August 17, 2011


I (obviously) made changes to the design of my blog... what do you think? I love the font, but is it hard to read? I was in a binge-mood last night, so I wanted to distract myself by messing around with the blog. And it worked--no binges!  I wish I knew more about Photoshop, though. It took forever to make the title banner for my page. Do you like the pic of my Garmin? ;)

Yesterday morning, I decided to get up at 6:30 when Jerry got home from work, and go for a run outside before the kids woke up. I only had a 3-mile easy run on the schedule, and the weather was a PERFECT 60 degrees. I left the iPod at home (I rarely run with it anymore) and enjoyed the weather. I was trying to keep my pace at about a 10:45/mi. It was really hard to do! I started too fast, and then when I tried to slow down, I was going TOO slow. It was kind of annoying to look down at the Garmin constantly. Maybe I'll set the alert function to let me know when I'm not in the right "zone".

Speaking of the Garmin, I had an idea that I wanted to run by my readers. Many of you have expressed interest in buying a Garmin, but you weren't sure if you wanted to spend the money. I actually have TWO--a 205 model and a 305. They are the same except the 205 doesn't have the heart rate function. You use it to see how far you're going (running/walking or biking), your pace, average pace, calories burned, etc.

So here is my idea: What if I were to get a list of readers that are interested in trying it out for a couple of weeks, and make that happen? I could mail it to someone, let them use it for, say, 2 weeks, and then I will give them the address of the next person, and they can pass it along. Continue doing this until everyone who wants to try it out has done so, and eventually, it would make it's way back to me. This would all be on the honor system, and hopefully nobody would take advantage of that. Right now, the Garmin is just collecting dust, because I've been using the 305.

Is this something that would interest any of you? Let me know and maybe we can make it happen :)

So anyways, yesterday was mine and Jerry's 8th wedding anniversary. We had no plans whatsoever, which is fine with me. He had to go to work at 5 pm, so we didn't get to go out. I think I'll consider our trip to Madison our anniversary celebration. We just ended up playing cards and drinking coffee before he had to leave for work. After he left, I felt lonely and just wanted to EAT. So I spent pretty much the whole evening making changes to the design of my blog.


  1. I would be VERY interested!!! I have the Garmin Forerunner 50? I think that's what it is. Anyway, it's not nearly as fancy...or, maybe it is and I just don't understand how to use it. :) This was a (used) gift from my uncle and I would love to "audition" an upgraded version to see if I should invest in something better.

    Okay, all of that paragraph to just answer YES! :)

    I love the new blog look, honestly. The font doesn't bother me, but I had a certain look on my own blog and thought it was fine...until someone told me it was making them dizzy!

  2. i like the new layout of the blog. and i also like that you did this instead of eating. awesome job.

  3. I love the new layout! I really like the cookie on the Garmin : ) I would definitely be interested in trying out the Garmin. I've wanted to get one, but they're expensive. If I could try it out, I think it would help with the decision. Great Idea!

  4. I found a $100 Garmin model, but I'm not sure if it would be sufficient. What do you think I would need? I don't care if it has the HRM. I definitely need something to keep me in line/motivated since I can't use my iPod on that 10k.

    Today is my two year anniversary! There's a guy on MFP (500lbs2marathon) and here (Journey to the Marathon) that says the day he decided to lose weight (he's down over 200 lbs!!) is his birthday because he started to live that day. I like that- it's our re-birth!

    Happy belated anniversary!

  5. I too like the new look. I love this font and think its easy to read but that's just my opinion. You have more will power than me...last night I was in a binging kind of mood and ended up having chips and dip for supper..ugh!

    Now I have no motivation to exercise today..go figure. ;-)

  6. I saw the new look last night and wondered why you hadn't mentioned it yet. haha. I like it and am actually very talented in Photoshop but still haven't gotten around to fixing up my plain jane blog look! I need to get on that. lol.

    I am extremely interested in passing along the garmin. I've never had any kind of monitoring type thingy like that but have been very curious to try one out!

  7. I like the new font. You were so smart to find something to occupy yourself with last night, instead of eating. Sometimes I hae to get on Spark for hours, just to get motivated and to keep myself from snacking. Last night, I finally just went to bed before 10:00, because all I wanted to do was EAT. The night before, I had resisted the urge to have a 50-cal. block of dark chocolate on my way upstairs to bed. Then I forgot the aspercreme (sore back) downstairs, so had to go back down to the kitchen, where I keep the chocolate. I thought, just one piece???!!! But I told myself NO, just go to bed, and I did. I also walked 2.5 miles last night in 45 minutes. I walked with my son, who always pushes me to go faster. Even he (who runs regularly), said that was a pretty good workout. Of course I'm all sweaty and exhausted afterwards, and he's not. Oh well, he's 25 and I'm not!!

  8. Awesome layout and cookie Garmin! Kudos to keeping yourself busy and avoiding the binge impulse. What a very caring offer to pass along the 205!

    Happy Anniversary!


  9. Ha, I always find that playing around with design is a good distraction. :D

  10. Happy anniversary! I like the new header.

  11. Love the new font and the header! Looks great! Good way to distract yourself from the binge. I will keep that in mind, because sometimes the urges are SO STRONG! I also love the idea of trial usage of the Garmin on the honor system. I have a Polar HRM with the footpod, but have never been able to get it to properly track my milage/pace. I have been considering spending the cash to get a Garmin, this would certainly help. Last but not least, Happy Anniversary!

  12. Stephanie O'NeillAugust 17, 2011

    I love the new layout - not too difficult to read at all! I love the font!

  13. Happy anniversary! Ours is the 22nd - we'll be celebrating 13 years!

    Love the new design and though I love the font style I do find it is a bit harder to read.

    I would love to join in on the Garmin test! I want to buy one too but not sure what I need. I currently use the Nike + system where there is a little chip that clips onto my laces and a piece that fits on my iPod. I know it is not 100% acurate because it didn't match up when I did an organized 5K (I think it said I did 5.4K or something). I want something super acurate. Perhaps I need the Garmin with GPS?

    Anyways, perhaps as some sort of exchange people could do a guest post (who they are, where they live, what type of runs they did to test the Garmin, pictures, etc ...) Just an idea ...

  14. Great idea changing around the blog to avoid a binge. I've been feeling snacky lately hope it will pass.

  15. I LOVE the changes to the blog - it's much easier to read, if that makes sense and I LOVE the new banner and esp the little cookie in the Garmin! Too cute! :)

    Happy Anniversary!

  16. chrissy792August 18, 2011

    I love the new layout! I agree that the cookie on the garmin is awesome! It was a really good idea! Also, good job working on your blog instead of inpress me more and more every blog :)! Sorry you didn't get to do anything for your anniversary! I hope you guys can do something this weekend!

  17. I would love to try the Forerunner!! I asked for one for my birthday last year, but alas, it was to expensive.
    PS Hope you have a great anniversary!!


I used to publish ALL comments (even the mean ones) but I recently chose not to publish those. I always welcome constructive comments/criticism, but there is no need for unnecessary rudeness/hate. But please--I love reading what you have to say! (This comment form is super finicky, so I apologize if you're unable to comment)