December 27, 2023

Christmas 2023

Just checking in to say that everything is cool here... I've just been enjoying time with the family. I didn't know it at first, but Jerry had six days off work in a row! He switched work shifts (a great thing) and had six days off in between the switch. So we've been having a nice "staycation" together. Eli's job at the golf course was seasonal so he's been home, too.

On Christmas Eve, Noah and his girlfriend Rose came over and Ava (Eli's girlfriend) came over as well. They were all great sports about wearing the matching pajamas I got for everyone. Wearing matching pajamas is something I always wanted to do and just never got around to doing... until Noah moved out. Now I feel like I'm trying to make up for lost time!

So, parents (or grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.), do that thing now--whatever it is--that you've been saying "we should ____" for years. Next up for us is the time capsule that I bought ages ago with full intentions of putting together and burying. It WILL be done this spring! Mark those words.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Spending time with the kids was super fun, and watching them open gifts was something Jerry and I were ridiculously excited about. We joke that we tried to buy their love this year, hahaha. There is truly nothing like having a child move out on their own to make you feel desperate to have the time back so you could do it all over again, this time knowing what you know now.

Okay, I have a very busy weekend, so I'm not sure if I'll write again before the new year. I always like to do a couple of "end of the year" posts, though, so I may try to work at least one of those in. Happy holidays, everyone!

December 19, 2023

Goodbye, Noah... (Part 3 of 3)

This is the third (and final, I promise) post of photos of Noah through the years. He's been doing really well at his apartment; I wish he'd contact me more often, but definitely didn't expect him to ;)  He really likes being on his own. It hit me hard a few days ago when I realized that Noah wasn't going to be coming home from work and letting Joey outside before bed. Noah would always be the one to let Joey out at night because of the time he got home from work.

Anyway, it's been emotional, like I said, and I've let the emotions get the better of me when it comes to eating. I'll write more about that tomorrow, though. For now, here are the final pictures of Noah in his 19-years of living at home...

...and that's all. One of the cutest kids ever who grew up so much faster than I was ready for. <3

December 18, 2023

Goodbye, Noah... (Part 2 of 3)

...continued from part one. (For an explanation of the "goodbye", it's in yesterday's intro. Normally I wouldn't use that word when Noah just moved 15-20 minutes away!) These posts are just a lot of pictures of my sweet 19-year old who moved out on his own a couple of days ago. I miss him already! These pictures bring back so many memories.

Holding Luke, his very first cousin!

And finally, I'll do one more post with the rest. On to post three...