEIRD QUESTION!

    1. I say it with the R, just like it is spelled :)

    2. So I was actually thinking about this yesterday and I think i never said the R because my Fluff years were when I was a kid living in Maine where pretty much the R is silent. So we'd go Pahk the Cah in the Yahd and eat ouah Fluffehnuttahs! HAHA!

  19. I used to have the peanut butter and marshmallow creme sandwiches growing up. But I've never heard of the name Fluffernutter. I told my hubby about it and his eyes got all big and was like, "I LOVE Fluffernutters! My little sister used to make them for me all the time!" It makes me happy to know I'm not the only person who eats peanut butter and marshmallow creme. :)

  20. I listen to "Stuff You Missed in History Class" when I run. They cover all kinds of topics, and if I space it's not a big deal like with a book where I'm lost later on!

  21. I either listen to an audiobook- always chicklit, or I'll listen to the marathon training academy podcast- I know, it sounds boring but it is really motivating and not stuffy at all. I like this American life but have a hard time paying attention to it when I run.

  22. Is it wrong that I want to make Fluffernutter pancakes after you mentioned having them on waffles. YUM!

    1. Me too! I've never even had it on waffles, but it sure sounds good.

  23. I do the same thing while running. Even though I feel like I need to have music, most of the time I couldn't even tell you what I was listening to. I second Emily H, I love Radio Lab and This American Life!

  24. Why buy something that you know you've binged on?? Throw it away, it's not worth the risk. You've come such a long way, don't sabotage yourself!

    1. Why live in a bubble? Live a little! Grow and strengthen yourself by eating what you love and learning moderation.

    2. Exactly, Christina! If I gave up every food I'd ever binged on, I would eat nothing but celery. I would love to learn to have binge foods in the house and eat them in moderation. I've been working on it for a year and a half of maintenance. Sometimes I screw up, but I could never live without my favorite foods like Fluff :)

  25. I made my husband Fluffer Nutter cupcakes for Valentine's day! :)

    1. Yum!! I've never heard of those, but I bet they were amazing.

  26. Good luck with the marshmallow fluff. I buy mini marshmallows occasionally. They don't appeal to me much, but my son eats them by the bagful. Of course then when I want to make sweet potatoes or a fruit salad, I don't have a bag of marshmallows on hand, and he also doesn't need to be eating so mnay marshmallows. Currently there are none in the house although they are on the grocery list for Easter dinner (gotta have some sweet taters with that ham!).
    I'm still blaming you for the Biscoff Spread. You're the first blog where I read about Cookie Butter and Biscoff Spread and it sounded so delicious I had to try it. So far so good on the jar I bought--I open it about once a day and take a tiny swipe through it with my finger and lick it off, and then maybe do it again. I think i's about a teaspoonful each time. I suppose I should measure, I would probaby be unpleasantly surprised by how much I am eating. But it's SO YUMMY! Beter even than the Biscoff cookies! I haven't told my son about the "spread" yet. He is a huge peanut butter fan, so I bet he would love the Biscoff spread too.

  27. I agree with listening to your body! I typically only eat red meat once a week but every now and then I get a craving for it more than just that once... I know it's my body's way of letting me know I need it (probably for the iron since I've struggled with anemia for years). I don't look at it as "giving in" - everything in moderation!

  28. I've never heard of a Fluffernutter, but now I want to try one!

    My favorite podcasts are Wait, Wait Don't Tell me and Kidd Kraddick in the Morning. They are a morning show out of Dallas that I've listened to and loved for years. I never listen live, but they upload their shows to a podcast and I listen to them in the afternoon while I'm working.

  29. I would love to have someone to run with! But I am so embarrassed of my pace and how red my face gets, so I have tried to get my husband to run with me, but he always has an excuse.

  30. Podcast: I love to listen to Home Town Tales. Those two guys are wicked fun to listen to. Each program is 30 min so it's easy to work a program or two in.

  31. Christina CApril 05, 2012

    Katie - I read a nice quote the other day that I think of and actually have posted in my house to help me when I want to binge. "You can never get enough of what you don't really need".

    I stop and try to be thoughtful of what I'm putting in my mouth and those binge foods are foods that I will eat till I get sick.
    Good luck on the the marshmallow fluff :-)

  32. Katie - I have found a pretty hilarious podcast called my brother my brother and me (3 brothers, if you cant tell)- I've never listened while working out (I need tunes) but they might be wacky enough to keep you entertained :)! Definitely some swearing, but I know you're open to that from the blog posts lol.


I used to publish ALL comments (even the mean ones) but I recently chose not to publish those. I always welcome constructive comments/criticism, but there is no need for unnecessary rudeness/hate. But please--I love reading what you have to say! (This comment form is super finicky, so I apologize if you're unable to comment)