October 25, 2011

Goodness gracious!

Where in the heck did all of you come from?!  ;)  I was SHOCKED at how many readers came out of the woodwork on my last entry. But reading your comments and e-mails honestly moved me to tears. You gave me way too much credit, but it seemed that the ongoing theme is that you like that I am very honest and upfront about the good AND bad parts of weight loss/maintenance; also that you like the fact that I eat foods I love and skip the foods I don't :)

Okay, I was just going to write about how I don't think the show was going to call me back, but as I was typing that first paragraph, guess who called?!  She asked me if she could call me tomorrow morning for a "more lengthy interview" over the phone--so she's going to call me at 9:00, after my kids are at school. I hope I pass! ;)  I'm going to jot down a few notes so that I don't forget the stuff I want to mention.

Renee asked if I wanted to meet for coffee today, but my nerves were so edgy because I was expecting the phone call that I ordered chamomile tea instead--it was delicious! I didn't get home until almost 1:00, so I wanted something super quick for lunch. I made a chocolate-cherry-almond shake, and I had forgotten how much I LOVE that shake.

I cut way back on dairy a while ago--maybe in May?--and that included giving up the whey protein powder. I tried other protein powders (brown rice, egg protein, etc) and they don't taste good. Today I just decided to go for it and use the whey. Hopefully my face doesn't break out terribly now, right before the whole Dr. Oz thing. The reason I was cutting back on dairy was because I think that is what was causing my breakouts.

My plastic surgeon wants me to have tons of protein, starting now until long after my surgery. She said it will speed up my healing time. I'm following her instructions to the tee, so I am trying to fit in protein when I can. Having protein shakes reminds me of when I broke my jaw and could only have liquids for weeks!

Tomorrow is my Wednesday Weigh-In. I haven't binged at ALL this week, so I'm curious to see what the scale says. I haven't counted calories at all either. I took my own advice and ate how I want to eat for the rest of my life--not counting and obsessing, not bingeing, just eating normally. But like I said, one day at a time... I don't want to jinx anything!

I made a loaf of homemade bread today, and it was fantastic! We made sandwiches for dinner. Jerry had grilled PB&J, and I had a grilled cheese. I could live off of warm homemade bread, but I stuck with just the sandwich!
I'm pretty proud that it actually turned out! I'm not a great baker.

I adore Havarti cheese!
Well, I'll write again tomorrow with my weigh-in AND to write about how the phone interview goes. Hopefully it goes well!


  1. Good luck tomorrow. Hope it goes great!

  2. Good luck with the interview! I hope they bring you out there :D

  3. That bread looks delicious! Is the recipe posted on your recipe link?

  4. Havarti is my favorite grilled cheese cheese! Especially havarti with dill. :) Yum!

  5. That bread looks awesome! Did you make it in a bread machine, or the oven? I need to use my bread machine more! Don't forget to check my blog, there is a piece of information from todays post that I think you'd like to see!!

  6. Good luck with the phone interview!! Woo hoo so exciting!!!! That bread looks awesome. Please post the recipe if you haven't already!!

  7. Good luck with the interview :). That bread looks YUMMY!

  8. I can't wait to hear about the interview. How did you feel about the Biggest Loser tonight? I am sooooo disappointed by Anna

  9. MmmmMmmmMmmm....LOVE homemade bread!!!! Course I am quite the carb queen :) Try to remember to breathe until the phone call....you'll do just fine!

  10. Yay for me - I actually got a comment in on the same day the post was published! lol
    So now, I can send good mojo your way for tomorrow's interview. You will do FINE. You just flew on a plane for crying out loud - you can do ANYTHING!!!!

  11. Fingers crossed for the interview. Just be yourself Katie. You are just what Dr Oz is always preaching- getting moving and eating better, but still enjoying life! I just KNOW they are going to have you on the show. Will you plug Sparkpeople? Will you mention your BLOG????
    Speaking of Spark-- you will have to let Sparkguy know if you get on the show!!

  12. Oh woman, I KNOW they are going to pick you! They HAVE to! Lol. How could they not? You're amazing and have accomplished so much already. Can't wait to read tomorrow's blog!!! I too was wondering if you would plug sparkpeople and your blog too?? Who knows, maybe you'll sell enough gockets in one week to pay for your surgery! =D Keep up the great work, Katie! You are inspiring to all of us!!

  13. Good luck Katie!! Not that you need it.. :)

    And I've never even heard of that kind of cheese... hmmm...

  14. I'm working all night until 7:00 AM Pacific time...darn I don't think you'll be finished the interview by then...oh well, I'll have to read when I wake up later in the day!

    Can you tell I'm a teeny bit excited for you?? LOL

    Hey- change of subject, but have you wondered how much weight you will lose from having the body lift surgery? From what I've seen online, it looks like quite a bit of skin is removed. You could get close to your goal weight in ONE DAY!!

  15. I'll be at the busstop with a little one while you're doing your interview, so I'll be thinking of you and praying it goes well! Just be yourself; that's what made you so popular in the first place.

    I've been having a battle with food since Sunday and I'm losing (gaining) big time.

  16. I love homemade bread - and grilled cheese too. I am a great baker - which is not always a good thing. :)

    I agree with what everyone posted. Some of the reasons you inspire me are: you were really overweight to begin with, like most of "us" you have tried everything, you practice moderation, you are open, honest, and down to earth; you don't do anything you don't want to do forever, you have a family and an ordinary income (unlike Oprah), and last but not least you look amazing! Although you have accomplished your dream, you are honest about how much work maintenance is.

    I am currently trying to eat what I want / listen to my body but not go over 1500 calories a day. I have been bingeing recently but I have stopped now.

    You have to plug the blog because it rocks!!

    PS The ads aren't bad at all! You hardly notice them.

  17. LoveAnAnimalOctober 26, 2011

    Big congrats Katie! Best wishes on your phone interview! I know that talking on the phone causes you some anxiety, but just know that we all are sending confident and calming vibes your way! You will do great!

  18. I am sooooooo proud of you! What a wonderful opportunity. Good luck with your phone interview. Relax and be yourself. The Dr. Oz Show will love you. I can't wait to see you on the show!


  19. How awesome! I hope things work out and you're able to go on the Dr. Oz show!

  20. Can't wait to hear how you did with the interview! Good luck, not that you need it. You are awesome without it!!

  21. Fingers crossed for you!!

  22. Until Michelle pointed it out in her comment, I didn't even notice the ads!!! I read your blog and then the comments and don't look at much else!

  23. Hi Katie,
    Your interview is probably over by now....I'm so excited to hear how it went. I should have posted this yesterday....been reading for a few months now....LOVE your running, food and recipes, and your down to earthness! Such a smart woman you are! I have learned alot from you! Made your crockpot pea soup yesterday and it was great! My daughter-in-law kept saying....This is really good and I don't like pea soup:) Good Luck to you. I don't have a blog but know that I am here giving you cyber support:)

  24. Grilled cheese is one of my all-time favorite foods. My family makes fun of me for ordering it at a restaurant because they can't fathom getting something they could easily make at home...however, like your pic shows, they use sourdough and fresh baked slices of bread and I can't resist! ha I am gonna have to try the havarti cheese.

  25. Grilled PB and J? hmmmmm.....

    I love the title of your blog, it fits your personality...


I used to publish ALL comments (even the mean ones) but I recently chose not to publish those. I always welcome constructive comments/criticism, but there is no need for unnecessary rudeness/hate. But please--I love reading what you have to say! (This comment form is super finicky, so I apologize if you're unable to comment)